The Vol'kar Legion [H-RP-PvX] is closed

Finally, for the Third Cohort of the Vol’kar Legion, they have been given a sector within the “defense network” that suits them and their myriad of needs. With the departure of the late General Richards and the recent rebellion, the Underhold of Orgrimmar has left many of the skilled scientists, alchemists, and experimentors of the Horde without a rotten hole in the ground to hide their work. Which is why one should just simply hide it in plain sight, instead.

Primary Base of Operations
Bilgewater Harbor

Twisted and tortured like Doom’s Vigil, although done in a more man-made way, the wildlife of Azshara is beyond repair through mortal means. Although not necessarily contributing to the pollution of the lands, the Horde will still require the work the Ironwing provides: particularly with Commander Xa’ron’s alchemical initiatives.

Through Fire and Steel they will prosper, and through hard work they shall continue to supply the Vol’kar - or quickly lay waste to the walls of the enemy.

Although, they will need to be careful. In this new sector, many other arms of the Horde have moved in. Some more insidious than others - with their businesses being cover-ups for criminal activities. The Bilgewater Cartel is known for supporting crime - if they get a portion of the cut…


How has it taken me this long to post in our new thread?!

Ah well. Just wanted to wish everyone (in the US) a great Thanksgiving holiday!

If there’s one thing I’m thankful for every single day, it is the amazing friends I have found in the Vol’kar! :slight_smile:


Happy Thanksgiving!

Ported from Discord:
This year I’m thankful for the experiences we’ve had. Both good and bad. It’s been a year of discovery and maturation for us all - and it’s been fairly tumultuous at times. Sometimes we’ve gotten to the point of breaking ties, but we’ve always learned when to forgive, when to forget, and when to admit you’re wrong. None of us are perfect and we still stumble because we are human. But through the stress, the hair pulling and all the “situations” I wouldn’t want it any other way. Whether you’re with family or have none (or you’re not in the States and wondering what is going on) remember that we’re a family of sorts as well. Have a great day and remember that someone’s always rooting for you.

Silence has cloaked the men and women of Orgrimmar’s Finest, and most wrestle with the question: for better or for worse? Rebuilding the garrisons and forces of the Vol’kar goes as it always has, uneventful and tiring work with few fruits of labor. The rigorous initiation turns away many and retains only a few.

As impenetrable as one might think of Orgrimmar, the sad truth one comes to face with is that evil lurks where you least expect. Although under careful watch of all forms, the Cleft of Shadows befell a familiar fate as it has before.

Stone Guard Renthuul Wartotem was issued his first mission, investigating a strange fate that befell one of the Warlocks of the coven. Outside Ragefire Chasm, a charred body lay next to a summoning circle, and within the dirt beside it reside a box locked with every chain a mortal could imagine.

Through the careful act of throwing the box onto the summoning circle, those investigating quickly came to realize that the dark arts of the Burning Legion were not the culprit. An old evil- The Twilight’s Hammer, was at play. Quick and effective dispatching prevented the spirits from within the box to leave the Cleft, but rumors now spread of a new cult that hides within the City.

Inside the box lay a journal- several pages marred and blackened like the abyss. The Stone Guard recommended it be given to the Deathweavers, so they might understand what the cultist was aiming to achieve.

With such a stressor placed upon the shoulders of the Vol’kar, the High Warlord was given a mundane, yet… intriguing order: report to the Crossroads. A body had been found…

To be continued!

Signs in the Dark

Penned directly by Renthuul / Krik’thor:

‘In the Cleft of Shadows, strange occurrences are simply… occurrences. However, on the night of the 6th, a body was discovered in one hut, along with charred documents and a fading circle comprised of imbued runes. Secured by city grunts, the next evening the Vol’kar were dispatched to conduct a thorough investigation of the peculiar crime scene as some details had the potential to help Stone Guard Renthuul Wartotem in his assignment he was tasked with under the Legion.’

‘After menders looked over the murdered orc’s burned remains, they found traces of what could be identified as shadowflame. The runic circle’s magic was weak and fading, but the Battlemaster and newly inducted Shadow Hunter Volkama were able to discern that the circle was likely to have been used in rituals, though the remaining magic was different than fel and ran deeper than mere shadow, as was later discovered when Volkama attempted a shadow spell on the circle shortly following Captain Giggleblast’s discovery of a shadow-chained lockbox.’

