As players have jumped into The War Within and begun leveling up, we’ve seen data and heard a great deal of feedback that players coming into Khaz Algar with endgame Dragonflight gear were extremely powerful relative to that initial content. It is entirely intended that effort put into gearing translates into a significant combat advantage at the start of a new expansion, but the values we’ve been seeing are extreme, often not even allowing time for normal combat rotations. This disparity also caused mixed-level groups to experience skewed results, with lower-level players contributing drastically more than level 80s. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28, we’re going to apply hotfixes to the game to address this.
The hotfixes will adjust the scaling of enemies in War Within leveling content to increase the power of lower-level enemies, bringing the duration of combat more in line with expected WoW behavior. These changes will be most noticeable at level 70, and will have a reduced impact as your level increases. Enemies at level 80 and above will be unchanged.
Again, we’ll make these changes tomorrow, August 28.
This is kind of pointless. Who cares? If you want it to take longer, then the XP curve should have been more drastic or random normal dungeons shouldn’t have been as rewarding. This ain’t it, chief.
I get that things should be better balanced, but this is something you should have realized before the expansion launched. The people that are geared have probably already leveled their mains - this is going to affect primarily new players and alts, and annoy both.
Not to mention that early access got almost a full week of faceroll leveling, and you make this change after a day of “full release”. That’s not going to look good.
It’s only normal dungeons they’re going to be dead in a week why take away the ease of leveling alts… I leveled my main questing. Since I’ve got nothing else to do really besides some side quests, I’ve enjoyed speed running dungeons with my alts…
Fresh 70s leveling through TWW are gonna have a worse experience though? So what players with good gear kill stuff fast, isn’t that the point of getting gear?
It was a minor inconvenience that boss type enemies for quests were dying super fast, but just give them faster respawns. That won’t be an issue down the line anyways.
This is not the way to solve this. The people burning through content are not the majority of players.
Are you going to revert this later when majority of the people leveling are in sub 400 ilvl gear at level 70? You should be rewarded for finishing an expansion by feeling OP as hell when you hit a new expansion. Now you are going to punish new players who are struggling in low ilvl gear disproportionately.
Address what? Why does leveling have to be more difficult? Most of your game systems don’t kick in until max level anyway. Plus you’ve given up to +25% leveling in achievements – are you going to remove that as well to make things “more difficult” ?
Between this and locking Earthen another week for no good reason, you guys are definitely masochists.