Hello Potential Raider!
Raid schedule:
Tuesday from 8PM EST to 11PM EST
Thursday from 8PM EST to 11PM EST
What we need:
Looking for various exceptional DPS
Current Progression:
12/12H Ny’Alotha AOTC
What is expected of you:
- Please plan to be online 15 minutes prior to raid. We like to have the group formed by 5 minutes to raid time, that way once raid begins, we can get right into the content!
- The guild provides food and flasks for progression content in raid. We also share Gems and Enchants. Please ask for any gems/enchants. Keep your gear current!
- Come with a positive attitude! We’re all here to accomplish the same task, of downing content, getting geared, and having fun.
- We have started running a lottery for the raiding group. This is not mandatory, but fun. 75% of the pot is available to raiders, with 25% of the pot going to the GBank to help with mats/resource costs/GRepairs.
A final note:
We’re a pretty laid back group, with adult raiders, and adult content. We enjoy dad jokes & crude humour all the same. We are fun and casual, but expect everyone to be performing to the best of their abilities once the time comes.
BNet: Mental#1754
Discord: Mental#9967