Leveling difficulty changes - yeah, right

Just ran a normal dungeon with my fresh 80 holy priest at ilvl 532, and the statement above is 100% incorrect. It’s clear that what they did for their “leveling changes” was to increase the damage that all mobs to - to all level players. Mobs in the dungeon were hitting drastically harder, to the point where the two level 80s in the dungeon got killed repeatedly by one-shots from unavoidable damage. The dungeon was the Rookery, and it’s the first time I ever died in there on any character - run it at least 30 times.

Now we get to wait through more down time to fix this?


lmao better start doing those normal mode mechanics


Wasn’t getting killed my mechanics - I’ve done all the dungeons at heroic on other characters. I was getting one shot by unavoidable damage from regular mobs - not bosses, and if I ever did stand in a purple patch that would have cost me 20% of my HP yesterday, it would instantly kill me today.


Sounds way more fun and challenging than smashing your head on the keyboard.

i just ran stonevault. not a single issue as a mistweaver. tank still pulled half the damn instance at a time. but we survived.


Getting one shot by unavoidable damage is fine when pushing keys, not for a level 80 with 3.7 million HP in a NORMAL dungeon.


You keep saying unavoidable, I dunno man, sounds made up.


Pff I’m just walking into these instances Finger gunning down all the mobs and pretending to blow smoke from my finger gun barrels. Mobs dying like bad actors from the 30’s


So dreamy!

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Our group had 2 level 80s, and 3 lower levels. The tank was lvl 73, and never died despite the fact I (the healer) was running back after dying half the time. It only impacted the two fresh lvl 80s in the dungeon, and the tank pulled everything in sight same as ever. Nobody other than the lvl 80s died at all.

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pff level 80. It’s a skill issue, bro! When I was you’re level I was level 83 already, man.


this is sounding more and more like a skill issue and the tank self sustaining himself while waiting for you to get back.

Just ran a Heroic and it feels the same. What you are experiencing is bias.


I’ve also run a heroic on my main, and saw no difference. This was a NORMAL on a fresh lvl 80 - pay attention, or stop posting.


source: trust me bro

I think you just had two different dungeon runs with two different groups that felt different. that happens. you don’t need to jump to tin foil reasons.


Good, mechanics should be important in dungeons. If people need practice there are follower dungeons for that.

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So you think they changed Normal, but not Heroic? Pay attention or stop posting.

I just got wrecked on a level 2 bountiful delve. I was hardly damaging those gold mobs.

This sucks massively.

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What level was your character?

80, 545 ilvl. Now, I don’t know if it’s Balance or mob tweaks. Either way, it sucks massively.

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