Guild banks

Any update on when they are going to give al the stuff back or are they just pretending this didnt happen?


No because if they gave a ETA and missed it the players would be up in arms there working on it.


I mean it’s a known reported issue, nowhere did they pretend it didn’t happen.


I get the frustration with the issue but no one is pretending it didn’t happen, and that has never been the way we operate.

No, we do not have an ETA on a resolution. The overall issue that was causing the issue was fixed quickly to stop it from happening but a resolution tends to be a bit more complicated. So the Game Developers are looking into the options and what is feasible. They are trying to get that done as quickly as possible, that’s as much as an estimate as we’re likely able to give.


You’re asking for something that Vrak can’t answer.


I’m not saying that it isn’t an issue, but the expansion launch is probably the least worst time for it to happen. That is the time when I’ll use my guild banks the least, since I’ll be levelling and collecting new materials. I don’t really need access to my Dragonflight materials going into TWW. The new stuff I collect will be passed over to a bank alt while I wait for the guild banks to be fixed.

Is this ideal? No. Does it suck? Absolutely. Is it the end of the world? No, it’s better that it happened now rather than 2 months ago when I would’ve had much more of a need for the stuff in the guild bank.


You do know the Support Forum Agents and the Development have no communication between each other. This is why none of the SFA’s can give an ETA.


Thank you for providing an update on this issue. It is much appreciated.


That’s great to know … thank you!

So going forward now, from our side of things … is there anything we need to do?

For example … if we now continue to use vaults, banks, warbanks as normal, is it going to cause any issues or cause the problem to reoccur.

Would it be better to just leave them be?

Also … I realise it’s possible you just can’t say … but I’m interested in these things, having a fairly analytical mind … could you tell us what caused the issue? (apart from anything else, it may possibly stop some of the conspirancy theories! haha)


This would be my recommendation.

Vrak’s not a part of the development team, so he won’t likely be able to provide that sort of information.


Also, if they told us what caused the issue, it’s very likely that 99.9% of us wouldn’t understand it anyway.

It would probably sound something like this: This piece of code had a race condition with this piece of code, and if that happened under these conditions it would cause entries in this database to get corrupted.

It’s not anything that would be meaningful to players, and they don’t want information getting out on the internal structure of things like databases because hackers and botters would love to have that info.


Fine for my personal stuff … but for a guild with over 100 accounts, which is going to get very active very soon, in order to guarantee this I’m going to have to remove access to the guild vault for all guild members (and then later, when fixed, re-add it again), which will take rather a big chunk out of my available time because there’s not just a switch I can flip. Hence my asking :stuck_out_tongue:

If they’ve already introduced the fix to stop it happening again … then I don’t need to do that … unless they’re not confident the fix worked, or if the fix hasn’t actually been applied “live” yet.

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haha I wouldn’t want that sort of depth :stuck_out_tongue: Just something like there was a glitch where something we introduced with warband banks caused it, or cross realms, or we found an errant comma :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a big thing really … more interested in it working, than how it stopped working.


Can someone share the short version of what the issue is? (not the resolution - but reading this thread can not tell what the concern is)

Bunch of people had 50-100% of the contents of their guild banks poof into nothingness.


Guild banks are missing LOTS of stuff. Some are missing 50%, some are missing 80-90%, some are missing everything.


Hey - I wanted to call your attention here and make sure this is something that is known as well. I feel there’s a chance they are likely related but I do have a video of it happening for war banks.

Thank you for stopping the problem.

I am glad the security team figured it out.

No consolation for people who lost stuff, but confirmation it isn’t going to happen again, which is extremely valuable information.

I agree with the poster that said " we probably wouldn’t understand it if they told us"
but i wanted to affirm Vrakthris’s post is good to read!

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Vrak won’t be able to do much with that - he isn’t part of the team who handle game issues and you’ve already posted in bug report which is a good idea.

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I don’t believe it is “eating” the items, they are just not currently visible to you. I can see the 99 Sandworn Relics in your Warbank as well as the various other items that you show missing in that video.

As Zenjy noted, there isn’t much I can do about it, I’m not part of the QA or Dev team so bug investigations really isn’t my area. The post in the Bug Report forum is the best way to get that information to our QA team so they can look into it.