For less “hardcore” guilds who clear heroic and want to move into mythic, the hard 20 man limit is too much of a burden and results in guilds falling apart or just not trying. The challenge of mythic should be the bosses, not roster management. Could there be a way to allow some flexibility while maintaining the challenge? full thoughts and ideas below.
== Full Post ==
This post is more about starting a conversation around a particular pain point which has hindered my own guilds progression and enjoyment of raiding this expansion, and I’m sure is a familiar story for a lot of heroic-mythic level raiding guilds.
Let me start with my own experience from early Shadowlands. I’m in a guild of long time friends. We’ve all played wow and raided together for years. Many of us are IRL friends too and play other games together. Shadowlands launched and we were all hype to jump into Castle Nathria. We recruited a bit to fill out our roster and entered heroic with ~30 man roster.
We cleared heroic Nathria after a few weeks. We were having a blast, all was good, but we were hungry for new challenges and more progression.
So the natural next step was mythic, and this is where the problem started. First we had to cut down our roster. A few volunteered to step down as they weren’t that passionate about mythic, but we still had to cut 4 or 5 people from our main roster and put them on the bench. This was really really hard for me as an officer and I hated that I had to do it. This was the first time the 20 man limit really wounded our guild.
A few more weeks past, we downed a few mythic bosses. The friends we had to bench ended up quitting out of boredom, and burn out was starting to set in for some. Suddenly we had the opposite problem and found ourselves only hitting 18 or 19 logging on for raid night. So we had to start pugging a couple people which delayed out raid start time, increased frustration and hindered our progress. This was the second blow the 20 man limit dealt us.
As an officer I took it on myself to start recruiting, which was extremely time consuming. It felt like a second job, and I was struggling to balance my life, work and wow. it was around this point that WoW stopped being fun for me and started feeling like a chore. But I was doing it for my friends, so I stuck with it.
We started filling ranks again, but the more new people we brought in the less our guild felt like the little happy community we all loved. The culture changed, and it just sped up the burnout as people we having less fun.
Finally about the time we were progressing on Council of Blood Mythic, we several people quit (including our MT) in the same week, and I just couldn’t take the time to replace them. The guild died.
We had a great guild, full of good players and friends who finished Heroic fairly easily and had the will to progress mythic. What killed our guild has having to navigate the exact 20 man limit. Had this limit been a bit more flexible, we would have been able to smoothly transition form heroic to mythic. Dealing with the 20 man limit was more challenging than the actual mythic bosses we so badly wanted to fight.
Now I understand the argument for a hard 20 man limit. It allows the devs to design incredible precise and challenging mechanics. However I feel like overall more people would be served by loosening this restriction a little bit to alleviate the struggle of so many mid-level guilds who just want to continue raiding after they finish heroic without decimating their roster.
I still want Mythic to be ultra-challenging, so here is my suggestions: Keep mythic 20 man only for the first few months of raiding. Let the hardcore guilds compete on an even paying field, until the hall of fame reaches a certain point. At this point, the loosen the restrictions a little bit to 15-25 players, to give the more semi casual guilds a way to move into Mythic.