Azjol Nerub harder than Shadowlands M+10

Hello Blizzard. Why is this horrendous scaling issue happening? This makes absolutely no sense.

A Lv20 monk tank was taking 50%+ damage from each hit on trash mobs right now in Azjol Nerub. It’s not his fault, you made it possible for him to be there, then it should be somewhat balanced. We ended up having to dissolve the party and give up.

Did you test this crap or did you slap random formulas to alter the numbers? We’re NOT your playtesters. If you want us to be, then instead of charging for the damn game, you have to pay us money.


Make sure you bug report it in game. Blizzard is claiming no one is reporting scaling issues.


They’re ignoring the reports then.

And this is not a BUG, it’s people doing their jobs poorly and trying to get away with it.


OP you’re taking this very personally. Maybe listen to some soothing music.


Imagine paying for a game to be broken… after they had more than enough time to test it, that is. Why not take it personally?

Pretending no one is complaining just makes everyone angrier.


In-game bug reporting was removed, which says a lot about how seriously they take player bug reports these days.


I know I can unsubscribe, but how about trying to have the game I like to work properly first?


That’s a good way to not get a response. Instead of calling people names and being rude and immature, you submit a bug report or open a ticket to explain in greater detail.

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Editted, do you think it’s worth of them fixing the game now?
And btw, I don’t want them to come here and answer, because I know they won’t. I don’t have to like them, I just have to like the game.

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Incorrect. Let’s not spread false information. Click on your Game Menu button, then Support and this is the screen you get:



Found the potential issue. I’ve been leveling one, as I hadn’t leveled a mo k from the ground up since the end of WoD- monks get slapped around at early stages. Your kit is anemic, you don’t have all the tools that make shuffle uptime 100% possible.

Mind you, it IS up to Blizz to make the spec feasible at that level and in that content. That being said, low level brewmaster has been not great for some time. That used to be the problem with guardian, before they got thick hide, dungeons as guardian was a healer heart attack.

Then there’s the fact that your group should be cc’ing, prioritizing targets. I forget what level monk gets detox, he might not have it yet, and that’s important too.

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scaling is broken and Blizzard would never acknowledge it


There’s so many one-shots in the Maw of Souls.

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Yep. A web site. In a web browser.

It is no longer a part of the actual game client, and seems more geared towards discouraging bug reporting than anything else. It certainly won’t be able to capture the relevant technical info from the game client like the native reporting tool could.

Blizzard has already said it’s “working as intended,” sadly. Soloing old content is now “git gud” territory. They’re willing to die on that hill. It’ll cost them subscribers.


They streamlined the process so it’s not two separate clients taking reports, which makes absolute logical sense.

This seems quite far fetched. Once a report is entered, they don’t need a report client to tell them the relevant information. That’s info they can easily look up in game data files.

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Don’t worry OP, you are getting baited into anger by forum norms who sit on these forums 12+ hours a day. I reported the Hyper Compressed Ocean exploit in WG for over 10+ months in game, forums and twitter in BFA and they never fixed it.

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This guy has a very legitimate complaint, my dude.


Scaling is all out of wack

Your best best is to do classic/BC dungeons til 30-35 then swap over to BC/wrath

All the other ones aren’t worth doing, plus classic scales way harder than anything else for w/e reason, like bosses having 30-40k more hp than every other xpac

I don’t get angry because there are bugs in the game… there were ALWAYS bugs in the game. In our guild, whenever we see broken stuff, we’re like “don’t worry guys, it’s a brand new game and they didn’t have time to fix everything yet.”

The problem is they decided to bring a new leveling system into the game, which is awesome… but they decided to make it so every character can do almost everything (besides current content), and they failed at that at a fundamental level.

This is not the same as “player X got that random item from 3 expansions ago, combined with some random quest’s buff and deleted the raid boss solo”, which by the way they seem to take more seriously.

Instead, it’s something a random party made of playtesters joining each dungeon of the game with random level characters could have EASILY detected. It’s something they should know at like, the first day of development of the scaling system. It’s something they should be putting our sub money into, to make sure the game is playable. It’s something that ruins moments when you want to stop doing end game content and go to your alt to nuke some old content, but you can’t, because it’s suddenly harder than current mythic+ dungeons, mind you, for way smaller reward.

I know CCs, kiting and other techniques could have helped us, but you have to realize that since parties of any level can end up in a dungeon like this, they might not even have the skills to use. Also, we’ve done these dungeons countless times in dungeon finder since the tool was released, and suddenly, the dungeon is 20 times harder… and when you go and do it with characters of a different level, suddenly it’s piece of cake again? Clearly a scaling issue.

And even if it’s the matter of “X class at this level is trash and gets destroyed”, it’s still a scaling issue, since knowing that, they should have made that class stronger at that level.

How do you implement a change to the game you’re developing that changes the whole leveling process and you don’t notice an easy to spot problem like this?

And I haven’t even started mentioning lv10 twinks dealing 90% of the party’s damage…


Because if a dungeon in WoW being bugged makes you this emotional, you’ll end up living life in perpetual anger. You can report issues in a videogame without taking it personally. Find peace through stoicism. :pray:

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. -Marcus Aurelius