Linux users unable to log in, WOW51900328/329 error after logging in

OS’ impacted so far:

Various distro’s of linux (large community of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS users)
Windows 10
Some MAC OS users

Linux users find ways to change their TTL from 64 to 128 in case the upstream provider is filtering by passive OS fingerprinting
to find malicious packets (packets with abnormal TTL so far has been one of the big trigger points)

Most linux distro’s right now and some windows 10 builds seem to be defaulting to 64 (less than that can be considered an old OS)
128 is the default for most Windows 10 builds

Work around(s)

  1. Change your OS TTL to 128 (or some value that works for you)

For Windows OS open up an administrator CMD prompt
type this into the big black command window: netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=129

For Linux distro’s use a search engine and figure out how to do it for your specific distro but what worlks for some is:
echo 128 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128
but to make it last on reboot you have to add this to your /etc/sysctl.conf file (where ever it lives/exists)

  1. VPN
  2. IPV6 when available (may require extra router setup)

Some end users report linux routers or NAT firewalls may require adjusting of the TTL in the case where TTL is changed by the router actively (or passively)

  1. Change your IP address (blacklisted) when passing through some ISP hand over connections (router to router)

In case of an IP address blacklisted
-Release your IP from the ISP (normally through your router)
-Change the mac address (on your router or device in front of your ISP device [sometimes these are combined all in 1])
-Make sure you save the change
-Renew the IP (on the device where you released it)

you may have to reboot a DSL/Cable or FTTH/FTTP modem to free the IP from the hardware provisioning server.

If none of the above work try a game scan/repair just to be safe.
Try classic instead of retail (faster, smaller, less BS caching)

DO try your account on another windows machine just to see if it will get in (maybe you have a black list on the account?)
