Guild banks

Awesome - going to speculate a sec then - from what you describe and what I see it means those items aren’t necessarily gone even if not visible.

That gives me hope that there’s a path for recovering the goods at some point. Thanks for the reply.


Any chance the character that can’t see them has more than 151 relics in their possession somewhere? When there is a limited amount of a stacked item, if the amount in the warbank added to the amount in the specific characters possession is over that limit then the stack in the warbank won’t be visible to that toon. At least that’s how it was working a week or two ago.

Just wanted to mention thank you and the others in the team who are taking time to engage and respond as information becomes available. That and those working on resolving this (I’m assuming database) problem.

Impacted by this issue with my guild too, but just checking in each day to see what the updates are to what’s going on.


It’s not a matter of recovering the items…they are still there. They’re just entries in a database. But something is going horribly wrong in the guild bank code that is not allowing us to see the items. When they fix it our items should all magically “poof” back into existence from our point of view.


Also, I didn’t say this in my original follow up post but this bit of information REALLY helps. I know you can’t do anything to address the problem but you did A LOT to address the FUD that I had around the issue.

Thank you.
(let me know where I should send an order of cookies and how many)


Someone should post in the main topic on this.

They have. It must have gotten buried.

Maybe 10% or so of my guildbank is gone. Some very high end items, just poof.

Maybe the Goblins went a little crazy behind the scenes stealing our goods?

Customer Support Agents more focus on Customer Support. You can forward the message to the bug report forums, but there is different teams that respond to different sections of the forums.

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No they did not, there would be a little blizzard symbol on the thread if they had, people re post links like this one. But people are still coming to that topic and saying Blizzard has not even responded and then some posts one again. but the thread grows and the cycle continues. It is officially a bug, then someone in that department should post something in what is the main thread for this bug.

The link I gave is in the bug report forum.

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No, if someone else links a blue post in a topic, it will not put a Blizz tag on the post. Only if the blues post directly.

Vrakthris’s posts here have been linked in that thread several times.


I didn’t say it did.

Takes time for the dev team to investigate an issue and how widespread it is, and then notify the CS channels.

This is why early on in an emerging issue, there is very little information that the CS team can provide until they’re officially provided information by the dev teams.

Your conspiracy theory?

Best leave that out. Doesn’t help.


Likey because it hadn’t filtered out from development to the social media team yet as a tracked issue. In the same thread just a few posts later it was found different.

No one really mentioned players were not telling the truth, and more about tracking and diagnosing


Every single tab and item (except like 10 goblin gliders) are missing from my guild bank. Rumor has it, it is there we just can’t see it currently.

Add this to the big thread in bug reports. The devs and QA are not looking at this thread for updates.

That said, as long as people behave, hopefully this thread can stay open and we can get whatever updates CS is given.


Yea I was just answering Sciroco’s question on what the issue is.
I’ve already reported it as bug.

First off, thank you for doing what you do. Done plenty of customer service myself and I know you put yourself out there every day. The sheer fact that you respond as promptly as you can, as openly as you can is all too rarely recognized by your customer base.

That said, any chance we might ask you to find and/or state some confirmation of whether or not we expect it’s safe to put new stuff into guild banks?

For my group, we’re less concerned about lost materials & recovery. We just wanna move on but we aren’t open to trust inserting new until we’ve found that confirmation.
And I know you said issue resolved - but does that really mean “should be safe to put stuff in again” ?

I know. I’m pickin at nits. But it’s an important distinction in my opinion.

Again, thank you for all you do. Without your work, we’d all be completely in the dark and confidence in your whole company would degrade without.


The stuff is in there but putting more stuff in the bank runs the risk of replacing the stuff in the bank better to leave the bank alone till its fixed.

We actually don’t know if that’s the case or not. I’d avoid speculating unless we get official word. However, to be safe, i’m not touching my guild banks at all.

I might have missed where this was posted. Has this been fixed and I missed it?

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