The beginning of wisdom is the statement ‘I do not know.’ The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn. - Warchief Thrall.
Live by these words: Lok’tar Ogar! Victory… or death! - Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.
This world don’t give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer… and our duty to fight back.
This Horde be our family! We don’t always see eye-to-eye. We come to blows before. But when we work together - ah - there’s nothing this Horde can’t do. - Warchief Vol’jin.Ours is a cycle of hatred; alliances forged and broken. We have paid the price for sharing this world and we have forgotten what makes us strong. - Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner.
The Horde endures. You cannot kill Hope. - High Overlord Saurfang.

The Vol’kar Legion
est. 2015
The Vol’kar Legion is a special operations regiment within the Horde military. It was forged shortly after the Siege of Orgrimmar to replace the nefarious Kor’kron Legion, and to help promote total assimilation, to discourage the “master-race” ideals within the Horde. More importantly, it allows any race within its ranks so long as they call themselves a son or daughter of the Horde (if it is lore friendly, of course!). While disapproving of what the Kor’kron underneath the young Hellscream’s rule stood for, the Vol’kar serves in very similar fashion. Their missions, plainly, are:
- Protect the Council, and if need be, the Warchief,
- Enforce their command,
- Defend the Horde in its entirety, including all of its lands, holdings, and stakes, and carry out any will made by the Council,
- To never, ever forget the Siege.
With the aftermath of the Fourth War, the Vol’kar has found itself shaken to the core. With many of its veteran troops dead, retired, or missing, re-stabilization of the Legion is as paramount as establishing order and control throughout Horde lands. Once again the Sons and Daughters of Vol’jin find themselves on a battlefield of lies. Although there are far less bodies than before, the sting of betrayal and hatred still singes deep. With clashing ideologies, one vital lesson has been re-learned: Never, ever, forget the Siege.
The cycle of hatred shall be broken. Tossed away to never again be embraced. While the topic of Honor shall never be cease, the Vol’kar shall do what it must to erase the stain of this Blood War. It starts with a secure and safe Orgrimmar.
In Character
As of October, 2020
Much has changed for the sons and daughters of Vol’jin. The war whose lifespan was all but two years appeared to instead be a lifetime. Strife, pain, anguish, and terror riddled the lives of the Legionnaires - and all of those they touched.
While the wounds will heal, the horrors remain. It is up to those that possess the willpower to power through- to continue protecting Orgrimmar.
With word of the spirit realm afflicted, the cultic heresy of the “afterlife in turmoil”, and extreme rumor of the Scourge building in insurmountable, incapable-to-be-ignored standards, the soldiers march on. . .
To be updated as the pre-patch story develops!
The Cohorts are the organization of the Vol’kar Legion. The cohorts intermingle with each other during conflicts, utilizing their size and specializations to give the Horde an edge on the battlefield. Separate as they may be, they exist as one. The cohorts always default to the regular chain of command.
First Cohort
“The First Blade of Orgrimmar, The Fist of Vokur, The Spear of Vol’jin, The Spirit of Varok."
Second Cohort
“The Blade in the Dark, The Storm Wolves, Scholars of Dark Arts… we do whatever it takes.”
The Vol’kar Legion’s ranking system reflects its military premise. Promotion and advancement is based on several factors, some of the more important being effort, enthusiasm, performance, and participation.
All soldiers, regardless of rank, are held to a high standard of honor, code, and regulation. A soldier of the Vol’kar is not just any other soldier on the field. They are among the elite, the stalwart, and the dedicated few who would do anything to preserve and protect the Horde.
High Warlord
While the leader of the Vol’kar Legion has remained the same, their reputation has not. Once nefarious, but has turned to a tame nature, some which may even claim to be “inactive”, the High Warlord persists through and through. Some say the will of the Legion is carried upon his shoulders, but in truth, it is only as strong as you. Continue to strive, and one day this insignia may yet be worn upon your tabard. Within the Horde, all is achievable. You need merely grasp it.
The second-in-command of the Vol’kar Legion. This position was held by Vokur of the Stonemaul, a fearsome ogre commander that did not tolerate weakness within his ranks. Initially a bumbling fool, the Warlord rose through with sheer willpower, blood, and honor. Every inch of ground was paid through by his own merit, with no assistance or unfair push.
His successor, Auhgag Stormfury, was a similar story. An elder of the Blackrock Clan and revered farseer of the Mag’har, his reverence for Vol’jin and friendship with Jan-Mak was what caused him to push his family towards rejoining the Horde and helping the peoples of Garadar return to a world not shackled by their past.
The Generals are the third-in-command of the Vol’kar Legion, and commanders of the two Cohorts. These few have dedicated their lives to both the Horde and the Vol’kar. The teachings of Vol’jin are not lost among them, and they rigorously live and stand by them.
Lieutenant General
The right-hand of the Generals. A step above Centurion, their jobs are more specialized and intensive. Their tasks include managing the armory, conducting operations, and (if applicable) managing the fleet of the Legion. They also serve as interim Generals.
