Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Anyway, what I was going to say was according to a blue they proclaimed to have “fixed” the issue causing “missing” items. It’s looking for the resolution for those missing those items. So, I may attempt to look into my Guild Bank. I’ll just need to hold my breath:

It still doesn’t proclaim EXACTLY what that “issue” was. And that the items “weren’t missing”:

They’re just on a different plain of existence.

And, I want to stress that I (personally) wasn’t complaining about Blizz’s “lack of response”. I think they’ve responded quite well to it, TBH.

My issue is regards to other things that Blizz doesn’t care about.

That being said, I checked my Guild Bank, everything is still there. I don’t really see anything missing, from my end.

Then again, I used the Mobile Banking version and not the actual Guild Bank areas. I MUST note, I do NOT have DF. I think I only have SL? And, again, I didn’t unlock my Warbank, either.

I haven’t done much with my Guild Bank, either, so IDK if that matters.

GL to those who had their issues.

EDIT: Just checked in a FR Guild Bank location (not Mobile Banking), and nothing is “missing” from my end. Really sorry for those with issues.

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