DDOS still an issue?

Is the DDOS attack still affecting people? I’m just curious.

My husband was able to login before work today, but I haven’t been able to for the past hour.

Im not having any problems, nor is the wife here…but there have been days where my connection is crappy and hers is just fine. We’re obvoiusly on a little different server path to blizzards servers and one or more of them might be having trouble.
that might be why one of you is having an issue and the other isnt.

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Yes. It’s STILL happening as of 10AM PST Monday Sep 9th. I have not been able to log in since Saturday except for one 3 hour period yesterday that ended with another disconnection around 4pm. I have not been able to log on to the live game since.

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And I just logged in with no delay. Doubt it is a DDOS and more likely a regional router causing problems.


I believe it is still ongoing or at least its effects are still being felt. I for one can’t even connect to the bnet launcher.

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just for my sanity here, have you tried rebooting everything ? Router, modem, computer ?


I will try that. Thank you.

Lots of people on twitter saying they still can’t login, myself included. You are not alone, but you are in a minority with the rest of us.

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It likely isnt the issue BUT…every now and then one of our PCs starts doing really stupid crap and its the router usually at fault.
Occasionally it’ll be something with one of the PCs themselves.
A hard boot on everything usually can at least eliminate that being the problem

I would follow up with technical support via that forum. The ddos had ended as of last night, though they mentioned via Twitter they were monitoring the systems.

A traceroute and pathping would definitely help.

Of course, the attackers had to go to school today.


Hehehe… That one made me giggle. :smiley: Thank you, I needed that. I’ve been sick and not being able to play WOW has made my illness more unbearable. Laughter is the best medicine. Lol

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Thank you. I will ask my hubby about your suggestions. He’s the resident computer wizard here.

Ya, I haven’t been able to login all day, again. Not the end of the world, but really annoying since I’m stuck at home with a nasty cold.

I haven’t been able to login on my home WiFi since Sunday afternoon.

I can login via my phone’s hotspot just fine, sitting in Stormsong Valley right now.

NGL, Blizzard, I’m annoyed.

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There are 3 forum topics on this already
Here is a link to the general summary of it all.
1 forum is over 1000 posts and growing.
This is not just linux but windows 10, some mac, vpn / tether and android users.