What will you do if all your stuff disappears?

Because, you know, it seems to have started with guild vaults spontaneously emptying themselves, and crickets :cricket::cricket::cricket: from Blizzard.

Y’all who haven’t reported a problem already should have a look at your guild vaults.

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Do we need more threads? It has happened before, they fixed in about a week. Now we have extra bank slots like the reagent tab and warbank since then which is probably complicating the issue so the fix may not be as simple.

First of all it’s just a display bug. All your stuff is still in the guild bank. We already had this bug years ago.

What would I do if all my stuff would disappear? Mounts, pets, toys, progress, really everything? Well… either Blizzard recovering them or I’d say bye bye.

It is categorically not a display bug.

Since GM’s do not come to the forums, this is the best you’re going to get, funny how them crickets sound huh.

I’m aware of that two business day old reply.

Nothing wrong with shining more of a light on it, in my opinion. More awareness on this issue might help pressure them a bit more.

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Not sure what we will do. We’ve been saving those materials up for years and we use them to craft older items for alts or when we feel like making things from older content. It’s really messed up and I hope they can restore our stuff somehow.


Right. It’s a database-reading-error-bug that prohibits stuff from being correctly DISPLAYED.

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Is your sole existence just to create spammy troll threads on forums…?
They have said that they are aware of it. What do you want them to do? Do a lil’bit of a dance, do some voodoo-hoodoo, put their knees together, and magically conjure a solution to it?

Seriously, get a real hobby than trolling on forums. Knitting, making games, painting; anything to make your vapid existence less vapid.

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one more for /ignore


“Several” reports

Everything is still gone and no acknowledgement from Blizzard. The Support post has been deleted with no update. I’m posting in every related thread. Maybe if they all bump to the top someone will be forced to respond.