Why can't Legion content be soloed if fresh 60

Are you trying to say all the people’s complaints about legion’s old raid scaling are invalid because you compared to what it is back when it was current?.. What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Mate… old raids get soloed all the time as each expansion passes… Why does that take away anybody’s accomplishment to know that somebody who went in and solo it no problem now, despite you taking months?..

… Are you seriously complaining that people get to solo old raids? Old raids??..


sounds to me like Op is complaining… i can kill them just fine.

Again, doesn’t make OP’s complaint or anybody else’s invalid just because you could do it easily.

Infact, why you’re still here if you can do it just fine? This thread doesn’t apply to you. :man_shrugging:


because i choose to. how about you? why are you defending this desecration of raid content? what interest do you have in hurting this game? just curious…

Troll sees bridge.

Sure it does. Trolls gotta live somewhere.

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Because i choose to. I checked it out for myself, barely survived and i agree with OP. Infact i’ve always agreed from the beginning that legion content wasn’t scaled up correctly and it’s never a matter of gear. With people saying "Oh yea, just get 200+ ilvl! you will be fiiiiiiine! :crazy_face: "

Yeah, you know what that reminds me of?.. This quote i’ve said to somebody who posted their Mythic Xavius kill awhile back… :point_down:

Point being is, you shouldn’t have to wait until 9.2 or gear up to solo level 45 content as a level 60.

You still yet to explain how it’s “the desecration of raid content”… What is it destroying by making the old raids easier?..

How’s making old raids easier hurt the game?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Their old raids. Old raids. You’re acting like this will have an effect on the current raids. :man_facepalming:


People earn things by doing those transmog runs. Gatekeeping has no place in such a big game. Let people have fun, don’t be entitled to ruin it for them.


The ability to easily solo old raids 100% does not affect you in the slightest. You’re just a contrarian.


He even thinks were “desecrating” raid content. :point_down:

He’s acting like were going after the current raid content. :man_facepalming:


Normally we would have been able to but for some reason this expansion removed the legacy buff when it was supposed to be made on all expansions that are at least 2 expansions ago. I still can’t even solo mythic ToS and Antorus where as in BfA I was able to solo all mythic raids from WoD etc. (as a mage that is) To be fair though I haven’t tried in a while. Maybe 5 ilvls ago but I seriously doubt I will be able to solo those completely.

We will have to wait until next expansion to solo Legion mythic raids.

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He is just a fool who has too much spare time.


Which is lazy and seemingly spiteful at this point.


Cause transmog doesn’t matter, be a community and do a pug

You’re not qualified to speak for everyone.


WoW lead developer doesn’t transmog, his vision is wow vision.

If he doesn’t care about transmog then that’s why the game isn’t catered to transmog.


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That is exactly why wow has literally bled subs over the past year. Players are tired of his narrow “vision”.


After the level squish, shadowkands really de-powered players. No artifact weapon, no azerite gear. We are proportionally much weaker than we were in legion.

However, 208 is still quite low gear. You will feel a big difference if you upgrade to 220 gear in korthia (no tier required, just research)

  • bobby kotick should resign
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They’re other games where you can play dress up Barbie like IMVU, or snapchat.

WoW is a MMORPG first before anything else

And they’re other games where you can go and just raid or challenge yourself or do other MMO things like FF14, GW2, ESO, etc. /s

We can play this “Oh if you want to do that, go to some other game”, but it doesn’t do anything. All your saying is “His vision can’t be argued, and you must leave if you have a problem with it, otherwise just accept it. Either way, hush.”.

Besides, what’s wrong with wanting cosmetics in an MMORPG or a video game even and not wanting it to be forgotten about?


Well, the moment any content is 2 expansions old, it should be relegated to trivial status and officially in Legacy mode by default and not something a year later they’re going to “turn on” soon.