I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

If you don’t like classic, then go back to retail. We don’t care.




Hear! Hear! You are not in the minority. It’s just that the minority yells the loudest and always seems to eventually get they’re way. The majority just sits back and never says a word.

I normally delete my toons when they reach endgame anyway. I am in it for the immersion in the original WoW world. The mechanics in a certain sense are kinda brutal, but that’s why I am here and not flouncing around in transmog on that other World of Warcraft.

I am not yelling #nochange because I don’t need to. Every indication from the Blizzard team is that things are working as intended. If improvements are to be made, they will be fixes to make the game even more accurately the same as Vanilla was.

I don’t understand the mindset of people who want to turn this into the mess that Retail is. The spec is frozen, there’s a reference called 1.0 for them to be working toward.


well since Vanilla would be patch 1.0 and that will never be a thing you’re SoL on that buddy.

You’re playing Classic, not Vanilla.

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1.12 is the only patch data Blizzard had, but close enough IMO. I’ll take what I can get. Even non-vanilla Classic is MILES beyond the garbage that is retail



They aren’t asking “yet”.

I seriously wish that people could see the old WoW forums.

Blizzard gets a lot of blame for their half-baked changes to WoW but many of these changes came from players CONSTANTLY campaigning for changes to classes, offering to pay for “services”, and overall just wanting something new every day.

Up until the point that Blizzard is basically holding our hand and leading us through our WoW experience.

Let’s stop pretending that if Blizzard gives in and changes say, the models and adds transmogging…

…it will be the end of it.

Because it won’t.

And every day, there will be some new QoL change.

Everything BFA has, we will have to have and on and on.


Play BFA.

They have all the Pokemon-Selfie fashion show loot box+ center Commander captain fly squad you need.


Vanilla launched with patch 1.1, and patch 1.12 is still vanilla.

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That chess comment was so good I shared it with my guild. <3


Classic+ = retail. Check it out.

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The thing that makes making changes dangerous is that some of the small changes proposed do have consequences.

Some are gold sinks. Some decrease populations in the city. Others decrease social aspects. And I do NOT trust Blizzard at this time to make good decisions with balancing that because they essentially fudged it before and now we have retail.

I’m ok with cosmetic changes, or little things like the key ring. It would be awesome for instance not to have to dedicate a bag to the pets I want during raids XD But I’m also willing to prioritize to make up for that. That’s what classic was, prioritizing what was important to you.

Now I will say, I use stuff like questie. I do want to level quickly, but I also did it the hard way dozens of times without it. That’s an experience that is enjoyable, it’s more fun for first time players. So while I enjoy having the option, I don’t want to see it mandatory.

I want Transmog, it was something desired by many RPers and people alike back during Vanilla. It doesn’t harm anything whatsoever.

Most people aren’t even 40, and very, very few of the overall population have an epic mount. Probably longer than you think.

I’m all for a standalone Classic, BC, and WotLK. You know why, because they were fun. To take a character from vanilla and have them work their way up to a WotLK character was FUN. Sharing that adventure with random friends you made along the way was FUN.

Why do we need standalone versions? One of my biggest complaints about this game, is because every time they release an expansion, it’s not just an expansion on the content, it’s a totally different game. They gut and change whatever they want about the game. Through all the gutting, mixing, and slicing, I personally feel they perfected it during WotLK and MoP. I like those versions and would play them daily. If I wanted to play CoD UO, I can pop in the CD, install the game, and get to playing. If I want to play WotLK, I pop in the CD, then get updated to retail and all the crap with it.

You think there will be nothing to do? It’s called make your own adventures. Create a new character. Work on professions. Explore the map before they give you an achievement to do it. Read the quests, understand the lore, make yourself a useful participant in the game instead of someone who just wants to be told what to do with it. If you consider daily quests an enjoyable part of the game then classic is NOT for you and never will be.

If you enjoy being part of a team taking on challenges, then classic is for you. If you want to be told how to play then stick with retail.

I never said reading the quest text is painful. If theirs anything ever painful to read in the world, it’s tweets.

But the “Suffer the way i’ve done or nobody is having fun” quote, It’s an idiom similar to “it’s my way or the highway”, meaning “If you do not do things the way I want or require, then you can just leave or not participate”, referring to the fact you seem to think in your subjective opinion, that playing with addons is the incorrect way of playing WoW Classic (i’l cop to the weird variation i used there that confused you thinking i said what you’ve said and fix that.).

You don’t get to control what the heck i do with my gameplay, and i don’t get to control what you do. I also hope you didn’t ignore the link to the Storyline addon i sent ya, as one of the addons that enhances the quest text by making it a GW2 style conversation cutscene if you will to enhance the immersion value. it slows questing down also if your into that kind of thing which… actually, could be right up your alley i assume. :+1:

Oh for goodness sakes you silly goose. :man_facepalming:

How did 'ya take that and think i’m saying that?
I perfectly understand there is new players in Classic, i should also suggest, (which they can take it or leave it, hey an option, neato) to brush up a bit of the lore on Classic while get a few tips and tricks in and if there in trouble, i would advise them to google search, cause i recognize it’s not 2004 anymore and we have the knowledge on our fingertips, even via by phones which are once upon a time dreamed as science fiction.

But fine, you can ask for people for directions, sure, go do it. I’m just telling you there’s alternative solutions out there and some people out there don’t want to google search for you. But you, do you.

Hey, you ask me to help, i’l help. Maybe i’l do it, maybe i can’t cause my schedule, maybe i don’t want too and just do my own thing. That’s perfectly fine, it’s human.

And you do realize you are helping people if you tell them how to google search your problems right?

