Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328

Yeah same here

I use Untangle myself. When I use a VPN it works fine, without a VPN it does not.
It could be layer 7, but I still have my regular rules configured.

Blizzard should give us all who were impacted by this issue for this extended period of time free blizzcon virtual tickets and bonus package… It would be a nice were sorry present and repair the relationship…

Sticky this to all blue posts :slight_smile:

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Ooh interesting, I am also running Untangle. I could just get in when I used my work VPN.

I use a VPN with Untangle and that way works for me.
Without VPN it does not.

Try this from another one of these similar forums:

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4 days and counting… It’s a shame my sub renewed just prior to this attack and the fallout we are experiencing now. This is like quitting cigarettes. The first few days are tough and then it gets easier and easier with time until you rarely think of them at all anymore. Maybe it’s divine providence. Maybe the chains can be broken. Maybe Blizzard will unwittingly release me and my bleeding wallet from this bondage I have been under by not fixing this problem for a longer time.

I shall be free!

Who am I kidding? Once it is working again, I will be right back in Azeroth with the rest of the whiners who never quit despite saying so or the shameless resubbers who quietly sneak back into Azeroth too despite proclamations that they are pissed, they are so done with Blizzard, screw this and screw that, etc.

Well, anyway as Oprah would lean in and say while holding your hand, “I feel your pain.” I wonder if Oprah really felt it or if she was just saying that. I find it hard to picture Oprah playing WoW.

Thank you my friend. This command worked like a charm. Must bypass a threshold set by downstream ISP’s.

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=129

I have now resorted to a full Battlenet and WOW uninstall and re install. I’ll check back when my dinosaur internet decides to make the game playable.

Tried everything suggested when i searched this error code. Nothing worked. Day 4 and counting. Is there any new update at all?

tried it…did nothing but keep me hopeful it might work for a few minutes :confounded:

By the way, not putting this down for those who try workarounds and find them to work somehow but…

Workarounds do not fix the problem and the problem is Blizzard based. Until they fix THEIR issue, it’s highly debatable whether or not chasing proposed rainbows is actually worth the time for the majority of those currently afflicted. Personally, I am not buying a VPN and I am not using a Hotspot with a limited data plan and I am not using software or other means to try to hide the data use and winding up with my plan such as it is being revoked, etc. None of this BS is worth it when the real problem is Blizzard’s abject failure to learn lessons it has already been taught in previous DDoS attacks. Just last year, a guy from Romania was sentenced to a year in prision here in the US for pulling this crap and got a 30k fine I think it was. Given sentencing this light, I think it is safe to say that corporations cannot rely on the legal system to curtail this kind of activity at all. Witness the current situation for proof. Is the clown in the UK scared? I doubt it. What’s the worst thing that can happen to them? Based on legal precedent here, not much really. I think 5 to 10 years at hard labor would be more appropriate along with compensating all affected victims which would mean working without pay for the rest of their miserable life.

Vote for me! I do not fool around!

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You can use a free VPN for the time being.

Got a link to one you know works?

Edit: please don’t bother. That was a rhetorical question. I am not bothering to workaround Blizzard’s failure. They can fix it. I am paying them, not the other way around.

Thank you though, I know your intention was kind and I do appreciate it.

some can, but too many cant :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest sometimes it is fun to attempt to figure out what is broken and narrow down ways to get around the issue. Especially when multiple people are trying to do the same thing. (Not to shy away from the big problem here but even with all the frustration it was kind of neat to see things in another light)

It’s not often you get to experience showing just how easy it is to work around some of the ‘security’ measures that get put in place.

Here’s what I have done so far.

I have reset my network
reset my computer (several times)
completely uninstalled and reinstalled both battlenet and wow
changed my comp’s ip address
changed my comp’s physical MAC address
changed the packet length using the netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=129 trick


My wife and son who are both on the same network as me, connected to the same router as me can not only log on to their accounts with no issue, but they can also log onto my account without an issue.

I cannot log on to my account or their accounts from my comp without using a VPN!

WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F@CK is going on? I can’t figure it out and at this point I’m out of ideas, theories and patience. I’m missing raid with both my guilds now…

How I Look at it you see many people have issues where one pc cant play just fine but another in the same house hold on the same network cant? i feel like however they did do their DDOS some how has targeted not each other whole network isp/ip address but the “pc” it self it you see what im saying. i still have yet to find anything in my pc that i can prove this with but its also weird. lets go pc nerds find the bug! :slight_smile:

See if you can adjust the TTL on your router, that is about all besides using a VPN.

ok still able to log in after the error message went to settings on that page and on network checked enable IPv6 when available
may work for some
got this stock answer from Blizz
Thanks for letting us know of the disconnections. I understand this isn’t the greatest experience for WoW. We’re already aware of this error and we’re working on getting this resolved as soon as possible.

We’re monitoring the situation through this topic: Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328 - #1015 by Caterpepi So keep an eye on that topic as we’ll post any updates there. In the meantime, please, keep on trying to log in and if there are still issues connecting, I recommend seeing if a hotspot or a VPN helps a little bit.

Thanks for the understanding and patience.