Gold cap too low

Preface: I don’t care if you disagree with gdkps or selling mounts, and it’s not my fault if our buyers bought their gold

With the release of ulduar we are starting to run into issues with the gold cap being way too low. There was a dev talk awhile back where it was mentioned that the cap isn’t being increased because the avg gold isn’t nearly at cap, but the problem with this logic is that gdkp pots are temporary and you can’t realistically get accurate analytics on a 1hr window of 2-5ppl in raid going to gold cap and then redistributing it.

Ulduar specifically brings rare mounts that sell for insane gold prices. We have 5 gbanks capped already from sales and its annoying trying to manage this between guild officers. This problem is also only going to get worse, we’ve already presold more mounts at 250-500k. We shouldn’t need to create alts specifically to create guilds just to hold the funds we can generate.


yes it is, if you didn’t hike up the prices they wouldn’t need as much gold and therefore not need to buy it


This is not a legitimate problem that needs a fix.


Why not? Seems like a minor inconvenience that is a necessary evil to scaling your business.


sorry, looks like you’ll have to wait til Cata classic sweetie.


it’s pretty easy to make gold legit in wrath, I hit 3 gold caps with just professions, Tailoring cds on 5 chars, and mining titansteel cds on 4 chars + ret pala solo farming tbc instances ez

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You are making trucks loads of gold for what purpose?


Can I have 4k for epic flying. lol


This is a non-issue, and your whole post is honestly just kind of gross


We get it, you have a lot of imaginary video game money.


And Blizzard shouldn’t have to do anything about this to cater to the 1%. This is a minority issue. Sounds like a personal problem.


Why should we sell something for cheap just because?

It’s only needed because gold limit is arbitrarily capped at unsinged 32bit int for seemingly no reason as the problem was solved years ago.

To send our raiders to gdkps so they can buy gear instead of having to get it all in our raids. Mainly to buy valanyrs and shadowmournes when applicable.

It isn’t a personal problem. Most gdkps that are full clearing ulduar are having to deal with this problem now. I haven’t been in a gdkp with a pot less than 300k yet.

haha ur guild is a laughing stock on whitemane discord server. what a joke ur asking for real money transactions to be easier for ur guild and u. pay to win is not what classic is about. u r ruining the game.


Do you guys plan to go into cata?

I just dont see the need for millions of gold.


We don’t do anything with real money and having to maintain gold across multiple accounts and using multiple characters is exactly why gbanks got added to the game. If even just the gbank limit was higher it wouldn’t be a problem.

Selling in game vanity stuff is in no way against tos.

it is okay ur openly stating on the world of warcraft forums about how ur operations and guild r aware of ur buyers buying gold with real money. maybe u should talk to drinknblink aka manuredps him and his guild imagine caring gdkp with dewg 2 g services can help u launder the gold for u and ur guild for a fee. haha u and ur guild r the problem with classic.


Bots are the problem with classic.

Not people using in game gold to buy in game items.

Also i just joined this guild, i have never even ran with their gdkp…

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We are in no way accepting real money, and we aren’t promoting 3rd party services. Your issue isn’t with us its with gdkps and the thought that everybody buys gold. My stance is that if someone else wants to break TOS thats on them and they can/should be banned if its verifiable.

The point of this was to make aware of an issue with the current gold cap that might not have been considered, not to promote gdkps.

People drink and drive.

Should we ban driving?

That dudes a troll.

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Not exactly a personal problem, but absolutely a minority issue.