Don't understand rating requirements

I’m having a hard time understanding why pvp should be gated behind an arena rating. If you’re able to earn higher ratings you’re either:

  • more skilled
  • more viable class/spec
  • more viable team comp
  • some combination thereof

So these players should be given even better gear than others? Doesn’t that just compound the problem? In professional team sports, where competitive parity and balance is important, the champion gets the last pick in the draft.

I’m not saying that gear should only be awarded to players low ratings, but it seems that these changes to pvp gear will only serve to kill arena involvement. I know many casual players who were looking forward to being able to compete in TBC pvp. What made pvp so terrible in classic was the massive gear discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots. Now with this short-sighted change, many of us won’t even bother. And for alt-o-holics like me? Forget about it!

Please rethink this decision Blizzard.


this is pure bs on their part. told you they would screw it up somehow.


I can see their thought behind the change but it’s implementation is terrible.
First off I’d rather have no changes then what they’ve come up with.

If there absolutely has to be changes they need lower the rating requirements in S1/S2 by a substantial amount to match the difficulty of PVE. S3 can go the way it originally did with 1850 weapons / 2000 shoulders. S4 can have the full range of requirements just like it did before at 2050 weapon / 2200 shoulders.


“I cant wait to play TBC I just want a bunch of changes that doesn’t make it TBC”


As much as I agree with parts of your post I don’t think people should be able to lose 10 games a week and be handed epics.


Man you should see the retail system.

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I don’t think you should be able to wipe 10 times in Kara and get anything either.


The lose 10 games and collect loot, is the most tired argument on these forums lol. Start at 0 rating, and lose 10 games, yeah that will sure get you like 3,750 pts real quick


That’s a concern shared by a lot of people, and Blizzard needs to be made aware of this. As a future arena participant myself, I – and many others – would really, really like to have some clarification as to precisely why season 4 rating gates were added to seasons 1 - 3 gear.

The justifications posed in the original blue post – “adding consistency” and “encouraging people to push ratings” as well as “shoulder and weapon prestige” – are flimsy to the point of being laughable. That nonsense does not stand up to any semblance of critical scrutiny and utterly fails to address potential issues regarding lower arena participation levels, subsequent ladder deflation, et cetera.


heh. you do know doing that alone took more than 3 months to get a weapon?

if someone is willing to waste the time it takes to lose 10 games a week for 3.5 months just let them have the piece they are looking for.



no no no don’t you know time investment only counts for PvE players, otherwise it’s wellfare gear regardless how long it took! /s


Sounds familiar…

Lets be fair, PVE in “Classic” is welfare gear also. Well perhaps Sunwell will not be so much, but T4 sure as heck is.

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Your rating is a direct result of many things. Everyone has the same class/spec/comp options. Want more get? Get higher cr.

Honestly, so tired of this argument.

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It’s been like this before and was perfectly fine. Please do a better job explaining why it’s not needed.

I’ve explained it too many times. Last time you asked me to link my TBC drakes, and when I did you said I bought them because they were from before achievements, due to being in the feats of strength section lol.

You’re just here to agitate people with the “get good” line


Am I? My stance hasn’t changed.

And as I recall all you did was prove you got glad. With links. Not change the argument.

I’ll ask once more since it’s obviously not getting through. Why does all pvp gear need to be accessible by everyone?

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There is a middle ground between “everyone” and only 1-3%

Bye :slight_smile:

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The number of people playing is not a valid reason as to why you should have to get to a certain rating to obtain better gear.
