Rating requirements on pvp gear when there are meta specs

It doesnt make sense. In retail, where class adjustments are made - it makes sense. In a classic expansion where class balance is finished in the first patch and the entire meta is known before launch, its a hinderance to fun~!

Weapons and shoulders distinguish the big boys enough. We know some entire classes cannot compete on an even playing field from actual numbers from the vanilla TBC.

To be blunt, ratings on the lower pvp gear is kind of dumb. These unwanted changes hurt arena participation - a counterproductive result.

TBC arena should be serious but not so serious that every piece of gear is rate gated.


Oh you got jokes huh?


Yeah 100% agreed it’s a terrible thing

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I laughed at that part too, but if he doesn’t play retail it’s excusable

Name one class that can’t compete in arena.

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Which classes “cannot compete on an even playing field?”

Heres a link to class representaion for gladiator achievement thoughout the PVP seasons in vanilla TBC:

By season 4 Hunters fall to 4% representation while rogues are at a whopping 16%. Same can be said for Holy Paladins vs Restore Druids at 6% vs 15% respectively. That kind of imbalance is unacceptable.

The representations are not even close to even. Its a joke to to put rating requirements on gear while the game has this kind of poor Arena balance.


They aren’t. “Every piece of gear” isn’t rating gated. 5 of them are, most of them low. Then weapons. The other 11 gear slots have no rating requirement. The 5 that do are not substantially better than the blue counter-parts. The weapons are the big power creep.

I dont play retail anymore but class adjustments are made in shadowlands. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wow those stats just show how little the vanilla tbc players knew about pvp. The best arena comp on endless tournament realm is paladin/shaman. You’ll see a lot of paladin and shaman gladiators in all seasons.

That alone invalidates your data.

Private server means nothing. The data is not invalidated. There are paladin Glads in that list. :neutral_face:

Endless was a microcrosm. A very small sub-section existing in a vacuum. Retail TBC will have a much different meta. But yeah, Ret/Rshaman will be strong anyway. Not #1 though. The last endless 3vs3 tournament a Turbocleave won (Enhance/Arms/Rdruid). You won’t see much of that in retail either. The Asmongold beta tournament was 100% spell cleaves. No one wanted to touch a warrior or enhance there, for good reason.

Pserver meta and experience is valuable. It will be relevant. But don’t take it as gospel.

Huh you’re right. There ARE paladin glads in that list. I guess every class is viable after all.

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Are you being purposely obtuse or are you mentally slow? Maybe you’re a kid who hasn’t learned percentages yet.

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Hunter representation didnt “fall to 4%…,” it rose to almost 5%…
There’s a whole range of reasons one class may be more represented. Selection bias, overall popularity, the superiority of certain classes in more popular brackets (IE Druids in 2’s)

So all you really proved is that every class is capable of getting Glad (much less 2k rating) in every season of TBC which was exactly my point. Thanks

The are made, but that’s about as much as ya can say about it LOL if only you knew man, if only you knew…

Dont worry you’re not missing anything, SL is one of the worst games ever, only slightly less bad than BFA.

But I have friends on SL so I still play it, they are coming to TBC tho, so there is that.

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Not to mention some classes just have more comps than others, but that’s always been the case… if you’re a solid player you can def get weapon rating on any class, that’s always been the case also.

Also… Everyone is going on about how “the rating system will discourage anyone from pvping” yet from your numbers it looks like arena had WAAAAAY more people in S3/S4 than S1/S2 (IE: the only 2 seasons with rating requirements)

Way more of the meta specs.

At the top level? Hunter, paladin, shaman, come to mind. And if you want to specific about specs it’s even more restrictive

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