I'm a Zandalari and when I zone into Zuldazar I go to docks now

Why is that? I completed the entire storyline… what gives? Or is that the new spot?

Being a Zandalari, shouldn’t I by default appear in the area it was before?


If you think this is a bug, you’ll want to post in the Bug Report forums. No Blizzard employee in Customer Support is going to have any answers or engage in a discussion about what the developers may or may not have intended.

Well, yeah… of course. but I assumed someone would know as I surely am not the first person to ask and it is possible it is not a bug.

The change seems to affect all players and characters. There was an earlier obvious bug that messed up the phasing of the city, so that it was useless as a quest hub, but the devs fixed that. They didn’t “fix” the new entry location, so either they didn’t consider it a bug or didn’t consider it worth fixing yet, even if it wasn’t intentional.

As far as I can tell, there has never been any confirmation from any employee of the company or representative of the developers that any part of this was done on purpose, but even if it is a bug you’ll never see that confirmed (because the developers don’t do that) and if they want to fix it, they’ll fix it when they choose to.


This bug cropped up with the drop of 10.1.5. So far as I am aware, there hasn’t been an announced “fix?”

There is one Blue reply I’ve found here in CS:


I do ask that you please not bump that thread, as it is old enough to be considered a necro - and it’s unnecessary to since you have this thread up here.

There were also several threads open over in the Bug Reports forums. I’m sure there are several more that I didn’t link, but it’s not something that is unknown. I would suggest you pop in on one or two of those, just to note that you’re also be affected by this bug. Sadly, I’ve not seen any hotfixes on this as yet? If there have been and I’ve missed, I do apologize in advance.


The only thing that was fixed was the broken phasing. Even after that fix, porting into the city continues to put you on the city docks, not in The Great Seal.


Ah ha, thank you. I’ve been hit or miss this past month and I know I’ve not kept up on things like I usually do. :sweat_smile:

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