🤔 Classic+ Discussion

I really like WoW Classic. There was another thread floating around here that Classic will eventually get old, and BC would be released. This made me wonder about what people would be looking for in a “Classic+.”

This is entirely subjective and 100% only for the sake of discussion. I’m sure everyone has different opinions so try to respect those. :slight_smile: If it ever did happen, it’d have to be its own thing because core Classic should always exist.

I’d personally like to see things that I miss from modern, while keeping the feel of the old:

  • No increased level caps
  • Consistent difficulty in content (this is an opportunity to have a large amount of raid content remain relevant)
  • New races/class combos (e.g. Blood Elf Paladin)
  • Potentially new classes. I’ve never cared about the newer classes so have no horse in this race.
  • More flexibility for the devs to refine the classic experience…it’d be kind of going off the rails and becoming its own thing.
  • The option for using new models (not forced).
  • Transmog with a client option to disable it for everyone else (otherwise it’d be too divisive).
  • Disable shoulders. :wink:
  • Art updates for the old world. I honestly don’t have any attachment to old art.
  • I’m totally indifferent to flying mounts. I’ve only ever hated loud mounts because they make my Undercity noisy. :slight_smile:

Again, this is just the things I personally miss from modern. I overall enjoy classic way more so will continue to play here rather than on BFA. Fun to think of the possibilities, though! :slight_smile:


I honestly hope they do something with this game from classic. Retail and this game are two completely different games at this point.


Someone mentioned in another thread the possibility of slowly having a different narrative…like if this became its own alternate timeline.

It’s high budget, but I like it. What would the world look like if Arthas won? :thinking:


Yes, it would be high budget but completely worth it. As it stands right now this game (classic) will eventually die out. If they release content and stick to the roots of classic wow there is much life for the game, and a lot of money for them. Retail right now is slowly dying. Classic has brought new life back to the game.


All for it.


Here’s just a fun example idea. As I was leveling my Tauren I discovered that the cave where you kill miners is enormously bigger than needed for the quest. I saw groups in the distance just killing things. No dungeon. No bosses. Not even any quests. Just a huge area to roam and kill.

That’s the kind of thing I would add to Classic, at all levels. Kind of an alternative to questing or dungeons. Just open world group content. And of course sprinkle profession ingredients all throughout.


Haven’t played WoW for a few years and even when I did was never a raider but the only things I think perhaps should be added are:

  1. The Barber shop AND
  2. Those icons on the minimap that show you where stuff is in cities, like flight paths/class trainers etc. As cute as it is having to ask the guard all the time and I know you eventually remember but it’s nice particularly in a new place to have a quick visual guide instead of having to go to WoWHead.

Ah, right. I definitely want a barber shop too. I personally see this as so trivial that it should be in regular Classic, not reserved for a Classic+ server variant.


Same, it’s definitely something I would simply sniff and turn my head at unless it were part of a raft of more or larger changes.

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Classic+ is something I hope happens…keep the essence of the game and expand…horizontally not vertically as it is with retail…keep the story going don’t increase level cap…

Add progression in other forms, I doubt it’ll happen unless they just are flabbergasted with classic being a hit and realize that they need to keep it going


I hope not. You’re asking for features that were added in TBC or WoTLK, but you want to keep classic so that you can play on an endless loop for years and years.

The general population may not want that. Blizzard may not go through with it if they don’t see it as a way to make money. They won’t always have the player interest in mind; they’ll have the interest of money and sales in mind.


But this is the core problem with Classic+

You can’t keep adding content AND keep everything relevant.

Either you’re going to obsolete some of the content by making higher difficulty content, or else you’ll create a situation where players just starting have an insurmountable climb through a bunch of raid tiers when all the established guilds have already moved on.

Even when players can overcome that drawback, what’ll happen is guilds will carry players through content to get them geared… so they’ll end up skipping the lower tiers anyway.

I’ve been thinking about this since people started talking about Classic+. I can’t come up with a solution.


honestly i wouldn’t mind if they expanded on classic content with more dungeons and raids to put out more types of gear. not really better stats just wider ranges of things for hybrid classes and things of the nature. or fun items.


Horizontal progression. Add another race, another few starting zones, another dungeon at each level tier. Try serving the questers and levelers instead of the raiders. Even retail did this with their new races.


I personally would love a Classic + . Just keep it on vanilla rails (not a fan of flying mounts). Transmog being a personal thing and the ability to disable it is awesome. I’m cool with races and classes coming over time. Still think they should keep Pallies (A) and Shaman (H) maybe even expand on that with special classes per faction. Would love to see Goblins become a mercenary faction that only cares about who’s paying more ( no idea how that could be implemented, maybe like the panda ending quest chain idk.)


Hm. Classic+… It’s an interesting concept but it seems less likely than Progressive Servers. But for the sake of spit balling, I’ll list some things.

  • Barber Shop
  • Transmog
  • Hunter Pet Transmog (Same family to same family. Everyone running Broken Tooth is going to look so bland eventually).
  • Class balancing
  • New raids that are element themed or require collecting/crafting new kinds of gear that allow you to exist in that new content.

IE a Nature-based raid in the Emerald Dream requiring Nature Resist to not fall asleep. New quests and drops spawn in the areas around the Emerald Dream portals. Once you have all of the crafted/dropped gear for the raid, your 40 man team can enter without people falling asleep.

This way people don’t get stronger than Naxx level in terms of power to keep world content interesting, the stats themselves stay the same (Stam, Agility, whatever).

But that’s not very likely to happen because making raids is very costly, apparently.


The priority right now is fixing server queues and removing layering and fixing bugs. If they can’t handle these things, it’s best they not make any changes.

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It’s interesting reading this, because most of the changes people want are features that already exist in Retail.

Deja vu :thinking:


I just want non vanilla races with Vanilla esque racials. SPECIFCALLY GOBLINS

Barbershop I guess is fine… and tbh I like BC talents more than WOTLK or Vanilla Talents.


I do not want more PvE progression or anything in that matter just tweaks that would add more twist on the already great vanilla model.


I hope for classic plus. Doing bc and other expacs is a complete waste of an opportunity here. Old runescape did it. So can wow. I dont want bc flying and wotlk LFG all over again. We already did that