‘The two magics merging set off a trap, the chains around the box shattering and springing it into the air, spawning shadowfiends and mindbenders to defend what the Vol’kar had uncovered. The soldiers and healers of the Legion dispatched the creatures over the course of the ensuing battle and afterward discovered the contents of the lockbox: a mundane book, likely some sort of journal. Cautious of its purpose and possible further enchantments, High Warlord Jan-Mak suggested the book should be delivered to the Deathweavers at Doom’s Vigil by Battlemaster Eurphadion, who promptly followed the order to seek out Everglade and whoever else may be of use to uncover the secrets held within the suspicious and vital tome.’


Today marks the Vol’kar Legion’s 4th birthday. It makes me a little shocked thinking about it, and even moreso when I type it.

When I came to Wyrmrest Accord, I was a punk kid that didn’t know what to do and was still in high school. My friends were quitting WoW because the WoD drought really sucked. I wanted a way to keep them entertained and active, so we looked for guilds. After joining the first one and seeing they only had two events in two months, I told myself: “If I join another guild, it’s going to be mine.” because nobody seemed to put time, effort, care, or love into their guilds around me. So, with those four knuckleheads and myself, we made the Vol’kar Legion. “Vol” for Vol’jins first name, and “kar” to mean ‘in honor of’. The Legion in honor of Vol.

We had a very bumpy ride, so rickety and wild that the guild nearly collapsed several times. Every type of drama you can think of that’d happen at a high school lunch table, it happened. Every time of scandal you can think of that’s WoW-related, yup, it happened. Every guild has those problems. I nearly gave up after the first one we encountered. However, as time went on and we all got older- I realized that leading a guild like the Vol’kar Legion does more than provide dopamine and enthrall everyone in a big virtual playground where we play make believe.

Leading the Vol’kar has taught me a lot about how people work. How the world works. Work ethics. Management. People politics. I used everything I learned while leading the Vol’kar to help manage and shape the classes I took. The people I met were able to push me to graduate college. How to build motivation. It’s helped foster creative writing. It’s helped my ability to critically think. It’s also helped how I actively talk to people. I had a problem with that; as I’m sure most people do. From awkward, gangly, sometimes too-quick-to-emotion, and the inability to process conflict, to slightly-less-awkward, and somewhat good at those things. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is only what I can share from the bottom of MY heart - I can’t begin to imagine the stories that others have yet shared. Both positive and negative about the Vol’kar. It has been incredibly tough to keep this ship afloat, and I hope we can keep it afloat for another four years. I hope one day I can log on and see the 10th anniversary of the Vol’kar. I hope one day we’ll be able to have a guild meet-up like some guilds have in the past.

I will never cease to love and adore everyone in this guild, as well as the folks that encompass Wyrmrest Accord. It has a charm that no other server or guild I’ve been apart of has ever possessed. It has a community that is incredibly hard to find.

Thank you all for everything. To the former members, the current members, the future ones, and those who have supported us in other ways. We couldn’t have done this without you. The accomplishment, the praise, the fun times, and most importantly are all yours.

Thank you for the memories. :heart:


Happy Anniversary to you guys!!

Although I wasn’t there for the full 4 years, my year and a half with you guys was something I’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing before.

I never had any IDEA how rich roleplay could be. The unique characters, intensely emotional storylines that literally caused IRL tears of joy/sorrow and laughter, SO MUCH LAUGHTER. I just never knew that a story made in a video game by PLAYERS, not the game creators, could be so rich.

I’m so incredibly proud to know you lot, and ridiculously happy to have made some of the best friendships I’ve had in this game from my time with you guys.

Like I said, I wasn’t there the whole time, but even in the year and a half that I was, I saw what you said above, Buliss. I saw your growth as a writer, a leader, and a person. I know you will continue to grow, and I know the Vol’kar will as well. I’m just so proud of you guys. <3

-Your friendly neighborhood engineer.


This year marks the first year that Winter’s Veil shall be celebrated within the confines of Orgrimmar. An uneasy thing for the men and women of the Vol’kar- it seems as if there’s always trouble brewing somewhere in the world - especially at this time. They’ve had many winters abroad- from Suramar, to Argus, to Zandalar, and any other place that the sun may touch. “Build strength and bide time.” as General Skullsplinter puts it during one of his many seminars at Desolate Hold. Training, sleeping, and more training. Its seems like the holidays are just another excuse to sleep in. Even Jan-Mak finds it harder to wake up as early as he did.

