Leveling Nerfs Incoming Tomorrow

See Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

So it seems like I should not level my first character to 80 first, and instead get all my alts to level ~75 via dungeon spam before tomorrow’s update? Lucky EA folks!


Got to double down on that ea advantage lol :money_mouth_face::rofl:


I just level every alt through dungeons anyway.

Early access really wasn’t a advantage you just got to level first but the new season doesn’t launch for weeks which is plenty of time for everyone to get what they need before anything important happens.

Common Blizzard L.


they r so dumb for this im sorry but yikes

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i hope they get a crapton of complaints man. what a dumb change. i dont want a stupid boss to take forever to kill… its not hard if it just sits there and tskes forevert to kill because it is a brick wall

if ur gonna make dungeons hard make them fun not just long and boring


No nerf if you level via PVP and gathering.

Due to the way you get the XP bonus from the first 5 characters you get to level 80, you’re still better off leveling toons one at a time, rather than leveling a bunch to 75 first.

Sigh , just give us level 80 when you accept the the first quest for this. We gotta stop pretending leveling means anything now. Give me my 10 hero talent points and my horrible 80 scales and let me get on with my life.

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The dungeons are still very easy, bosses just seem a bit more sturdy. Not too much different than EA, IMO - except it is probably harder for geared L70s to solo the entire dungeon.

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