Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

Here’s my Mythic Xavius kill


Even tomb of sargeras gave me a bit of a challenge, but here I am at mythic Fallen Avatar


Even showing said achievements that I did do these runs as of tonight.

Gear is your answer General Discussion, you can’t do these said runs unless you’re geared well, I am 209 item level.

While most of you do not raid… you can wait till 9.2 or so since 220+ item level gear would be given out in LFR

point is, there isn’t anything to fix about “Legion scaling”, we are just in the beginning of the new expansion, you’ll eventually be able to solo this easily when gear goes up throughout the expansion.


Mythic Xavius is laughable. I doubt you can pass Mythic KJ. Stop defending this bs.


The fact that you need gear for an expac from 4 years ago, shows there is a problem in SCALING.
This is not BFA but an expac that doesnt even give xp from 50-60.

The fact that you had to post proof something soloable from 2 expacs back is sad. You did not achieve solo in current content.

This should have been soloable by any random who hit 60 not geared.

But as a BLIZZ shill, I hope they pay you for this proof post.

There is another thread ’ Azjol Nerub harder than Shadowlands M+10’ why dont you solo that and post proofs.


Some of those bosses are very easy.

What I want to see you do is go in to Mythic Antorus and show us every single screenshot of your deathscreens to the first and/or second boss, if you even make it past the first boss.


When you can do it pre-corruptions and now you feel weaker but say ‘‘You just need more gear’’ is literally a work around a problem when said problem can be fixed. Ion doesn’t want to fix it.


we didnt need bfa geared toons to do wod raids. why would we need shadowlands geared toons to do legion ones?

scaling isnt where it should be. we should be getting damage multipliers when hitting grey mobs, we aren’t.


thats… a dungeon boss

people were soloing these raids in BFA. deleting corruption plus the number squish was a downgrade for most classes. it is mostly a borrowed power issue and our current borrowed power hasn’t really caught up with where it was at the end of BFA because of how crazy stat amps were in season 4 bfa.

i feel like people would have less animosity if blizzard had put in a raidwide nerf if you had a leveled necklace and cloak for BFA raids which I think would be a non issue and reward people for playing BFA content in the cosmetic farm aspect of the game.

personally i haven’t touched old raids since the prepatch but I imagine being 215 equipped and stacking neck powers with soulbinds i would be fine.


can you do eonar mythic


Omg. So you only post for Raids.


yogg - 0 keepers is having issues. Go at it and post proof


what… ok let me go see this myself

You can’t just kill KJ with damage, you would need to follow mechanics.

There are bosses like hunter that keeps you in CC forever if you don’t have a pet, Eonar trash room and other stuff that just damage wont do

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Sir. Legion was four years ago. And two expansions ago.

We’re not talking about BfA here.



weak bait op

eh its sunday i guess


Seems like you’re completely missing the point, if a person was able to solo something yesterday, they should be able to solo it today, not when they hit level cap and gear up yet again.

(I mean this in reference to the day between expansions, not literally yesterday and today lol)


yet if I recall correctly back when BFA launched… Hellfire Citadel was still difficult to do at 8.0 gear

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can’t help but notice your missing a few legion raids there.

you proved you can solo 1 and part of another.

…less than half of legion’s raid content.


No it wasn’t. I ran it all the time. The only difficult parts were not bugging out Xhul’horac and Gorefiend because of him sucking you into another realm.


The only issues Hellfire had were:

  • Cannons hadn’t been adjusted so it was impossible for some classes regardless of gear.
  • Gorefiend hadn’t been fixed so he was impossible to solo period.

Nope. Aside from them screwing something up so the cannons on Mythic Assault died from a stiff breeze (thus making it overly difficult for less mobile classes) and Gorefiend resetting if he tried to consume you with less than four people present, HC was just as easy as it had always been.