Finally, a breach in the monotony. December 10th, 5 bells. High Command designates a squadron be sent to the Crossroads to deal with a mysterious murder of a wagon driver. One would say routine, but the Vol’kar is not known for ‘investigating’ domestic crimes. Upon finding the caravan, three things were picked apart by the wolves of the Kal’Garn:

  1. The orc (victim) couldn’t be younger than 60,
  2. His skull suffered several blunt force trauma, as well as talon marks,
  3. It was a cover-up.

The irregularity of the murder, coupled with a poorly-hidden letter at the scene of the crime is why the wolves came to this deduction. Grunt Skavens appeared to be the foremost active agent of this investigation, as his perception rolls were significantly top-notch, but his action rolls nearly cost him his life. Starting with the letter:

It reads like absolute jibberish. Is it a cultist manifest? It certainly doesn’t look like any Shath’Yar I’ve seen. The name across the top, ‘IRONZAR’, suggests that it’s an encrypted letter. The full text reads:

Tklv zdv wkh zurqj fduw.
Tkh rog irro kdg qrwklqj iru xv. Hh glgq’w fub rxw ru vfuhdp. I xvhg wkh frghskudvh dqg hyhubwklqj. Hh zdvq’w rxu jxb. Tkh Achulwh vklsphqw lv orvw qrz. I’p jrqqd pdnh lw orrn olnh kduslhv jrw klp. Thhwk dqg hyhubwklqj.

The only one knowledgeable in any shape or form with encrypted letters was Jan-Mak, but even he only knew so little. The Horde’s messengers were the ones skilled in encrypting and decrypting orders. (he assures this is a failsafe measure for war.) Skavens suggested that perhaps it was the blacksmith in Ratchet that went by that name. Jan-Mak was skeptical. During the final Legion invasion, the goblin paid a tithe to the Horde - in blood. He supplied everything he possibly could to the Crossroads, including shredders. Nonetheless, the group decided to find his hideout.

On top of the hill in the small port laid Ratchet’s gallows. A three-pronged hanging station right in front of a lax graveyard. A shuddering and strange sight for a man whose bloodline runs deep in Kalimdor. Outside the rickety shack the bold words: “IRONZAR’S SPECIAL IMPORTS”.

Because of his ties to the Steamwheedle Cartel, he holds no ties or allegiances to the Horde. He was not subject to the typical assumptions. Therefore, the squadron had to play their next move rather carefully. The decision was: breach the house or infiltrate it. They chose to infiltrate it, giving the job to Grunt Skavens.

It was rigged with several traps. Three of them. Two of which were harmless, while the third was certain death. If not for operative Skavens’ disarming of it, someone would have certainly pleased Hellscream the Younger by painting the wall a new shade of red. Arienne Autumnbow still suffered a broken nose- thanks to a piston rigged with a boxing glove.

At the top of the stairs on the final level, Skavens was able to find another letter. It described how one would decode such a letter. Bare as the instructions were, all struggled to parse it together. It’d be taken back to The Den and properly parsed.

Just as the High Warlord debriefed them, a third encounter broadsided the group.

With a firm smell of cocoa butter, Everlook salt, and a v-neck that was a touch too revealing for some, a goblin by the name of “Jorzak” arrived. A friend of Ironzar’s that was house sitting for him. He had done a poor job but insisted that those who he met with didn’t tell Ironzar he met them, otherwise he wouldn’t be paid.

Furthermore, the goblin was quick to spill the beans. It seemed as if intimidation was a byproduct of the group’s appearance. He gave just enough info to help both parties: save his own hide, and give the Vol’kar what was needed to move onto the next step.

Allegedly, Booty Bay has new management in the underrealm. While Baron Revilgaz keeps ahold of the city, and the Blackwater Buccaneers keeps the peace, “Da Boss” keeps the money flowing.

The group broke for the next step. While they waited for the operatives to be picked for infiltration into the neutral city of Booty Bay, Vanguard Saija’Kai led another group into the Barrens. Picking up from a previous NCO’s operations into the northern parts of the realm, another mystery.

A murderer whose name is not yet known to the Vol’kar ruthlessly hacked his way into the breadbasket of the Horde. abducting anyone and anything, his underlings ritualistically sacrificed them to his dark master: Bwonsamdi. It appears the Zandalari cast some sort of deal with the Loa, as there was no true punishment evident on the spirit realm. None of the mystics of the Vol’kar would truly know, as they do not hold enough favor to simply call the Loa on a whim- or even possess enough power to boldly ask for such a claim.

