I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

Man the biggest QoL change I want is one I want in retail too

Let me make quest text bigger

Srsly are there any addons that do this because I haven’t found one

I see MANY people on Classic+ discussion threads touting OSRS as their massive ace in the hole as to why we tell them that it’s not a good idea and why it wouldn’t work. I’ve even seen SOME who actually want to have the OSRS voting system utilized for it. Are you INSANE??? Yeah ok, lets put player voted changes into Classic…only that includes ALL players including those who play retail and don’t even LIKE Classic. Furthermore, OSRS has had changes/features put into the game that the community TURNED DOWN and voted NO on…yet the devs said “I don’t care what the vote result was, we’re gonna do it anyway” Blizzard has already proven to us countless times over that they CAN’T make good content (anymore), yet these Classic+ are so stuck on railing against the re-release of TBC/Wrath expansions (Because that is the road to retail) that they are DESPERATE enough to think that Blizzard can make something new in the vein of Classic that they would like. Which would be all fine and dandy, except that A…Blizzard isn’t going to devote TWO dev teams to work on Classic and Classic+ content…and B…These Classic+ people want retail features added into their custom version of the game. Lul whut? You just said that expansions were the road to retail…but you want retail features???

It’s really simple, not complicated at all. Let’s say, just for argument’s sake, that there are 250,000 current Classic players. Let’s say, just for argument’s sake, that of those 250,000 players, 100,000 have a pet change they want to make that did not originally exist in v1.0.0 - 1.12.1.

Let’s say, just for argument’s sake, that half of those pet “wants” make it into the game. 50,000 changes wouldn’t affect the game? You’re not playing with a full deck if you believe that. And I don’t think Classic would survive a mass exodus of those who want Classic to stay Classic.

And what if those 50,000 changes DID NOT include the one you want? You’d threaten to leave any way, wouldn’t you?

That’s a lose-lose proposition for the dev team, isn’t it … ?

You’re absolutely right, and although the proponents of Classic+ claim that THEIR game would be on a separate server and that Classic would stay the same, There’s no way that Blizzard would put all that money/time/man hours into such a project and not try to force players to participate in it to get a return on their investment. It makes ZERO sense to me and quite frankly is a horrible idea IMO

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For as much as you’re quoting and campaigning against that thread, you’re totally and utterly missing the point. It is not a request to build a new server. It is not a request for anything at all. It’s a discussion on things people wouldn’t mind seeing in the game. It’s clear you don’t see the value in that, so I’ll try to elaborate.

I’ve liked all constructive posts in that thread because I respect peoples opinions even when I don’t agree with them. You like flying? Great! Don’t like flying? Great! Maybe you don’t want any changes at all? Awesome! These are all opinions, and it’s ok for us to disagree.

Since it seems difficult to understand what’s explicitly stated, that it’s just a discussion, I’ll fill you in on the implicit reason that thread exists. I wanted to hear from other people about what made classic special to them.

Their experience.

It’s different for each and every one of us, but we’re all here so we can all agree that it was a special game. And this is a very special time for both games. We can look at what the game is now versus what it used to be, and individually evaluate where it may have lost some charm.

In that sense, it’s educational. What took away from that experience? What was added that didn’t? I think Classic should exist in its original form forever, because it’s a piece of video game history and it deserves that.

It’s absolutely worth talking about why that is, though, and the very best way to do that is to talk about the elements of it that changed. I simply don’t believe that there’s seven expansions of systems and content and not a single change was for the better. Which ones did you like? Which ones did you not like? If we agree that Classic was a special game and maybe modern WoW isn’t, why is that?

Are we able to collectively learn something here about WoW, or MMOs in general?

What’s important to me, in the end, is learning about that. And not just why it’s that way for me, but why it’s that way for you and everyone else.

That’s why that thread exists. Not to ruin anyone’s day or change something we love, but to learn.

Hope that helps.


They don’t want to open the door for future changes?


LOL then you might wanna look around at all the other threads in here because a LOT of them are actually talking about making this a real thing and wanting to REPLACE the potential TBC/Wrath with it. Every time we tell them no and that Blizzard can’t make good content anymore, they spout off some drivel about OSRS and how great an idea that was, so now they think it’s ok to bring that crap HERE.

Here give these a read and you will see exactly what I’m talking about:

If all of the discussion in that thread is purely hypothetical/theoretical, then why do so many others in other threads have it in their heads that this is actually going to be a thing? Some even CLAIM that Blizzard agreed to being open to such a thing which is categorically FALSE. There is no blue post out there saying that they were in favor or “approved” of Classic+ in any form.


Vanilla won’t run out of content. Less than 1% of players completed Naxxramas before the superior gear of TBC came out b/c of naxxramas’s difficulty and requirements and lack of hand holding. Vanilla could live on for a long long time. It’s built to take a long time to do anything. Just leveling to the level cap takes a long time compared to modern retail. Leave vanilla alone as is. There’s plenty of Quality of life in retail.


It’s mostly out of fear of that slippery slope.

Pandora’s Box ring a bell to anyone? Changes to Classic is opening Pandora’s Box.


EXACTLY…Ion himself said those exact words

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The only types of thing I think should legit be touched is maintenance things. Like if mobs or NPCs are bugged, that should be adjusted during a planned maintenance. The issue with mobs re-spawning so fast may be one thing like that. Very possibly, that happened back then and was quickly fixed on a Tuesday downtime once they were aware.

