#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

I’m not advocating for flying, LFG, mounts at level 20, or anything that goes against the classic experience.

But not wanting people to have new models, or not wanting new content so that you can keep the video game as a ‘time capsule’ or a ‘museum’ is blind nostalgia. Plain and simple.

If we don’t want our favorite game to fall off and lose a lot of its spice and popularity, we must have new content.

We already have TBC in retail, the reason classic was such a massive change is because every quest is different and we have the old world.

If the game is good and you love playing it, you would be fine with adding more content to the same game as long as the core essence of it stays the same. If you don’t want new content, chances are you don’t like classic for the right reasons.

Classic+ is the only viable path moving forward.

EDIT: What a lot of people have confirmed in the thread is that when they run out of content, they will cave and be on board. We won the battle.


I was saying it before release and I’ll say it again. The #nochanges crew was like 90% hype and propaganda. Give it time and people will settle down. Some people just really want to experience vanilla again for what it was, some folks just don’t yet (but are starting to) understand what that experience was actually like.

If Blizzard wants to keep the game going, they’re going to have to make some changes. The need for those changes are potentially years out though. They also may not want to make any changes… perhaps they just want to leave classic here, as-is, as a way to experience the game as before.

Who can say!

(For myself, I’m really rooting for the classic+ route. I’d love to see additional content past Naxx, along with some reigned in QoL changes to make the game smoother.)


What is wrong with you people?


You know what is plain and simple? A thousand different people are looking forward to a thousand different things in Classic. Everyone has their own reasons for taking this journey. I believe in no changes because I don’t want my own personal favorite tweak be the reason someone else stopped enjoying the game. I will endure the things I do not particularly love so that the game is preserved for those that do.

It is what it is. If you like it, then enjoy yourself. If you do not like it, retail awaits.


Since everyone insists #nochanges is the minority, how about we agree on this.

  1. Provide enough servers locked in a museum state to fill its demand. Even if you argue that’s “one server at best because nobody likes pure classic”, then sure whatever.
  2. You guys can then have your infinite incarnations of Classic+, TBC, WOTLK, and whatever else is dreamt up. On separate servers.

If we can agree on that, we have no beef. But if I’m “forced” out of classic and Classic+ or TBC/WOTLK/etc is thrust upon my server, I’d unsub that day. I literally do not want that, as much as you insist I don’t know what I like.


Classic’s only value is that of a museum game. The moment they begin to modernize it, it dies.

Suggest changes to retail instead.


There’s no need to discuss about future implementations because people are people. They will burn out and start complaining they want more and blizzard will accommodate demands just give it some time instead of making threads about what will happen anyway


i doubt they will ever do anything beyond the original plan. being a time capsule is all this should be. people played private servers forever so there will always be a community here. the larger community will move on eventually and there is nothing you can do about it.


Well we already know what happens when you change classic, so like, what if we don’t.


Somehow the game of chess has survived in it’s current form for hundreds of years.


I doubt you’ll see any changes anytime soon or ever. If the game continues to be this popular as is, Blizzard will put in the minimum amount of effort to sustain the game. Classic is easy money for Blizzard.


This is an attempt to play a game as it was. If you want changes, go to retail. They make changes all of the time.


It’s also the entire stated purpose of the Classic project as Blizzard has described it. So there’s that.

Seriously, the better fight to have is over in the Retail forums, not here. Retail is the version of the game that is constantly iterating. If, a year or two from now Classic is still going strong after the intial lustre has worn off, you should be pointing to it and telling the WoW devs “See? You have a market for this. Lets see if we can’t strike a balance between modern convenience and an actual MMO.”


The game has been out a week. Maybe wait 6 months before making this an issue?



Fixed your title.

Retail updates itself, so if people want change, they can go there…or wait for a TBC Classic server.


“Somehow the game of chess has survived in it’s current form for hundreds of years.”

Imagine comparing chess to an MMORPG. I shouldn’t have to elaborate any further.

“Well we already know what happens when you change classic,”

Yeah dude, because they made mistakes in the past new content is a no go even though they learned from their mistakes. Seems legit.


No. If you want changes, BFA is waiting for you.


Yet this ‘blind nostalgia’ kept drawing people towards private servers for how long until now? Almost fifteen years?

I think that is proof of how well does the game hold up as it is.


As much as I love Classic and don’t want to see ANY changes, there’s a reality to the situation: Classic either needs to grow, or it will die. It may not be 2 weeks from now, or even 2 months from now… but unless things happen, folks will get their fill and move on because nothing new is on the horizon there. Yes, I know they’ve gated some of the content to release in phases… but it’s still all Classic stuff, however.

Activision knows that - there’s no way they’ll let it happen.

Some think TBC is the answer - I don’t. I don’t think too many folks who are playing Classic are greatly interested in seeing WoW devolve all over again.

I think the answer to long term sustainability of Classic is either A.) Evolving Retail to be more like it or B.) Releasing brand new expansions for Classic aimed at keeping the feel, but growing the Classic game in a new direction. Almost like a WoW 2.

I think A is far more likely than B, and I’d welcome a refocus on Retail back to WoW’s core values.


#nochanges was the theme for launch

From here on out it’s going to be #changes starting with the six phase release, which even if it’s “vanilla” content it’s still adhering to a release schedule that is unique to classic, driven by community temperature checking on progression etc.

Same applies to anything that comes after those six phases (TBC, etc), just how far down we go down the #changes rabbit hole remains to be seen