Take a close look at the language in the "Difficulty Changes" post

Why is it that devs didn’t notice these issues during their playtime in game? I think it’s becoming overwhelmingly clear that WoW devs no longer actually play the game. I believe they all have accounts, and log in to test changes they make, but they have absolutely no idea how leveling should feel, or what feels good/bad in game.

There’s just no way to have any kind of feel for an MMORPG without playing the game. I don’t mean just logging in, and going through the motions, but playing it because you truly enjoy it. WoW used to have this, but it’s becoming clear that this is no longer the case.

Maybe it’s time to hire a cross section of actual WoW players to aid the devs, and help avoid all these unscheduled down times. Most of them are to fix issues that actual players would have picked up on long before they made it to live.