Legion solo raids are not "impossible" due to scaling, with proof

You are basically the equivalent of 20 lvls above legion content, I would have thought you would be able to solo these 9 lvls ago.





I don’t understand how was this not soloable…

Ok fair point yea I remember now, the cannons and gorefiend

If level 50 with ilevel 100 can solo but level 60 with ilevel 100 cannot, then there is something seriously misleading about these numbers.


I honestly can solo any content besides BFA, never felt like this was a big issue till I read how many people don’t understand their classes.

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So you can solo SL??


The issue isn’t eventually being able to outgear it. The issue was level 50’s being able to do it whilst level 60’s at face value couldn’t. Now obviously that’s comparing an end of expac geared toon with borrowed power to a beginning of expac geared toon with not much of its borrowed power. Therin lies the actual issue. This fact runs counter to the concept of a level 60 being fundamentally stronger than a level 50. But that’s not the case. A level 50 is stronger instead and it messes with people’s heads. And rightfully so.

People are waking up to the true nature of modern wow scaling plus borrowed power and it’s…a rude awakening.

Also it would be nice if certain mythic legion mechanics were deleted to allow for farming like in previous expacs. Get back to me when you solo mythic KJ in ToS :rofl:


People like this make me feel even more good about QUITTING. Not worth interacting with people who are just there piss in your fun.


I wouldn’t even bother interacting with it. Just a random troll post that wants to act like they’re the best thing ever in this game.


Just say “better” than even more good, and this isn’t an airport; you don’t need to announce a departure.

Plus, if you can’t solo Legion content currently, this game isn’t for you.

Dude you asked me to check out Ulduar and I did

I want to see him solo mythic Imonar, Eonar, and Coven.

A troll who thinks the fact that his profile is hidden means we can’t look him up.

According to his armory, he has killed xavius once, and never done any other Legion raids.


I’ll take you in there, and live stream it your family if you doubt people cannot solo this.

Yeah, the bosses that still have dumb mechanics making it extremely hard/impossible to solo. Making it so you have to group with annoying people for literal years old boring content

No words… at this point blizzard could set their game on fire and there would be a white knight ready to swoop in and defend them on why burning their games was a good idea. I just can’t… :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

If anyone needs me, well I won’t be farming old content for mounts mogs and pets cos blizzard broke it, and thankfully hundreds of peeps CAN see that. :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


he’s done the easy bosses nothing to see here.:joy:


Which “people” exactly should be able to solo these? The same ones who soloed them during BfA, or only those with heroic/mythic SL raid gear?


I didn’t play Legion on this character my friend

No , I was showing you issues people are having due to scaling. If you want to really prove me wrong. Solo any SL raid and I will cheer you. But what you are doing, is shilling for BLIZZ for no reason and pissing on fellow players.

Some have pointed at Antorius Mythic, try to clear Coven on a non pet class.

Have fun with your forum awesomeness.


Good. So you have zero evidence that you were able to solo mythic antorus. Did you kill Kil’jaeden?