Lots of GDKP Ninjas Now

That’s not true there is many reasons you
Could ban gdkps for. Example the exact same reasons they used to stop boosting.

Just since you don’t agree with stuff dosent make them not reasons it could be banned.

That being said there is no real way to enforce said ban that wouldent be eaiser just to enforce the current ban on rmt. As such it is not practical to ban gdkp and is among the main reasons it is not.

Quite a big difference between having no reason to ban something as there is reasons to ban it, and having better reasons to not ban it which is the case for gdkp.

Outside of RMT association which anything that is associated with gold is associated with RMT, then you would also have to apply the ban to guilds then if you correlate boosting with GDKP.

Yes you would as said it’s easier to just enforce the rmt ban than trying to enforce a gdkp ban which is among the reasons it is not banned.

That being the case dose not make the fact gdkps encourage rmt not a reason to ban gdkp thou. As that was among the main reasons for the boosting change. As such blizzard has already shown that is an acceptable reason for them to make a change. Just in gdkps case it’s not practical to enforce that change as such not a good reason. Which is different than no reason.

So then we must also ban -

Auction house
Fast flying

Cause you know, encouraging RMT.

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Not true.

As blizzard has already shown they do not need to ban all cases of encouraging rmt in order to ban one case of it.

As they have already done so with boosting. As they have already shown they are fine making changes for that reason without banning all sources that argument has no leg to stand on.

Yes all of those things the same reason is valid for but non the less those reasons do not outweigh the reasons not to ban them but that is different than there being no reasons to make said change.

The point being that RMT isnt a reason to get rid of GDKPs, its a reason to get rid of RMT. If they were to ban bots, cheaters, sellers and buyers and GDKP still existed and was as popular as it is today, would there still be a reason to ban it?

No it’s a reason to get rid of gdkp also. Just like it was a reason to get rid of boosting.

It is not a good enough reason to outweigh keeping it. While it’s more practical to just target rmt. But non the less it remains a reason you could use to ban gdkp. If they could get rid of all those things is a big if and a if that is not going to happen so it’s not relevent. The same could have been said with boosting yet non the less blizzard used that exact reason for the change. As such that agruement you are making has no leg to stand on.

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Which is why everyone must protect the game from blizzard and oppose anti-player changes like banning gdkps.

I want to give Blizzard enough credit that they can at least know that a majority of players enjoy gdkp raids, and removing them would almost certainly kill the game.

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Yes I agree.

But countering blizzard is different than making stuff up.

Something not being a good reason or a good thing to do dosent make it not a reason to do something.

Pros and cons must always be accurately judged to dismiss a reason no matter how small as “not a reason” is the act of a fool. If a reason is given you counter why it’s not worth doing for that reason, you don’t dismiss it as “not a reason”.

Kinda like how bots are against the TOS and aren’t a problem right?

Only this isn’t some third party program. This is players using blizzards designed systems to play the game the way they want and just because it goes against what you want you think it should be banned

Truth is to everyone who says “ban it”…you can’t. Unless you remove the players ability to trade entirely there is no way to ban it. Zero. So endure or cope.

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How do you find them. That may be a stupid question. Im not an expert about discord. The only discord servers i know about are from being invited to them. Like a pug will post the server information yo join.

Do you just seaarch for gdkp in discord?

I don’t run gdkp that often, only when I can’t make it to my guild run or I need some cash.

Just keep and eye on /4 and /2 you’ll see some posted, join the discord and use your best judgement

If it’s fairly newish looking it’s probably abit risky,
If it’s clearly older with a bunch of archived runs with ledgers etc you’re probably in the right place

I have 4-5 on my discord which I apply to from time to time, no concerns whatsoever

Ask your trade or general chat for the servers main one. Eg for fair that’s stax that hosts the majority and is the most trusted. Don’t just accept the first link given as the true one thou wait till the same link is given 3-4 times at different periods and you know that is really the one most used not the one that person tends to use.

Another good place to find these gdkp discords is in your server discord.

Here is a list of all the classic server discords on reddit.


Ninja looting a GDKP, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don’t join without log checking the raid leader

But they haven’t added RDF, that is the only thing that destroys server communities…

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It doesn’t matter if it goes against my thinking, it’s that GDKPs promote gold buying, and a as a result botting persists. If no1 bought gold from bots, no1 would be running bots as it’s a waste for botters to even invest into WoW.

But obviously, there is an INSANE demand for gold so bots are like cockroaches in WOW.

I’m just seeing sub mil gold posts on Reddit and how DV goes for 300k+ gold and I know that such gold is HIGHLY unlikely to have been self made.

So yeah, if Blizzard bans BUYERS and bans GDKPs, no one would need such amounts of gold.

GKDPs aren’t a fair loot system. Its a system that measures the thiccness of your wallet.

And if you actually think that GDKPs have NOTHING to do with gold buying, then you’re a clown.

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GDKP organizers who run 5+ gdkps are banking 300k weekly.
And putting the gold back into the gdkp by being the ones who are willing to spend 300k on DV.

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and where did that gold come from?
Simeone had to RMT their initial purchase.

GDKP runs are the definition of money laundering in WOW.