How much ban for GDKP pot steal?

i played gdkp many ways. rogue, mage, and two more.

IF a man (or lady) will just steal that GDKP pot. How much ban will it be? 1 week? 1 yeàr? Delete toon perma?

U’rs faithfully… ɨŁĻüŞîòñƤǾǬḨ

He’s embracing 21st century feminism :heart_eyes:

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About tree fiddy

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No ban at all. Blizzard will not intervene for stealing a gdkp pot there is no rule on it.

You could get them actioned for scamming if you can show they mentioned how the loot (or more to the point the pot) was going to be given out which gdkps norm do not they used to in og wrath. Just seeing that’s people where bidding is not good enough as that only shows that there was a bid going in for the item not that the gold was ever going to be spilt.

Them having it posted on discord means exactly nothing. It either was said in game chat or it’s worthless.

Nice name.

Probably nothing because no human being with a life is going to be willing to type your name for a ticket. If you happen to encounter a prepubescent teenager with an alternate keyboard app you are in trouble.


It’s quite easy to copy and paste his nameusing the /who system, ya many people will be willing to type his name into a ticket it’s simple ctrl c ctrl v. Hell most chat addons even let you click to copy and some like badboy even let you look back to copy.

And it’s even easier to Google “can you get banned for stealing GDKP pot”.

You and the OP both seem confused about that.

It’s not the op that would be reporting him thou so that’s not really relevent to the odds to being banned.

I’m not confused in the least as you will noticed correctly answered it. In the first response.


I would take your cut just for having to read your name


You can post that everyone can post links. Via using graves.

But again linking that link to me means nothint it only shows my answer as correct not that I’m confused like you claimed.


You seam really dense to not even notice you have posted it three times now.


You seam really dense to not even notice you have posted it multi times now.

While the post dose not answer the question fully it only answers one part as blizzard will action players for scamming if you report them as such they just won’t look into a claim of a gdkp pot being stolen. It matters how you word stuff


You are going to report me for posting actual answers. LULZ

Triggered by truth

You really need to learn to read. Never once said was going to report you.


You seam really dense to not even notice you have posted a link multi times now.

While the post dose not answer the question fully it only answers one part as blizzard will action players for scamming if you report them as such they just won’t look into a claim of a gdkp pot being stolen. It matters how you word stuff