So I just decided to unsub, how many other have unsubbed also?

I meant players in general, I didn’t pick up that vibe from you :slight_smile: Sorry if I gave that impression.

And you’re right, players with an abundance of gold do see a benefit regardless of the motivation for implementing it. Options are a good thing.

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Cancelled 2 weeks ago,but I had a 6 month sub. Runs out beginning of March. Wish I just did month to month. Will not be returning for rest of expac probably.


Mine are ones I met from tabletop gaming. Our group grew after Origins Game Fair one year and we met new people. Some are from when I played Starsiege and went to E3 to catch up with them.

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Guarantee it’s going to be gated behind a pathfinder. Although most of the pathfinder should be already completed if you play regularly, the main question is if they are going to pull another Mechagon/Nazjatar on us and make us grind the most abhorrent zones known to man.


Perhaps the renown / pathfinder combo forcing us to do what you say. "Here, go through these awful areas, and do the most arduous things. Think of yourself as a lab rat where we are testing your will, and how much we can encroach on it.

Dance maggot dance!

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after trying and failing to beat yogg saron in ulduar on 0 keepers for the mount several times because the encounter is completely broken i am at my breaking point.

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What ~ travelling 10 minutes to Bastion for 3 anima isn’t doing it for you?


I have 16hrs left, personally.

Among the various changes I wasn’t pleased with, the main and most important thing for me was… I just wasn’t feeling it. I hate the story that I’ve seen so far. Don’t like the writing, don’t like the direction the story’s going in, and I hate the tropes they’ve used in the telling. I’ve read a lot of fan fic that was done a lot better.

I can forgive a lot of stuff in game, tolerate/ignore it, even if I don’t like it.

But bad story? Nope, I tap out. I’m done.


It’s a shame, after the BFA corruption fiasco a lot of friends and guildies left, Shadowlands was supposed to be the expansion to bring everyone back…

First few days of shadowlands launch was great, friends and guild all returned, 50+ people online it was amazing…then the loot scarcity hit everyone like a truck.

Friends unsubscribed, guildies week after week dropped off Id be lucky to see a few really casuals online.

We all play other games together every Sunday, sometimes it’s among us, we drink and group chat and talk crap while we watch one play cyberpunk on his RTX 3090, gorgeous game btw.

But they all said the same thing, loot is horrible, I cleaned up the actual word. It’s true though, they are right.

Look what’s happening, once a M+ Key dies, everyone will quit, why continue a key for a 20% chance to get loot out of a roulette of items when you may only need one…

Covenant powers that are a must pick, loot scarcity, loot box roulette in Great Vault, I don’t know what Blizzard was thinking, I know weed is legal in most states of America, they must of been smoking some good stuff for this all to be approved…Don’t get me started on class balancing… which they had a year through Alphas and betas to get a little right.

I’m 9/10 Heroic, PuGing is hard, with all the elitist, but once I get AotC I’ll be joining my friends in the resub when the game gets fixed mindset.

People say Shadowlands is better then BFA, atleast people played BFA longer then a few days to a week before calling it quits.

This is obviously my opinion and experience I’m sure everyone has different ones, but Shadowlands so far has been a huge let down.


That is, if I get to Bastion and not get the “Instance not found message” and fall through the world into Oribos!


This quest today rubbed me the wrong way:

[A Steward for Every Occasion] in Bastion. Helping some stupid owls do chores. It was literally a chores quest. Like what in the actual hell. This is honestly kinda insulting to the players. What programmer in the right head space would think making their player base do chores is a good idea.


They released a 2nd raid like a month after BfA launch didn’t they? And it was a pretty popular raid. Also fixed most of the bugs by that point.

edit: I guess it was 2 months


People call BFA worse then Shadowlands, atleast I had people to play with in BFA.


I think SL’s problem is it basically feels like a reskin of BfA, which was basically a reskin of Legion.

So this is over 4 years with the game basically being the same. And naturally people are going to get bored sooner with new content updates the longer this goes on.

And then you have the loot issues some people don’t like. As well as everything taking a very long time.


You are 100% correct, covenants were supposed to be the feature that’s new, but they’ve made it where some classes have a covenant that’s a must pick… it’s horrible, and some covenant abilities and Soulbinds are just massively better then others.

In theory I loved this rpg system, I thought it would bring huge diversity in play styles if balanced… I was wrong.

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3 or 4 days left. Haven’t played in over a month. Sick of the b.s blizzard feeds us and sick of the content just plain sucking.


Going to let my sub end and come back ONLY if they remove the timegates which are tied to the character that makes content gated no matter how long you leave for.


Half the people I know have left in the past week or two and not signed back in because they’re tired of a lack of progression. Several of us have gone weeks with no gear drops outside of the weekly vault with 6+ hours a day spent ingame. Honestly, if I were not on a 6 month gifted sub, I wouldn’t bother either.


You can always catch up no matter how long you’re gone. I took 2 weeks off an alt and was able to catch up in renown in a single day, and my new 60s were able to get 22-23 renown in 2 days as catchup.

At least gear dropped in BFA lmao