I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

Blizzard did NOT offer “a game like Classic, but YOU can make up the rules”.

Blizzard did NOT offer “the best game for you, with the best QOL”.

Blizzard offered “the same as it was in Classic”, after hundreds of thousands of forum posts claiming “Classic was better than modern WoW is”.

Now you can compare Classic to modern WoW. You decide: was it better? If not, go play BFA. If so, play Classic.

Blizzard is responding to complaints in the forum, NOT a demand for “the ideal game, as defined differently by 200,000 players”.


Hi Codyjt! Do you have a favorite video game? Non-MMO.

I do! And I like going back and playing it. “Hey! That game you love sucks. Let me make some changes to it” you say.

“No”. I reply. I then play that game I love, ignoring everything about you and your opinions.


Classic, with all its faults , is a masterpiece. Don’t re-paint over the Mona Lisa.

No changes, its imperfection is perfect.


So we’ve watched Warcraft slide down the hill to Retail, shedding RPG aspects. We’ve watched the ENTIRE GENRE follow it in lock step, to the point where we have two options; go back to circa 1999 and play EQ, or wait for Pantheon.

Now you claim the third game to step up to the cliff shouldn’t be securely battened down? That we’re irrationally holding on to it?

We have different definitions of likely.


except that we have proof that they would…Its called BFA …I mean really what more proof would one need to see that your statement is false…#NOCHANGES.


There are a number of QoL changes I’d like to see added if for no other reason than not needing to use an addon to accomolish them. They are:

  1. Bag and bank sorting/consolidation/cleaning, whatever they call it.

  2. Guild banks

  3. Outfit/gear management. Being able to create different gear sets and auto-swap using a drop-down menu is really useful for me.

  4. Shutting off XP. I enjoyed twinking in Vanilla and being able to shut off XP gain would enhance the experience of hunting for those just-right items without fear of accidentally over-leveling.

  5. Barber shop. As much as I love the way my characters look, changing up hairstyles every once in a while is fun.

Those are the kinds of things I think about when thinking if QoL changes.

Just Say No to flying, LFG, LFR, summoning stones (ironic for a lock to say, I know), BG XP, and all other significant gameplay changes that would ruin the spirit of Classic/Vanilla.

Oh noooooooo I would have to downsize and spend 25 seconds pulling up Thottbot like I did back in 2005. :roll_eyes:


Hasn’t happened on private servers, and they’ve been around since the early 2010’s. Maybe earlier. Sure, I took breaks-- but I always went back.

Like what? Transmog? Ruins WYSIWYG. Client-side only? Ruins the game in outside media. If I see footage or SS’s of Classic, WYSIWYG should still be preserved. New models? Same thing-- Classic needs to look like Classic, NOT RETAIL, no matter where it appears. If you want to RP, wear the actual items. LFD? Flying? No explanation needed.

I don’t really care if you get tired of not having retail features. I don’t think Classic needs to outdo retail or any other game for that matter. It just needs to be authentic and I’ll always come back to play it.

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  1. Inventory management is part of the game.
  2. Guild banks change the dynamics of intra-guild interaction.
  3. Get an addon if you must have it, I guess.
  4. That’s part of the game, gotta play around it.
  5. I like peoples’ characters being identifiable by the traits they chose when they made the character.

“QoL” breed laziness. It’s a ridiculous term, too. If you’re playing World of Warcraft and have time to think about stuff like this, then your quality of life is plenty good already.


I agree that the game is good as-is. I’ve enjoyed every second I’ve played and if it never changes I’ll still enjoy playing it. Everu time I open my bags and try to click the sort button I’m reminded that it’s not there and my neurotic side cries a bit. That sorting option is the thing I miss most.

I fully agree with the concern that any change will lead to other, drastic and unwanted, changes such as LFG and want to avoid that at all costs. Having played from 2005 through 2011, and being both an officer in guilds and a GM myself I do also understand the desire to have some useful features from later content added as well. While I disagree that minor QoL changes breed laziness, I understand and agree that major changes would significantly alter the nature and intent of Classic in undesireable ways. That’s a fine line to navigate, no doubt about it.

