How do the arena changes 'kill' casual arenas?

I’ve seen several people stating that tonight. I don’t understand though…I thought the new changes didnt apply to sub-1500 teams (they would get the points they exoected to get already; not a ton but wnough to get your epics reasonable amount of time, like they used to) and that teams who stay grouped and push rating each week with the same teams would just earn gear a lot faster.

Is that not what the change was? Could someone please explain to me why people are mad about the tbc arena changes, and whther it’s rational to be mad about?

I’m new to arenas in general and am looking forward to trying them in tbc.

I don’t think it kills casual arena play. I think what many detractors argue is that some of the player-base are undoubtedly non-white and the arena changes provide zero incentive for those players to participate.

There are a dozen threads about this already, man:

There are over 2000 replies to those threads.


Excellent! You sound kinda miffed but I appreciate the links and didn’t see those earlier so, thanks.

We’ve been beating this dead horse for weeks. It’s the same cyclical arguments. It’s as if there is a wedding and the entire bridal party has been ferociously fighting with the groom’s party about some aspect of the venue - everyone is getting hot and angry and drunk and stuff is being thrown etc. 2 hours into the fighting it just starts to quiet down and Conarch walks in and goes “Whew, some venue huh?” and then wonders why everyone stares at him angrily.

Fine, youre sick of hearing about it. But, if people are still interested in it and are talkng about it (and generally agreeing that there is still a problem there) then the horse isn’t really dead yet, is it?

If you don’t want to talk about it, skip the thread; it isnt knocking on your door trying to sell you pest control.

But thank you again for the links.

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It’s literally against the forum Terms of Service to create threads that already exist. This thread could be reported and removed. Use the search function.

This thread didn’t exist and I did scroll down and search. Dude, relax and back off, you’re being a prick.

Yeah I got pretty sick of trying to explain it to people, just to get the people trolling saying “just get good” not wanting to actually listen to the argument being made.

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Reading through the links mr crusty posted actually has me understanding a lot more why ppl are mad. The changes seem silly to me. What a modern-blizzard type fumble. Oof.

I could literally fill the rest of this thread out with quotes from me, you, ZinQ etc. That’s how dead this horse is.

For funsies, I can answer the literal OP question with a quote from a week ago →

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The argument seems to be that there is a set of casual players who aren’t interested in trying to win and won’t play at all if they aren’t guaranteed to eventually get a handful of items(most items don’t have a rating req)

Great, I wasn’t here a week ago, I was doing other stuff, and missed all that. But thank you again lol. You keep feeding me the info I was looking for. You’re like a really grumpy but useful santa clause. …kinda like the one in the new Love Death and Robots season. Good stuff. Have a good night <3

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Which is fine. But it’s searchable. It’s all there. Over a dozen threads, many with 500+ replies. This is a very dead horse even if you’ve never laid eyes on the horse before. Some other guy just made ANOTHER “fresh server?” thread and I think I’m going to blow an aneurysm.

I think I need to take a break from the forums, tbh.

Edit: Also Blizzard seems to have read my 10000 posts on the subject of the arena rating change and lowered the weapons to 1850, the ONE group of players that I contended would be screwed by rating requirements. So it’s all good in the hood now.

I wish you would…

I would be careful because that guy may report you and you may get in trouble.

edit: I wish people wouldn’t be like that but he mentioned you breaking rules. Who knows what he is capable of doing to get you in trouble.

Prepatch is tomorrow. This week was just a long one with nothing to do in game. I did a DS1 replay with a buddy but mostly I just kept various reddit / forum threads open on my second monitor and s%#t-posted. I have 400+ posts in 10 days here alone. Granted, I have over 800 likes on those posts, which I would like to think demonstrates that I have meaningfully contributed to the discussions.

But yeah, WoW is back on the menu. Was fun, General Forums!


Comments like this is why debating this topic gets old

Yep, been foruming a lot more myself as well. Once prepatch hits it’s all bout gearing up my shty geared retadin through BGs and having some fun on a lowbie BE cus man the 1-20 BE zone is amazing!

I will be hiding in an AB bush on a 58 boosted druid with 2k health for checks notes 112,000 honor and 240 marks. Kill me.

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