Ultimately, it decided it was a hoax. A shade of the Loa emerged just as the Zandalari was beaten for the second time. Too forceful in his words and too demanding in nature, the senior Darkspear of the group knew better than to fall to trickery and foul play. While not much was done to solve the murders taking place in the Horde’s backyard, they at least put a rest to more than half of the gang- permanently.

December 17th, 5 bells.

A break in the mystery. The letter was cracked by the Rastari from Zandalar, Az’kaah. (Curiously not from a member of the Kal’Garn). It reads:

“The old fool had nothing for us. He didn’t cry out or scream. Used the codephrase and everything. He wasn’t our guy. The Azerite shipment is lost. I made him suffer, though. Made it looked like the harpies took him.”


Ultimately, Jan-Mak decided to take the group to Booty Bay anyhow. The information that could be gleamed was too much to pass away. With hastily-grabbed fake names and identities, they took the next ship to the port.

Not much was gleamed from this trip. The group quickly realized that none of them were much too cut out for this type of job - save for newly-returned Iriari Danishi, and perhaps Grunt Skavens. The two were the only ones that were able to cross-reference from stolen papers of the Caravaneer in town and the gossip in the bar. Yes, whoever this ‘Boss’ figure was, they were certainly after Azerite- and more of it. Most importantly, Iriari nearly lost her life as she was caught in her snooping apertures. Just as Grunt Vol’kama was about to squeeze information from the barkeep (whom was already softened up by Sergeant Darkstar), a gunshot rang out, and a discarded pair of daggers was found. The bar was ordered to clear out, and the group narrowly dodged arrest. As they counted their heads, Danishi noticed another letter was stuffed into her pocket.

“Shocked you broke the last one.
Thought it was pretty hard.
Others thought it was easy.
Cryptography is pretty hard either way.
Keep making letters, the codes get harder.
Although, the keys will also get easier.
Don’t let that discourage you.
Everyone runs into trouble from time to time.
Specially you. Those caravans can be hard to keep.
Scratch my back, I scratch yours. You have a missing friend. I have to make money.
Read the first letter of each sentence and stay out of my town.”

Disappointed yet intrigued. “STOCKADES SYIR”. The author of said letter wasn’t interested in hiding the riddle too finely, but by giving them such a trove of information… they may have yet found an out.

December 19th, 5 bells.


Merry Christmas and a happy new years, folks! :heart:


I knew you let in humans.

Flay the traitor.


The best Christmas gift. The quickest way to my heart is between the third and fourth rib. Thanks.


Merry Christmas!

Orcs and orcettes, goblins and goblinas


Happy 2020 everyone. Here’s to another year of fun and lasting memories. I’m not into resolutions, but I do try to set goals for myself. 2019 was rough, BfA or no, and nobody can promise one year is better than any other. We can instead try to influence it to change our outcomes.

My goals for 2020 are:

  • Be a better person,
  • To not let emotion (particularly anger) affect my decisions,
  • To not let others freely affect my life by treading over me, playing mind games, etc
  • To listen more than I speak.

Thank you all for helping me- but I hope I helped you just as equally. :slight_smile:

With 2020 comes the return of events and storylines. 8.3 is within sight. Are you ready to help us try to drown a squid? Yeah, it’s as ineffective as it sounds. But hey, Pandaria is cool and who doesn’t like Uldum? Lok-Tar O’Gar!


Glad to be back and enjoying my time in the Vol’kar :slight_smile:
Looking forward to events in the new decade!


Seems like a really interesting group. Sent IC communication to Logarnosh and Ithise in game to start a RP intro for Hansem if the legion accepts him :slight_smile:

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It would likely be better if you tried to get in contact with myself- as the holidays wind down, some are still trying to find their footing for free time. Regardless, I’ll let them know. Hope to see you soon!

Just a reminder that we always encourage players that do more than RP! Our raid team is looking to bolster its numbers for 8.3 and beyond, and our RBG team is in hibernation until Shadowlands. You don’t need a storied past as a top-end player to do either with us. Even if you’re brand new, we’ll help you learn and get geared!

