Bremmenn mentions "The very highest level of raiding should require exceptional ability in all three of the main areas of competency: Oganization, Effort and Skill. ", So why design a raid system that start on 10 man as minimum because Normal, Hero requires 10-30 and then change the rules of the game, Mythic should have been designed from the minimunrequired for raiding, now there’s players that like the hard content and must quit his friends guild because most of the mythic guilds required you to be on that guild,server…etc for logistics or guilds with less that 20 players that can’t do mythic all the nights because must pug players…etc or guilds with 20+ players that must bench players.
Sensation mentions something interesting “There needs to be more done in general with helping guilds/communities/raid teams stay afloat, and a big part of that is alleviating the massive amount of hurdles as well as the logistics strain that mythic raiding brings.” even if Blizzard doesn’t change the minimun required which IMO hurst the playerbase since a lot of Heroic Guilds can’t progress mythic, the fact that consumables, amount of bosses, skips, trash…etc takes a lot of time is also impacting the overall raiding scene.