Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I HOPE you are right. The one thing that makes me a bit less optimistic is, the way I FIRST learned that something was amiss was when I went to deposit an item (and old expansion leather) into a bank, and without thinking about it, just clicked on the item in the bag with the correct vault tab open. Then, I noticed that it went into the left-most column, second row from the top, which I remembered being occupied.

Can items look like it’s going into a space that is occupied?

I VERY much want to believe that this is a visual issue and will be easily resolved. I want that SO much, but have to brace myself for the worst. Without any communication for about a week, (and no, I don’t need to have some update every few hours - that’s ridiculous unless it’s something that warrants that) all we can do is speculate. And hope, but prepare to be devastated.

Oh my . . . I need to check the gold in our (active) guild bank. This is more awkward as I want to reassure people that I’m not ninja-ing the bank. They can all take screenshots I suppose.

And I’ve reported the log issue more than once to the Bug report in-game. Have heard absolutely nothing about it. The log is a tool I use often not only to see who’s taking what, but which items are used most often, etc. It’s been bothering me that that hasn’t been fixed for MONTHS.