Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Edit, 09/09 5:41 PST: The tally is updated through post #1918. So far I have found 515 individuals posting in regards to a total of 943 affected guilds.

Edit, 09/05 1:32 PST: I’ve tallied up through post #1645 in this thread (at some point, the slider count and the post number in the link start to mismatch; I use the link number.

I’m up to 477 individuals with this issue, and a total of 811 guilds affected. I have not tallied any other threads, only this one.

So newcomers don’t have to scroll for my criteria: If a post states ‘multiple guilds’ but doesn’t provide a specific number, I’m only counting one for them; if a poster doesn’t clearly state they have any affected guilds, I don’t include them on the list; if you posted earlier but want to be more specific, add detail and I’ll update your line on my sheet.

I’m also debating making this list public for two reasons: 1) to illustrate how badly this is impacting the community and 2) so people can review the list and give me corrections/updates. Input?

I opened one of my guild banks and found that a good two-thirds of the items on each tab are now gone. The icons aren’t glitching; the slots are literally empty. I am the only one with access to any of these guild banks, and everything was fine five hours ago when I last deposited items.

Is anyone else having this issue? Please tell me this can be fixed. :frowning:


Was just on hunter everything cool , logged on to shaman and literally missing items like you said. Same I have all my toons in my personal 1 man guild.


Happened to me as well, large chunks of stuff just missing with no clear order or logs of removal.


I have this as well - 99% of everything in the guild bank is gone, the slots are empty. Logs do not have anything to say that it was withdrawn. In a 2 man guild (with my wife).


Having the exact same issue here. It looks like it’s about 90-95% of the items in the guild bank that just poofed and disappeared without even leaving so much as a log…

On the bright side, apparently we can take out money again now from the guild bank…


Wow. I just got a canned response. How kind. >.> I’m afraid to go back and check any of my other guild banks to see if anything else has disappeared today.


Just had this happen to me; bank was fine this morning but as of about 20 minutes ago, went to deposit something and saw that the majority of the items were gone.

It’s my own personal guild; no other members.

Edit; I opened a thread in CS and it got moved to here by a blue… Hopefully that means it got noticed at least.


I just logged into my personal guild bank and noticed the same thing. A bunch of items from each tab have just vanished, and the logs don’t indicate any withdraws. I can see things in the log that say they were deposited 2 days ago and are not present at all on any tab in the guild bank now.

There are no other members of this guild bank, so it seems they have randomly glitched out. Like i had a few rows of Bulging barrels of oil from wod and now suddently its like someone withdrew 3 of them from entirely random spots in the rows.

Very odd.


I just received a canned reply to my ticket from support.

Unfortunately that isn’t helpful; none of the situations the response described apply at all.

I’ve lost probably over a hundred items and stacks of items across 7 bank tabs with no logs to track.

I hope something can be done, but I’m not confident. Some of those things are probably not obtainable anymore.


I have five Haunted Momentos sitting in one bank. I’m terrified of leaving them there, and I’m horrified at the thought of bugging out the bank if I remove them. I am certain that they won’t be restored or given back if something happens to them while they’re in the guild bank. :frowning:


Same issue here. I’m the only one in my guild. My warband bank is fine, but my guild bank is almost bare. almost everything is gone out of it. Logs show empty.


What is happening to this game. I would be fired from my job if what I did had to be constantly “Fixed” by someone else daily. I know they make enough money to hire competent employees. Please address these issues


Add me to this list. I just logged into the game after reset to discover more then half of my guild banks items are gone. Various items from gear to mats, collectables etc.


I went from having items not being able to be moved to having all of those slots that were buggy losing their items completely after the maintenance. I’m talking about 95% of my guild bank is gone here. This is not acceptable.


Many items are missing from my guild bank. Many of the missing items were unresponsive earlier. Many other items are missing but I wasn’t doing anything with those at the earlier time so I don’t know if they were unresponsive then.


Previously reported bug: unable to deposit or withdraw from Guild bank, whilst that appears to be resolved my Guild bank looks like the Banco Central in 2005


Yesterday, my items were also stuck in a couple guild banks on different realms. I disabled/uninstalled any UI addon, restarted the game a few times, and they were still stuck. Today, all of those items are missing.

Some of the guild banks are missing 90% or more of the items today. Hopefully there’s a record of what was in some of those slots as I didn’t take screenshots when I was trying to move the stuck items/stacks.


I have a guild bank that only I control, all characters in the guild are characters on my accounts. MANY items have at random disappeared. These items were not removed by me and there is no log of them being removed from the guild bank.


I logged in this morning on a few bank alts to transfer things out of my warbank (warbank was fine). Noticed way too many items missing from guild bank on them, random spots and full columns gone. Things were fine 1-2 days ago. No logs either, but i did notice that some tabs showed activity 6-9 months ago when that hasn’t been true at all, almost as if there was some sort of rollback. But even still, my tabs wouldn’t be full of holes. Wrote a ticket in game.


Just adding on that I’ve discovered the same issue with my personal guild bank this morning. Went to deposit some stuff and notice a large amount of items (roughly 50% of what i had in there) are gone. Like most everyone, it was a guild that only my personal characters have access to, and there’s nothing besides deposits in the log.