Every day, I catch myself grumbling bout why does my toon have to be stanidng to do this and that. Why don’t it just have them stand if they need to. Then, I remember where I am and go ‘oh yeah, that’s right. That’s how it was.’ I don’t even want this kind of little thing changed because I don’t want them to start down that path again.

Some of my toons may not have mount money when they are level 40. You know what? Big deal. A lot of people didn’t. They will get them sooner or later. My cartoon warrior running isn’t actually making me fatigued, sitting here in my cushie desk chair.

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I’m one of the players who are of the mindset that Classic gameplay was fine and enjoyable as is, but there’s more to that ‘golden formula’ than simply replicating the game code block by block. Players like myself basically want an MMO that adheres to the structure of classic social MMORPGs like Ultima Online or Everquest, but with modern solutions to old problems that plagued these games due to technical limitations and/or lack of experience in the genre.

For example, Classic Everquest raids were open zones like any other and any guild raid could come in and kill the mobs, denying them for other guilds. To beat them to the punch, guilds had to mobilize the very moment the raid mobs spawned (which were lengthy timers, sometimes spanning weeks). If you didn’t have a lifestyle that could afford scheduling everything around playing the game, you were pretty much not raiding as you had to be ready the very moment the guild called it in. That’s classic, but I don’t know anyone in their sane mind who would want that sort of mechanic again. Its an outdated solution to a problem that has been iterated several times in different and more successful ways today.

What I’m trying to say is, classic servers like this present a rare opportunity to see if the genre would progress in the way most of us thought it would back in the day, instead of the way most companies thought would be most lucrative. I’m in the minority, however, as there’s more people who simply want to relive the glory days with nothing else changed or altered even for the better. Either they don’t trust Blizzard to be consistently ‘good’ at changing the game in a classic-sense, or they may fear that any alterations to any element of the game could destroy the ‘golden formula’ that classic is. There’s a lot of people who want classic EQ with the horrible open-zone raiding system in-tact, and I can’t understand who would want to subject themselves through that horror again. I could only think that some people are simply trying to recapture the original experience they had, but that’s not possible; this is a game, not a time machine.

Imo, I think classic should be developed further now that we know what works and what doesn’t. Though I would go as far as to keep a client and servers that stay ‘true’ to the vanilla experience, and release a new client and new servers that veer off course.

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Then this version of the game is not for you. You were never the target player group. It was resurrected for the players who, over years and years of trying, wanted the original game (or as close to it as could possibly be made). If that isn’t you, then Classic isn’t for you.


Well we won and you’re playing in our world now. So be quiet and play the game.


Personally i find the leveling more challenging which i enjoy.


Have to assume this is a troll since you left it so vague and I haven’t seen any response from you after scrolling down a hundred or so posts.

That said, you have addons to help with some adjustments, and retail for all the rest of everything everyone asked for.

Someone mentioned barbershops being a gold sink [that would effect the economy and ultimate power and interplay between toons].

Someone else mentioned xmogs, and I was thinking how liberating it is to be rolling need or greed based on what is an actual upgrade and not having people’s cosmetic needs competing with your gear stat needs. Xmogs would be a gold sink like the barbershop too.

You’ll find auctionator, tomtom, classic codex, immersion, and various others offer oodles of ‘QoL’. I use those mostly on account of vision impairment, and auctionator to minimize time dorking around the ah. Blizzard also let us keep the open all button in our mail. :slight_smile:

Total purist nochangers might rail against classic codex and tomtom adding an unnatural degree of efficiency, but I see people throwing coordinates around classic.wowhead posts dated 2005, so purely informational buffs were there since the beginning. Total purist probably need to get a dial-up modem and netscape on a windows xp machine, then maybe go back to the burger flipper job they used to have and get a roommate who needs the computer to write a paper… to avoid the qol improvements that already exist. :slight_smile:

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Idk who wants to just repeat the release of the expansions, Because Im not really wanting to go down the same hole that lead to us begging for classic in the first place.

“Reading quest text is suffering”
Pathetic. Suffering is what brings people together hence why the world mobs must be dangerous in order to encourage people to group up in dangerous territory. Removing “suffering” doesn’t inherently make the game better.

“WoW Classic has no new players, and everyone who has played it has memorized every detail of it.”

Yeah, actually. I have no problem helping out other people unlike you. Even though it’s exceedingly rare I have done as much even in Classic.

Actually you do need to explain why having the game played for you should be allowed, clown. We already had this conversation with the LFG addon which existed similarly in Vanilla and the addon was deemed unfit for Classic.

I can see you coming in as a substitute and turning on the tv for a movie maybe.

By parsing quest text and simplifying directions for you. This is gameplay in dozens of other oldschool RPGs including WoW. I guess you’ve never played any?

Actual lie. Questie doesn’t display more information its whole point is to display less to make directions a matter of walking to a dot on the map. It simplifies the quest down to just the objective and replaces the clues and directions with a quest marker.

Conversation was already had. Addons that existed in vanilla like LFG and auto-decurse/dispell are no longer allowed. The precedent is that addons that simplify and automate gameplay are not in the spirit of vanilla. You’re wrong.


I would prefer you do that, yes.

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