The Vol’kar is in full swing marching towards the next danger threatening the Horde. A full deployment briefing was given tonight in Bloodhoof Village- followed by an inspection graced and/or empowered by the spirit of the late Admiral Rustcleaver. 8.3 hype is real!

Throughout the camp made outside Bloodhoof Village, the somber feeling of emptiness seeped into the hearts of the soldiers stationed there. This ‘empty’ feeling was no simple depression- meaning, it was no empty feeling of attention, love, or happiness- but the feeling of the impending terror. The uncertainty of tomorrow. Nobody truly knew what awaited them, and not even the senior officers knew what lay in this deployment. Could this be their final one? After all the Vol’kar had endured, it was unlikely… but… it was different this time. There was no satisfaction in knowing the war was almost over. It was hollow. If they survived, they knew they’d come back home to something new…

That was the empty feeling.

After a formal debriefing of their latest assignment, followed by an inspection, the Vol’kar Legion is in full motion to what is to be “an extreme mission”. Although nobody knows what to expect - and not even High Command can give an answer on even the most fundamental levels, the Vol’kar was urged to write their last letters. Letters designed to be sent to family members at their behest once the soldier(s) fell in battle. They had always prepared to give everything, but something was quite uneasy. Perhaps this time, they’d actually do so.

With the closing of the civil war and the rehabilitation of the Horde, the title of Warchief lies vacant and empty. Now a relic of the past, the Vol’kar’s core tenet of acting as the bodyguard to this pivotal figure - is deceased. The Vol’kar shall now be activated and utilized at the extreme direction of High Command and the new “council” that leads the Horde.

Rumors of new allies joining the Horde run rife like rabbits through a meadow in the camps. Some say the sethrakk are joining the fold, others say some naga have defected, but there is no concrete evidence to support this. The only thing that can be suggested is to be prepared to train several new recruits.

Sergeant Ala’nare Darkstar finally etched out his plans to return to the Dark Tower of Blackfire in Desolace, taking with him many members of the Deathweaver company, and many of the Kal’Garn in tow. Rumors of rebuilding and returning are just as rife as the rumors of the void- with several heavily detesting such actions, and some with fond memories of nostalgia. A difficult-to-relate-to-experience, given the land is so arid and salf-fel infused.

Finally, one last mission before the troops of Orgrimmar leave for good: The former First Sergeant Raz’aghar has been reinstated in his old rank. Immediately following this, he was given a new assignment into the frozen northern reaches of Kalimdor. Strange sightings, suggestions of a cult, and disappearances of the local populace has forced a contingent of agents to investigate in Winterspring.

Lok-Tar Vol’kar. Once more into the breach- against the cold void that threatens our way of life.

With the release of 8.3, we will have a mini-RP break for the first week, allowing people to soak up as much content as possible. Post-8.3 release, we’ll be out in the field in both invasion points as much as possible completely in-character. We welcome all vulpera players with open arms- with no hostile thoughts or actions towards the characters or players. Many of us previously have held strong feelings, but now have no reason to continue such arbitrary nonsense. Hope to see some of you there :slight_smile:


January 23rd, 34/35 L.C.

0200 hours.

For weeks, rumors of N’Zoth’s invasion and war ravaging the southlands of Kalimdor ran rife through the camps outside Bloodhoof. This time, there was no commanding officer to squash the rumors or add their own two cents to the pot. The veteran soldiers of the Vol’kar knew that this simply meant the rumors were true - and there was nothing else but the fact that war was here.

Frustration would be a common sentiment in the hearts and minds of the soldiers as they were ordered to stay put in the camp outside Bloodhoof. For weeks, they would see legions of soldiers march through - en route to Uldum and Silithus. Wyverns would fly overhead, and even a zeppelin or two, carrying armaments and heavier guns, would loom in the sky. The contrasting terror and beauty of war.

Why weren’t the Vol’kar being sent? Why must they be restricted to this camp? Were they garrisoning? They were -always- sent first - and last to go home. Was this something to be thankful for? Was this an order to resent?

Finally, two weeks after the first casualties were reported and the first lands to be lost were noted, the Vol’kar would receive its deployment. It appears that the High Warlord’s orders were nothing close to what their assignment was.

The Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Our 8.3 campaign and BfA finale kicks off tomorrow! Find out what happens next in the Vale of Eternal Twilight!

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I really want Lara to join a Horde military guild to protect her new home. If you are ok with a leveling but experienced role player, reach out to me!

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