[Year 36 Campaign] Happy Dragonflight Launch Day!

The Eastern Plaguelands

Following the defeat of the Mossflayer Tribe at Zul’mashar, and the end of their new foray into necromancy, the Coalition of made up of The Argent Crusade, the Legion of the Dawn, the Sunreavers and the Vol’kar Legion have returned to the area to investigate reports of an explosion heard from the area of Darrowshire.

Initial findings indicate an unknown threat in the area, attacking the Forsaken Refugees at Darrowshire in the maically created fog that seems to permeate the area. Six missing Forsaken scouts were found, having suffered torture and succumbed to the true death, hanging from trees near the Marris Stead estates.

Torture instruments were found at the estate, along with various other items. As well, a portal anchor point was discovered, which seemed to lead to the Underbelly of Dalaran. The investigation was detected, however, and the portal was destroyed from the other end.

While some Forsaken refugees chose to stay in Darrowshire or relocate to Crown Guard Tower, others were escorted to Quel’Thalas.


Forsaken Refugees arrived without much incident and have begun to settle, at least for the time being, in the area of Tranquillien, where they already have allies.

The Farstriders continue their patrols of the Ghostlands and Eversong Woods, still finding feral scourge scurrying about the forests, moreso in the former than the latter. These random feral undead are usually no match for the rangers.

The Amani trolls of Zul’aman have been quiet since the decimation at the battle of the Thalassian Pass of the reinforcements they had attempted to send to the Plaguelands. Still, Farstriders remain in the area and are keeping a watch on the trolls.