Looking for a Horde Only RP Guild

Hi Wyrmrest!

Are there any active Horde-only, multi-race RP guilds left? Seems like they all turned cross-faction or only accept one race.

I’m looking for a guild for this Forsaken rogue, who is my main character. RP is priority to me, but I also enjoy some casual PVE or PVP now and then as my schedule allows.

Syreenna is darker aligned and has been around a while. I am an experienced RPer, over 21 years old.

Please let me know if you have or know of a guild that might be suitable for me.

Thank you!


Ok boomer, you need to get with the current year. WoW is a melting pot and what you are looking for is outdated and wrong.

No, in all seriousness I’d suggest The Horde Army. I’m pretty sure they are strictly Horde only and i know they like a dark act now and again.

If you are are trying to stick to Forsaken, I auggest the Convocation of Darkness. It’s not strictly Forsaken only anymore, but the living can’t advance past mercenary rank. Only exception being DKs.
Ofcourse, there is the Royal Apothecary Society guild, but I don’t know what they are doing, how they do it, or who they do it with anymore.

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Theres also Hand of Algalon

…maybe Volkar Legion?

There have been some great suggestions already: The Royal Apothecary Society! We are a Horde focused guild that does RP storylines that are pro-Horde/Forsaken centric. Within the last year, we actually joined a Horde community of guilds on Moon Guard called The Horde Vanguard! If you enjoy mad scientist type RP, check us out! I am an officer, let me know if you have questions. :3

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The Southfury Watch is an option if you like dirt in the Barrens.

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Hi Syreenna!

If you’re looking for a home for a darker-aligned Forsaken character, Convocation of Darkness is worth checking out.

While we technically accept Alliance characters, they must be undead, as our focus is on the Forsaken. Our decision to accept undead Alliance characters primarily stems from the angle of wanting to allow darkfallen night elves and void elves to join us. The vast majority of our membership is all Horde, however.

This may not exactly fit what you’re looking for if you would prefer a guild that has an even mix of living and undead characters, as the main thrust of our guild’s story centers around our existence as a radical sect of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows. Only undead characters are able to advance up the ranks, while living characters are permitted to join as alts of established members, filling the roles of mercenaries hired by the Convocation.

If any of the above interests you, you can check out our forum post which I’ve linked below! It has pretty much everything you need to know about the guild, what we’re about, and how you can reach us if you’re ever interested in doing so.

Best of luck in your search! :slight_smile: