Is it possible to solo ToS Fallen Avatar on Mythic?

Seems impossible but I might be doing something wrong

I was able to solo it on Heroic in ilvl 140 gear, so yeah. It got pretty scary, though.

I think someone posted yesterday that they did it. They were trying to prove that any legion raid could be soloed, andd to prove it they did some easy bosses.

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Forgot to add on Mythic

You’ll probably need to have pretty snazzy gear, then.

Have to take down maiden and the Fallen avatar equally and also keep the Maiden in the green line that comes from the back of the room. Look for green lights along the channels from the back of the room to know which channel is going to become active. This keeps the Avatar from getting to 100% energy which starts P2. When maiden is at low health along with the Avatar, just pop the avatar with all you have along with the maiden. When you fall down for P2, the Avatar will be nearly dead and you should be able to kill him in 1 cycle of 100% energy where he blows up a large part of the platform. Ensure you catch at least 1 falling flame so that you have some ground to stand on. For me, after I figured out the maiden was the key to killing the Avatar, He was at 10% health when we dropped and was dead in a few seconds. Ilvl 242 elemental shaman is what I used to kill him. Died about 15-20 times before remembering that the Maiden is the key to killing the Avatar.

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Well if I ever go back in there thanks for that tip. I just nuked him 100 to 0 on phase two but it took alot of drain life spam lol.

Basically this. Really, Kil’jaeden and Eonar are the only trickier Mythic fights now since they have some BS stuff you gotta worry about. Fallen Avatar is just balancing damage on Avatar and on the Maiden. Got him done in on go as a Item lvl 225 Blood DK with a heart of azeroth on for a failsafe just in case.

Yes, you can solo mythic around 220 ilevel.

Why did you necro this?