As someone who appreciates certain QoL features in retail, when playing retail, I will say… They do not belong in Classic. Classic was brought back for people who wanted the experience of Classic, social aspect and all. Questing be more difficult encourages people to group and talk when they never would in retail, same with the lack of dungeon finder and the like… you have to actually talk to people to play with people.

Small changes like quest icons are even enough to change this social aspect. If you can just see were your next quest is from far away, you don’t have to explore the world, or care about the world. Your less likely to run into others exploring as well. You’ll just rush to each and every quest and burst it down before heading to the next ‘job’ to reach 60. People never talk while questing or help each other in retail because they don’t have to, so they don’t, and rarely even think if it. When everything is easy and spoonfed to you it becomes a chore, and the Classic audience asked for Classic as it was to avoid these issues.

If I want retail changes I can go to retail, that’s what it exist for. Classic exist to bring the people who wanted it for so long the Classic experience, lack of QoL and all… because that was actually an important part of the community experience.


You should pay attention. Classic is on patch 1.13.2

look, i for one want TBC.
but i do not want TBC at the expense of forcing those who just want Classic to be forced to go forward. if you want separate servers, that is one thing, but the entire goal of classic is to bring back an authentic vanilla wow.
you can’t give that to people and tehn take it away from them again.
and no, wrath was not amazing, despite your claim
most of the things people take issue with in retail? got started in wrath

  1. dumbed down dungeons and LFD
  2. class homogenization began in earnest in wrath
  3. the gear “Treadmill” (before wrath there wasn’t enough catch up mechanics to enable you to skip entire raid tiers, in wrath you could skip all old content and go to the newest).
  4. Multiple difficulties for raid design.

the best parts of wrath was the story and Ulduar as a whole.

yes but whose idea of beneficial gets in? what about those who just want what was promised?
people changing crap is what lead to this in the first place.

but to you its just the barbershop. to tim its just lfd, to larry its just transmog.
why do you get your wish and not or larry?

so why do you get the 5 changes you want, but Jennifer is left out of what she wants?

I’m happy with the way things are right now. Are there changes I’d like to see? Yes. Do they really need to be in the game for me to enjoy playing it? No.

Some people higher up in the thread asked what peopke meant when they said QoL, so I figured I’d respond with my take on the subject.

Do I feel my wishes are more valid than another’s? No, but I do think certain changes would have effects which would significantly alter the nature of what Classic is and should not be considered. I’d rather have no changes made than have ones that significantly change the essence of Classic made. It’s a very fine line and is definitely a subjective topic so extreme care needs to be taken when altering the base game.

As much as I’d like to not need addons to achieve certain things that are options in retail, I’d rather have to use them to ensure the general playerbase has a satisfying experience than risk altering the fundamental nature of Classic in ways that makes people want to stop playing.

and this right there is my point.
Player A is earnest in his desire to maintain classic being awesome but wants to add a few things that would not impact game play. stuff like easy sorting of bags, a barber shop, and more stream lined flight paths.

Player A campaigns for an OSRS style system and it gets in.

6 months later Player A is looking around at a world where it has been utterly changed with the inclusion of several ideas he did not wish to roll into classic like Transmog, LFD, Flying, and Heirlooms.

If you give a mouse a cookie…

thats what we are talking about here.

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yeah the warrior in the other thread is talking about “well we could do stuff we didn’t do before”.
but what do you see on these forums?
Dual Spec
AoE Looting
Class Balance (Despite blizzard literally saying if they were to change classes they would give us retail design and balance).

hmmm. one of these things is not like the other.

Cause i understand what negative effects tmoging and LFD does for classic. LFD for destroying the social aspect and Tmog destroying the… idk, showing off your gear or identifying it at a glance? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What would the barbershop destroy in all honestly other then your precious inflation? oh no, a 1% change for the worst and people who are rich and well rounded with the AH won’t become 1% richer… :roll_eyes:

… You know, if you guys are worried about inflation or whatever, then why have it in for cheap or free? it wouldn’t disrupt anything if it’s free?

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What does that have to do with QoL changes?

I reckon keep Classic as Classic and allow people to transfer their characters to a normal server if they want to continue content above 60.