I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

Many of those that want QoL changes will have no direct effect on how gameplay actually plays. It just makes things more convenient. People aren’t asking for game breaking changes like LFR, LFG, mounts at 20, etc… Why are people so hostile for changes that would benefit this version of the game?

New flash to all you #nochanges people… You won’t have much to do at level 60 when everyone quits because they run out of content a year down the road. So if you truly love this version of the game, you’ll truly be the death of it too.

Just had to say it…
#sorrynotsorry. :tipping_hand_woman:


People aren’t necessarily for nochanges to leave the game permanently vanilla with nothing else.

A majority want classic as classic, and just release tbc.

Classic+ is a silly idea.


What changes precisely are you referring to?

Sounds like an opinion that you are entitled to having. We’ll see how things go and what other changes are implemented to Classic that weren’t part of Vanilla.

Time will also tell as to where we go from here. I’m personally looking forward to continuing from where we’ve started, and the journey ahead.


We want vanilla. It’s really that simple.


because that is how it got to retail, the “what harm can it do?”
Small changes that lead to big changes.
So the question back is, why can’t you just play it the way it is?


The only thing I want changed is questing/mob respawn.


For me, I just want the barbershop. I like changing it up from time to time. It’s a QoL change that wouldn’t effect anything game mechanics wise.


The majority of people do not understand what quality of life means. So the vast majority of “quality of life” changes asked for are simply someone’s pet preference. So one reason we are hostile is because we are constantly having to explain how changes to the game will affect others. Transmog, etc.

In the rare event that someone has a genuine quality of life Improvement rather than a drastic change to the core tenets of the game, we are still extremely averse to advocating for it because we trust neither blizzard nor the player base to stick to that level of change. And we’ve ample reason to lack that trust.

As for your news flash, you are a bit late to the party. The term museum piece has been tossed around for maybe a year now. Sorry not sorry you weren’t aware.:tipping_hand_woman:‍♀


You can still play retail if you get bored there are many changes there…


Making something more convenient does not automatically mean it benefits the game.


And here is a quick example of someone overlooking a consequence of a tiny change. We constantly have to point out things like the fact that the barbershop will provide an economy sink, draining gold.

Will it be a large effect? Of course not. But people overlook these sorts of things constantly.


I’m a NoChanger because as soon as something is changed, people will push for the next thing. We already see this with the changes that made it in (such as layering, which I am still against). The classic “Give an inch, they take a mile” kind of thing. In my entire time playing this game I have never seen it not happen.

Realistically speaking, I am not 100% against changes, but having them sets a dangerous precedent and it would just be better to not have any.


Imagine conflating QoL changes with in-game content.

If you really want the QoL, this isn’t the version of the game for it. Future expansions added them, and we ended up with two completely different versions of WoW.

Let’s not mention you gave no examples of any changes, so all we can do is assume what you’re talking about.


If they stay true to the #nochanges and release no further content than what is planned for the 6 phases eventually everyone will have tens of thousands of gold with all characters epic mount outfitted. Eventually a gold sink will be needed or the AH prices will be so inflated you might as well be on retail.


how are pservers still populated after years? hmmm


It’s the internet. Groupthink, likes, and dismissing discussion with a hashtag is just the way it is.



The people that wanted Classic WoW wanted Classic WoW. Not Classic WoW but I have all of these quality of life changes. Not Classic WoW, but the market is heavily marked up because WoW token’s are a thing people can sell, and making gold any other way is a painful grind. Not Classic WoW but also with LFG, lower level mounts, easier gold farms. We wanted Classic WoW to be as close to Vanilla WoW as possible, which they have done a damned good job at. The only changes I want to see are them retuning bosses to the current skill level of the average player. Nothing else.


With how slow gold is raked in in classic there is no way it will ever be anywhere near retail level. Maybe in 30 years or something.


Even something as simple as quest markers kills an aspect of socialization. People don’t explore the world, just beeline straight to a marker on the map and they don’t ask others for directions. Convenience is not inherently good game design especially in an MMO where other players are your convenience.

Now as to no changes being the death of Classic you can screw off. The game didn’t even begin to die until significant “quality of life” changes were put in, and the original form has been enjoyed for well over a decade now and still attracts new players. It is not going to die if left alone.


Exactly there are plenty of excellent Arguments for all these small changes. But none of them address the fact that we do not trust them to make the changes. This is why we asked for just classic.