Are They Going to Change This Arena System So We Can Play?

Yes this needs another thread because many of us are here for TBC because we can’t fathom playing Retail. We want WoW at it’s best and that game was TBC. With that said one of the many reasons Retail PvP has failed is that it eliminates the majority of PvP players from wanting to try Arena. Less players means all sorts of problems.

There is no need to bring in failed Retail systems into TBC which was a perfect PvP expansion. We need for rating to start at 1500. Sorry this is a deal breaker for most PvP players. There shouldn’t be ANY changes! All this does is put a solid barrier from players trying Arena or just giving up on the game all together.

Some might make a terrible argument that going from ZERO to 1500 isn’t that bad :man_facepalming: Yes it is!!! It’s just extra work that isn’t supposed to be there. It isn’t fun! It isn’t TBC!

Then the strict rating requirements also won’t help. The idea of rating requirements aren’t bad in itself (if low and not on most gear) but gating them behind rating that most of the PvP community won’t push for or attain further turns off participation and competition.

S3 was the most popular season for a reason. Only Shoulders and Weapon required rating, The Chest, Head, legs and hands slot didn’t require rating. Weapon was 1850 not the imposed 2050 they want to start S1 in TBC classic not to mention rating required for ALL gear. It’s a bad move and no one wants it.

The Arena system they plan to implement likely will turn off most PvP players as it gives them a solid dose of what they dislike about Retail and changes that ruined WoW.

I could maybe see the case of Weapon and Shoulders with rating for S1 but the current rating system and totally discouraging people from even playing by starting at ZERO rating is just too much.

I am just perplexed by these changes, it drives players away and thus means less money for Blizz in Sub fees. People play 1 month to check out TBC then uninstall realizing it isn’t TBC. Why not just deliver an amazing TBC experience and make more money!! Blizzard you still like money right? Oh well best of luck to everyone but the player pool for Arena will be desolate.

I am here in TBC to PvP but likely will avoid Arena and stick to some serious PvP in BGs. Which is where most serious PvPers are anyways. The old games PvP was amazing stop ruining it with Retail logic. TBC Arena had a chance to be amazing and competitive now it’s DOA.


Why does rating starting at 0 mean you can’t play?

yes it is!!! It’s just extra work that isn’t supposed to be there. It isn’t fun! It isn’t TBC!

I’d argue that it being harder and requiring more work is exactly in the classic mindset. Why does it have to be easier just because its TBC? Retail makes things easier.


Honestly I don’t think a lot of us really understand their reasoning for these changes. Starting at 0 instead of 1500 isn’t the best choice but easily doable even for casual players.

For me personally, it’s the rating requirements for buying S1 pvp gear that doesn’t make an ounce of sense. Needing a 2200 rating to get the shoulders means that a rather very small % of pvp players are even going to be able to buy them.

I could understand them implementing the rating requirements in S2/3 but definitely not in S1


Timegating content on purpose isn’t fun. This change is to waste players time, while also frown upon multiple teams. Basically eliminating enjoyment of participating in Arena. If it isn’t fun then don’t do it. Wasting everyone’s time for NO REASON, to increase play time and ruin more players enjoyment is a mistake. So people just won’t play. Also in case you missed it…IT WASN’T LIKE THIS IN TBC!!! Adding in extra steps to waste people’s time is just infuriating Retail logic and they lost subs over this.

We both can write our name down 500 times on a piece of paper. It’s doable. The question is why on this Earth would we both do that? Going from 0 to 1500 is writing our name 500 times. People just won’t do it because it isn’t fun and makes no sense to ruin the perfect system that was in place with an artificial time waste.


It’s not timegating it on purpose… if anything you’re just time gating yourself. And yes it is fun. Things shouldn’t be that easily accessible in classic. They didn’t lose enough subs to matter. They are going to gain more subs than they had in Classic. You can’t even try it before you decide you hate it. Something tells me you weren’t going to be much over 1500 anyway if this is your mentality.

Edit: Blizzard isn’t going to change it so either unsub or stop whining.

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No, just bad players. There is literally nothing wrong with the system.

If you’re so good, it wouldn’t even be an issue.

