#NOCHANGES 🐒 , Arguments flawed and debunked (SERIOUS)

If you’re here to rage and point fingers at people wanting Classic+, and write them off as retail tourists, feel free to scroll down and post. This post isn’t meant to change the mind of those who are most ignorant, but to give perspective to people who are towards the middle.

Classic+ is adding new content to the base game while keeping the core philosophies of what makes classic a great game. This is done in the form of unique expansions tailored to classic, or just new quests and content for people to complete in the form of patches.

  1. Private servers did fine for years, Classic will be no different.

The top private server only had 10k active players, a fraction of what retail and Classic has now. We’re talking about a 95% sub drop-off if we revert to that kind of population. Blizzard is a corporation with profit in mind, they will shut down the servers once the costs outweigh the revenue. The employee wages/benefits and server upkeep outpaces any pserver fan project in expenses by a large margin. If you don’t believe this, research how much it costs to maintain a server as a professional company. It is very different from a fan hosting it.

  1. Classic is meant to be a ‘museum’ or ‘time capsule.’

No, Classic was developed for over a year with the sole purpose of making money, and bringing back a lot of subs. The people behind the project are passionate, but at the end of the day the point was not to create a museum, it was to create another cash cow. Not developing more content would severely limit the flow of cash.

  1. Blizzard can’t be trusted, they will screw it up and ruin Classic+. (This is how we got retail!)

The safest assumption is that Classic+ will be its own server separate than the Vanilla museum server, so your vanilla experience isn’t in danger at all. Secondly, it’s reductive to assume you know Blizzard’s intentions or goals in terms of game design. They know the demographics of their Classic community (more hardcore) and will cater new content to the new community, much like any other company. (So no LFG, flying at level 40, heirlooms, etc.) The fact that Blizz acted quickly to disable the LFG addon before launch should clue you in to how they intend to support the vanilla community going forward, so no, Blizz is not going to make “another retail.” That already exists.

  1. Classic+ does exist, it’s called retail. Just go back!

Wrong on multiple levels, retail is entirely different in terms of difficulty and design to classic, and Vanilla only content can be geared to fit within the hardcore nature of old school WoW. Vanilla only xpacs are not likely, but easily implemented content like new quests wouldn’t take up much of Blizz’s R&D and keep the game fresh. Old school runescape (OSRS) is a prime example of this and is still successful to this day, even INCREASING their numbers after adding new content.

  1. I’m happy with Classic, we don’t need new content.

It’s extremely unlikely that Blizz will force Classic+ will be the only option, the true Vanilla server will be available for anyone who wants to experience it. New content on a separate server shouldn’t bother you! You can be safe knowing your experience won’t be impacted in any way. For the rest of us, Vanilla is likely to slowly die as you cannot expect people to be re-running Ony, MC, and Naxx for years and years while paying 15 dollars a month. People will eventually bore of Classic and Blizz isn’t likely to let those 15$ a month subscribers slip through their fingers.

  1. Blizz finally gave us Classic and now you want more.

If Vanilla remains the way it is, people will eventually bore of the same quests, dungeons, and raids and cancel their sub. By innovating and trying to grow support for a movement to innovate the Classic experience and add more, we are actually helping Blizzard as it’s the only way to keep players interested and subbed. This isn’t about entitlement, this is about keeping the foundations of WoW - hardcore, tight knit community and an interconnected world like an MMORPG should be- alive while still allowing new content to be added for the playerbase’s enjoyment.

  1. You just want them to design YOUR ideal game!

Ask yourself why you love classic in comparison to retail. I don’t have to tell you why I do, because we probably have the same list. This has nothing to do with not wanting content, and everything to do with the fact that it is an entirely different game with a different set of ideals.

We love classic just as much as you do. If we didn’t, we would go back to retail. But we’re here to stay, and we hope that this game is able to flourish and grow and that you guys are able to see why it is important to grow with us. If there can be separate TBC servers, there can be seperate Classic+ servers.


I agree with everything that was said. Very good read!

Classic+ would be amazing.


As far as I made it.


#NoChanger here, agreed on all counts.

Edit: minor reservation on whether we can be confident Classic+ will be separate. Those very same server costs you mention argue against the idea.


As long as they leave a Classic server open I dont care if they open a million different versions I’m happy with Classic.


Sounds like somebody needs to go back to retail with that attention span.

Good post OP!




It all starts with a few changes. Then comes the inevitable avalanche of changes.

Sorry. Private servers were not my vanilla.

“If Vanilla remains the way it is, people will eventually bore of the same quests, dungeons, and raids and cancel their sub.”

Yes, this is exactly why expansions became a thing.


They only did this because private servers were a thing and its a bit hard to sue a private server out of existence when the users can counter-sue because wow classic didn’t exist and they can’t play the game they wanted.


You coulda been playing the game you say you love but instead you maker some rage post to counter other toxic posts nice


Blizzard never offered “Classic plus”.

Blizzard never offered “an ideal game for YOU (different for each player), but similar to Classic”.

Blizzard heard tens of thousands of player posts in the forums saying “Classic was better than modern WoW is”, and decided to offer us Classic.

Feel free to discuss “what the ideal game would be”. That is what these forums are about. Just don’t ask Blizzard to design YOUR ideal game or MY ideal game or each of the other 400,000 players’ ideal game.

At these prices, no custom games.


No doubt classic servers will be condensed when there is a drop off, they already confirmed this. Those resources can be put towards the future servers.


This is explained in #7.


Its totally Serious now.

I don’t understand why people aren’t suggesting WoW 2. Modern game set in the distance future with old school classic game play.


Cataclysm was WoW 2, geez people, lol


You said quite a bit and failed to define what might be the most important part of your thread.

1 Like

Appreciate the response, will add that.

So cataclysm was a game made in 2019+ with modern engine capabilities set in the far distant future of WoW lore wise with old school classic game play?