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime. And Brother, cause knowledge is power, i just give everybody fish with advice like that… Well, metaphorically speaking of coarse. But i have a fishy feeling that you would disagree. :fish:

I mean, does it seriously ruin the game for you if a lot of people knows everything in the game? :man_shrugging:

Cause there’s one game i can think of the top of my head that is the same way; GTA SA. Does it ruin the game for me knowing theirs everything was found and left no stone or whatever unturned? No. I can still enjoy the game knowing it has a lot of passionate people willing to dedicate themselves to find stuff, and still find more even to this day. Same with WoW Vanilla. Infact knowing things might increase my replay-ability value a bit to go back and experience them for myself and see if i can get that or whatever.

Here’s a twist for you. I’m not in support of that Addon. Despite being extremely useful, i rather it be left in retail cause i genuinely see how it can be damaging to a game like this that relies on groups to do things.

So basically Money for Nothing. Though i doubt that career is gonna happen cause i don’t think the school would tolerate my wrongthink like… love and hate whatever you want, don’t take things away from other people cause you don’t like it, learn to deal with the fact that everybody is different, the actual reality of politics. :rofl:

Why? your gonna tell me that i can’t play those games however i want to? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But to answer your question, No. RPG in general wasn’t my genre before i gave WoW a shot and they became my new favorite genre to play. The fact i owe Dragonage Origins, The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Guild Wars 2 and even WoW Classic to WoW for getting me into the genre that i would otherwise ignore. I’l admit to being mostly an Action nut and theirs nothing wrong with that. But i try to diversify, looking at the 76+ games on steam and origin plus PS2 titles, i’m pretty diverse in that category.

I’l cop to my mistake and admit that a brief board stroke of a brush describing the addons wasn’t the best move. I’m a man who cop my mistakes, and self aware at times.

Addons do a variety of things, they will display detail more or less stats, they will either give you hints or point to the right direction or the direction of your choosing, they will help you in raids, , they help you get better immersed in the story (and some cases slow the leveling down), a they will more easily keep track of things, they will make RPing more user friendly, they will make the overall game user friendy to your preferences though UI overhaul mods, and some are just made for sheer fun.

And guess what?.. their all completely optional. Optional; It’s available to be chosen but not obligatory. You don’t need them, it’s there to enhance your experience if you prefer, like mods but less intrusive to the game and mostly restricted to UI. Sound replacements do exist but that’s as far Blizzard allows. Addons are choice that gamers make.

Oh no, i agree. Auto-decurse/auto-dispell doesn’t sound good at all. I don’t like Addons that actually automate my character, one such example being the first iteration of Healbot off the top of my head, living up to it’s name sake, IIRC.

Though to go back on Questie, i would imagine it would be pointless to get rid of that anyways since once again, 15 years of wow related stuff exist that people can type in and just go there or know what to do.

Speaking of removing things, lets not forget about a time where Blizzard did removed something that people enjoyed immensely that caused a huge uproar back in WoD. I would imagine they wouldn’t do it too much with the addons after LFG and auto-decurse/dispell.

And trust me, Classic needs all the success it can get. I enjoy the game and i’m glad both options for Retail and Classic exist so more people can get into WoW and have their favorite’s. I don’t want to exclude anybody, i don’t want either game to die off, i don’t want a tribalism or “you have to play it my way” mentality in my favorite game, cause that would be counterproductive and would destroy my favorite game by doing that. I want as many people playing, all faults and personal wishes (like barbershop, i’m a customization nut and i’l try to live without it even though i’l have the same hairstyle for all eternity. :persevere:) i genuinely think it’s a great oldschool RPG. Not perfect by any means, but definitionally a diamond in the rough. :small_blue_diamond: :slight_smile:

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Please tell me what difference it makes.

I have a level 40 Gnome Mage with her Mount right now on Classic, this server suits me just fine thank you. Just because I desire a bit more than a time machine server doesn’t mean I’m not a part of this demographic. Blizzard made these servers for anyone who wanted to play Classic, not only the group that called for it.


that’s the same mindset i have when dealing with SJWs, I never apologize to them for things i do and say, because the second you do, they’ll keep pushing.

Taking this into consideration with the #nochanges theme, I’m firm against even most cosmetic things and definitely have a huge distaste for the layering sharding system they have.


I want new quests that validate the worst classes/spec’s, even if by just a little.

New paladin quest that gives a taunt spell? Cool. New Druid quest that gives a unique druid weapon that makes them kinda better than garbage? That’s nice. It’s the small things that matter.

People don’t have faith that the modern dev team won’t **** it up.

Didn’t say you’re not part of the demographic; that’s YOUR phobia. I said if you don’t like Classic the way it is, it’s not your game. It wasn’t created for people who like and want Retail modifications. It was brought back from the dead for people who DON’T want Retail modifications. If you want Retail mods, you’re playing the wrong game.

Retail is designed to capture every gamer in the world. Classic is here to recapture the folks who believe Retail went off the rails. Retail QoL changes are NOT part of Classic; retail game play is not part of Classic; retail graphics are not part of Classic. And if those things are ever brought into Classic, it won’t be Classic any more.

Many have fought for YEARS to have this game revived, and endured a lot from the nay-sayers. It’s here, and they’re not about to let it be hijacked from under them by Retails who have 10,000 ways to ruin what they fought so hard for. It’s not rocket science – if you don’t like it the way it is, you’re playing the wrong game, it’s not for you.

It IS a time-machine, a museum piece. It was brought back to life to BE a time-machine, a museum piece. Your desire for a bit more than a time machine means exactly what I said above – this game is not for you. If you want changes that are in Retail, you do not want to play Classic; so stop trying to say that you do. Those changes would turn Classic into something that isn’t Classic.