I agree that more people playing content is better for everyone but if the only thing getting the average player to participate is to bribe them with welfare gear (and the og tbc design was welfare gear) then maybe something else needs to be done.

Sure there is. It’s called participation.
Gating gear higher than the PVE equivalent means people just won’t even bother queueing.

T4 is pathetically easy in comparison.

When you have the bottom 90% just completely drop out of arena what do you think happens to the ladder? Look at shadowlands for your answer. Nothing but boosts in 2’s and a dead game.


Yes it is, 100% timegating to fill the time-played metric.

No it isn’t fun and explained why.

They were though!!! It is literal history that they were. Your argument makes as much sense as these bad Retail changes to Classic TBC.

I did try it you silly Retail is an unplayable dumpstefire, bringing in Retail to TBC is a bad move.

Constructive criticism isn’t whining. A discussion about why people won’t play is helpful for Blizzard.

TBC was the perfect PvP expansion. There literally needs to be no changes, it’s why we are here.


I don’t care what your reason is for it not being fun. It is for me. Get good if you want the gear. If not then keep crying but blizzard is not going to change this.

Your complaining is not constructive criticism. You’re just crying because you now have to put in effort and can’t have things handed to you.

Pretty sure those of us who have played since actual Vanilla have played it and have an opinion whether or not we hate it because this system was already implemented at one point in retail.

Also, saying Blizzard isn’t going to change it so either unsub or stop whining is a damaging statement. These are the forums, where players can voice their opinion on things, doesn’t matter if you think their opinion is silly or not because player feedback is crucial to the health and longevity of a game.


Bingo it becomes a waste of people’s time. PvP players aren’t going to do Arena when it becomes a pointless time sink. There is time to correct this problem. Which is going back to the TBC MMR system at 1500 and reducing the requirements.

No need to reinvent the wheel with systems that have been proven to be bad for the players.


I played since vanilla. People wanted changes. This is what y’all get. Bet the no changers make a lot of sense now.


Well it will be lonely for you with massively less players Queing.

This thread has nothing to do with getting good, it’s about the wasting of players time and ruining a perfect TBC system with one that is from Retail. If you can’t grasp this conversation then :man_shrugging:


also, we dont have battlegroups yet we can only que with players on our realm. this is problematic.

a PvP system that rewards for being good so … wwait a min…

Well, yeah. You have to make teams. You have to create and sign a charter just like a guild. People expected cross realm arena teams? Do people expect cross realm guilds?

You can compete against people cross-realm. You just can’t form cross-realm teams. I’ve seen quite quick queues and fairly healthy competition on private servers with extremely low participation numbers. Like literally under 100 teams total. I’m sure TBC arenas will have decent enough participation for active queues (particularly evenings) and decent ranking opportunities.

Will the rating requirements depress participation? Sure. People are dumb. Those 1400 players that are now not even going to try were never getting their weapons in a relevant time frame anyway. They’re quitting a party they were never invited to. But even with all of those people gone, I’m sure the queues will be fine. The top 10 NA realms have a collected ~200,000 players. If only 200 of them end up seriously playing arena, that will be sufficient for a decent ladder from my experience. And I think it will be a LOT higher than 200.

TBC was far from the best PvP expansion. Its baseline team requirements are extremely anti-casual and will by themselves be very off-putting and limit participation in arena.

You can’t just pug 10 games to get points that week. You have to join a team and then make sure you both have your 10 games and hope that team doesn’t do more games with other people that makes it so you did less than 30% of the total games with them. You then also have to be within a certain rating of them as well.

The rating requirements for gear on top of the team requirements to get points are basically just the nail in the coffin for casual arena participation. The team requirements are actually far worse in terms of casual participation.

Changes can be good, I actually would have loved arena changes that made them more casual friendly and increased participation. Unfortunately they went in the opposite direction and made them even worse. They catered to the elitist mentality that some people have and will decrease interest in participation because of it.


This is a video game. Not everything has to be inclusive. Competition is good in gaming.

It proves my point that you wanted them to make it more inclusive and they did the opposite. It doesn’t matter that some changes can be good. Those aren’t the changes blizzard makes.

It’s an MMO. You want large scale participation, not a competition between a small handful of people.

There would still be competition with larger participation, there would just be a larger spread of ratings across a larger group of players.