Revert your planned changes for arena

Teams should not start at 0 and season 1&2 rating requirement should not be altered, everything should be left as was in the original TBC, it is not in the best interest of participation and in spirit of the original game which if that is your intent since you’re including the tornados in s1 it makes no sense to mess with the system.

You guys didn’t change the r14 grind (besides how many times you can kill someone before they DR on honor gains I believe) and shouldn’t change arena.

Please and thanks.


After awhile if you have more than 2 cells to rub together and can pattern rec… well how is it not intentional…

In s3… ratings were introduced…

s4 arena participation plummets…

A trend you can follow to present day.

They are doing this to lower arena participation.

Because the players went over jayteams heads to get classic against their wishes…

And this is who is running the game.

Hey its cool tho, cause you can spend $350 to clone your toons and another $70 on useless pixels since the game doesnt work as per all the streamers playing it…

So guess what…
When prepatch hits… we get to PAY to play test it in what will be the actual beta…

We’re in alpha atm…

Superfffing classy jayteam.

Superduper classy.


For someone so unhappy it amazes me you still play.

Don’t like the changes, but all I see is them trying to prevent people selling gladiator as easily since now it’s not just a 10 match carry.

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This comment shows you clearly do not know how TBC titles worked.

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I agree. Ultra disappointing considering that Arenas are/were the thing I was most looking forward to. I did pretty well in actual TBC, so hopefully I can still get a respectable rating lol.

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Absolutely correct

OP is a Boost supporter. Nothing else to add just find it funny

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It reads like you don’t know how progressing to TBC and the cloning process works.

Doubtful. Sounds like he wants to be able to get his PvP set WITHOUT buying a rating boost actually.


58 boost supporter

Oh ok. Well that’s kind of irrelevant to the arena changes but you do you boo


Yep totally irrelevant. As if the community supporting changes made by Blizzard earlier has no impact on their likelihood to make changes in the future.

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Not all changes are bad. It shouldn’t be all or nothing and most people feel that way. What’s bad is when they don’t listen to the community. They listened on drums, they listened on letting people level BE and goats early, they listened on patch progression of raids, and they listened on paladin seals. Those were all positive changes.


You thought they were good changes. Many others may think the changes you listed were bad ones. When we pick and choose community is bound to lose in some way leave the game the way it is.

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Many people? The VAST majority supported everything I just listed lol. You’re trolling at this point.

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Based on what statistic can you argue this?

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You can do a search on these boards it’s not hard. Same with any other forum.

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these forums :rofl:

Plenty of evidence of people asking for the changes I brought up here, on Reddit, etc. Show me where the “many” People are who think those specific things are negative outside of people who are opposed to ALL changes.

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So you come to a thread not even about this topic to derail it and complain?

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