The left-hand of the Generals. They enforce the Warlord’s will and help every cohort in the Legion. The centurions of each cohort are able to lead their own companies.
Within the Horde military, Champions are a different breed of officer. Ones that pursue incomprehensible feats that define them. Within the Vol’kar, the Champions are honor guards, and less of an officer. Once any personnel reaches the rank of Legionnaire, they are able to pursue championship. Information is scarce and tight-lipped - sometimes misinformation fuels the mystique. Only a handful may hold the rank of Champion at any given time. Those interested must speak directly to the High Warlord.
Blood Guard
Commonly referred to as “commissars”, this rank is held by a distinct handful and closely regarded. Only the most patriotic and forceful of the Legion are granted this rank. Their duties include keeping morale high and assisting the Centurions. During the darker days of the Horde, it was not unusual for Blood Guards to carry out executions, as well as retrieving, and “dealing with” deserters. These days are no more, and rarely does any soldier that dissents or disobey be publicly flogged, yet the threat of the Blood Guard is real. The training they undergo is intensive. Do not test their ire, nor your luck.
Stone Guard
This rank is the perquisite for Blood Guard, and usually, there is a ratio of one Stone Guard to one Blood Guard. While a Stone Guard isn’t always an apprentice to a Blood Guard, it is good to have battlekin to closely relate and learn from. There are more things between the snake and the wolf alike than there are differences. When not assisting superiors and mentors, they keep a close eye over the NCOs of the Legion, making sure their abilities are regularly tested. They have the ability to undergo more than simple patrols, – divvying out expeditions, complex missions, and lead taskforces where applicable.
First Sergeant
The First Sergeant are the master-of-arms within the Legion. Usually, there is only one First Sergeant in the Legion. As time goes on, war changes, and so too shall the Vol’kar. Multiple First Sergeants are not unusual, just uncommon. While traditionally, the way a First Sergeant was promoted to this rank is by the Sergeants of the Legion. They came together to vote on who is to be the First Sergeant. Now, the War Council carefully vets and elects those to this powerful position. The First Sergeant is responsible for all Sergeants and works alongside the Quartermaster to ensure proper armaments are procured for each and every mission. They listen, advise, and relay orders from the most Senior NCOs. There decisions help shape outcomes on the battlefield.
Senior Sergeant
In life, there is always a senior. In the Sergeant Corps, there is no difference. Senior Sergeants are the step above Sergeants, relaying information and orders to brief the squadrons and battalions of the Legion. They are the midway soldiers that assist the First Sergeant.
The Sergeants are those from the Vanguard that have proven themselves to be of high caliber. Not only are Sergeants revered mentors and leaders of the Vol’kar, but throughout the Horde military, they are the lifeline of every squadron, battalion, brigade, cohort, and Legion. This rank showcases the courage and strength that men and women who wear this insignia must permit. They enforce the will of their cohort, delegate the orders from on high, and instill the morale throughout every battlefield. The motto of the Sergeant’s Corps is not one to be forgotten: “Loud and Proud!”
These soldiers are the best of the best, of the best. These troops have undergone numerous campaigns, expeditions, battles, skirmishes, and other missions within the Vol’kar. They understand the necessity of sacrifice, the virtues valued by the Horde, and the teachings warranted by Vol’jin. Fearsome warriors and wise operants, their rank aptly fits them. Not only are they the first of the entire Legion to engage in combat operations, but they are mentors for the soldiers of the Line to look up to. This is the first step in joining the Sergeant Corps.
The rank-and-file of the Legion. “The bread and butter”. These men and women have proven themselves as battle-ready assets. They are expected to carry out orders to the best of their ability and to uphold the expectations of their rank.
The status of Grunt is much more than just a recruit. As all members of the Legion once started as a grunt, enduring the same training, learning what it means to be a defender of Kalimdor and a devoted follower of Vol’jin. For promotion, all must participate in training, carry out orders issued to them in the best of their ability, and show that they are capable soldiers deserving of serving with Orgrimmar’s Finest.
These men and women are civilians who service themselves to the support of the Vol’kar Legion. These volunteers and hired soldiers ply their skills and trades to the Legion and are expected to take up arms when the High Warlord requires. In exchange, the auxiliary is offered military training and a place of operations - so long as they uphold the regulations of the Legion and honor the High Warlord’s authority.[/quote]
Rank achieved in other military-themed guilds will not carry over. All new members start at Grunt rank, no exceptions.
Allies and Enemies
The Blackheart Accord
Although brief in their friendship, common ground, values, and goals were found which has cemented a true bond between the Legion and the Accord. Warlord Lormeous and his daughter, General Eleeria, are loyal to the extreme towards Jan-Mak, and the troll vice-versa.
The Southfury Watch
While no longer led by Overlord Valkosk Blacktongue, Jan-Mak always reveres the great heart of the Horde that is the Southfury Watch. While the two orders don’t see eye to eye, and occasionally butt heads, their respect for one another runs as thick as the Southfury itself.
The Wolfmane Tribe
Chieftain Raton Wolfmane was the very first notable figure that Jan-Mak met once he ascended to the rank of Warlord. The wise bull imparted a great deal of knowledge to the Red Viper, including advising him on his struggles of loyalty to the Horde once the great Vol’jin died. Chieftess Karanga Featherspear led the tribe throughout the tumultuous struggle against the Legion, and once the threat came to pass, gave the mantle to Raton’s son, Dahote. Jan-Mak closely regards and gives advice where he may to the young bull.
The Call of Lordaeron
In the early summer, late spring of 2018 (32 L.C.), the Banshee Queen ordered her best soldiers to protect and reinforce the borders of Lordaeron after several orders of zealots were spotted reclaiming lands in an attempt to restart Lordaeron. What was supposed to be one week’s worth of clean up turned into several months of brutal guerrilla warfare. While significantly smaller in number, Jan-Mak shall never forget how soundly defeated he was at the hands of Kagrenac Ironheart and Sir Crownsworth of Lordaeron.
The Seventy Third
During the bloody days of the Fourth War, shortly after Dazar’Alor’s siege and the death of King Rastakhan, conflict had spread to the northern parts of the Eastern Kingdoms. With reports of armies hosted by bloodthirsty and savage knights, hellbent on revenge, the Vol’kar sallied forth to protect Quel’Thalas on behalf of the Horde. While several regiments were deployed to Kul Tiras as a countermeasure - perhaps to dissuade this army from it’s assault on the Ghostlands, they never halted in their advance.
Helming one such assault, Roelaar of Hyjal, was sent with intentions to retrieve an old artifact of ancient elven kin. Runestones with monolithic powers that could be used to turn the tide of the war. Two hardened commanders met one faithful night. One told the other that many lives would be lost - and the battle would be fruitless. Neither one swayed. What’s rest is history.
Simply send an in-game whisper, or a letter in the mail to any of the rank of Sergeant or above. Special names that will get you an interview almost immediately are: Buliss, Dolthar, Essalie, Eurphadion, Ithise, Ithnan, and Logarnosh!
Be sure to read over all of the information available on the forum post! We are always recruiting, and try our best to include all who fit our community!
While the Vol’kar accepts fresh-faced recruits, it is heavily, heavily encouraged that your character is a hardened war veteran, or at least very loyal to the Horde!
- A safe and friendly guild atmosphere with emphasis on maturity and camaraderie. Trolls, harassment, and “unsavory” topics are not tolerated, and unmitigated conflict (e.g. drama) will be handled quickly and with all the guild members’ best interests in mind.
- Immersion. We function as a REALISTIC military unit with heavy emphasis on honor and hierarchy. We march, train, and go on missions, paying close and special attention to military protocol, conduct, and story. We also take part in server activities - tournaments, tavern nights, etc. - so that our soldiers and allies can have some down-time. We do not act “tough” or participate in “milsim”.
- A wide array of themes to participate within. While primarily and fundamentally a military guild, we explore elements of magic, spiritualism, humanitarianism, cults, and more!
- A Dungeon Master (DM) system of events, where each person’s strengths and weakness are defined by their division and role within the unit. These dynamic events vary in type, from characters fighting on their own, to leading a squad in an high-risk assault. We utilize the DiceMaster add-on to allow each member to get a deeper sense of customization true to the tabletop spirit!
- Quality over quantity. While some say we only care about mass, we do NOT sacrifice any of our ethics, rules, or any other applicable trait in the name of “moar memberz”. We will always have a small guild feeling. We do our best to make sure everyone is included and valued.
- RP-PvP and other types of collaborative RP events with like-minded guilds to support group storylines.
- Competitive PvE and PvP! We often participate in battlegrounds and arenas together, as well as run dungeons. We have several high rated arena teams, Mythic+ teams, and have titled experience in Heroic raiding in BfA. We gained every single AotC possible, and ended with 12/12 Heroic. Currently 10/10H as server 100th, hoping to crush the Banshee in Sanctum!
While roleplay is strongly encouraged, attendance is optional so long as you are mindful of the environment!
- A strong grasp of the English language, both in spelling and grammar.
- Active participation in guild environment
- Friendly, open-minded players who work well in a group-setting.
- Level 50 for potential RP recruits. We roleplay in endgame content areas frequently!
- We are not an “elite” PvP (or PvE) guild and do not force our members to participate in anything they are not comfortable with. Content with the game material itself will not be forced on players. It is up to the individual to realize that if they do not achieve max level and play a small section of the game, some events and group content will be inaccessible to them due to inefficient gear.
- We are not a “cult” guild. We do not try to smear our name where we aren’t wanted. We don’t put ourselves where we aren’t welcomed. We do not ostracize our members. The Vol’kar Legion was created as a small guild and grew over time; The small guild values will always be present.
- We are not an OOC guild. Sometimes we freely talk OOC in /say. We can and do so because we all pay 15$ for the game. However, we respect boundaries. You stop when you are told - no matter what it is. We value our image as a guild and hold our reputation on the server high.