Getting kicked gets you deserter?

Lets see how this works out. Rage reporting is at high today.

They cannot even debate when questioned, they link an article that can be easily countered where Blizzard says they do not get everything right.


At this point I feel responding to you about anything on this topic is a waste of the ever diminishing moments of my life.

You do you and I’ll head off for more entertaining discussions where people can be civil and even occasionally listen to reason.

Oh no, I did agree it can be a pest. Especially if you are levelling and might want a chance at something that boss has. I think having some friends or an active guild can be a lifesaver in those situations, to be able to call on a few of them to help you do that nuisance boss.


Done - stopped reading here.

Users expressing their concerns actually has value. It’s why we still have flying, for example, despite the fact that to this day (or at least this week) some people are wanting it taken away - and also despite the fact at least one very prominent executive would rather it be gone as well.

Really there are two issues here. One is the kick - and as much as it sucks that someone who by any standard has done nothing wrong may be kicked because the rule is that they may be kicked for any reason, even if that reason is a desire to ruin their day - that is the system needed to get rid of afk free riders. The other is the deserter rebuff whose name makes no sense in the case of a kick and which punishes someone for no reason. Personally, I think the debuff should be limited to cases where someone is kicked more than once in a certain period of time., but that is just my opinion.

Only by people commenting here, on X, or on other forums is it conceivable that might be changed.

Pretty sure he did. He just did it on another posting char and did not like the answer Vrak gave - that it is NOT against the rules, social contract, or anything else to vote kick people for any reason. So he is spamming the forums with his “suggestion” to change that policy.

Same verbiage about it being a dictatorship to get vote kicked by a majority, etc.


See, this is a great suggestion.

Here the group the needed a person out, gets out. The group can continue.

Now it also does not oppress the kicked person. He can reque and go about his game.

Oh I agree, reasonable discussion on things that frustate is very valuable. I am guilty of contributing many comments on my annoyances regarding things like dragonriding because of physical issues; probably went a bit overboard on it but it was one of those ‘ticked me off’ things at the time. I just get a bit tired of repeated rants that don’t achieve much beyond stirring up volatility.

I also agree that the debuff/group kick system is frequently frustrating. I’ve had it done to me and I like to think I’m not a terrible player but as the saying goes, with another word used…stuff happens. Ultimately for me it’s not a huge issue as I have an army of alts and if one is hit with the deserter, I just go do something else or play another character.

I still think the best way to contribute for change is to submit a suggestion via the ingame option. It goes directly to them and isn’t just added to the swamp that forums often are. Even a blue said this on another post:

this is not really a solution to the problem that is a broken system we have on hand.

There is no need for you to find a work out and we can look into solutions.

There should be no debuff if a players wants to be kicked he should be kicked.

If he happens to be a repeat offender, then he needs a break from queing - also a deserter debuff.

Pretty logical solution. WHy would anyone be hold hostage when we can rework the system and kick the toxic player out.

99 out 100 times a toxic player, is a toxic player. Eventually he will eat the debuff.

Not a great idea to tell that folks are allowed to hold groups hostage to “just this degree.”
Imagine me holding up a “Only allowed if this tall”-sign but you can have me make it as tall or as short as possible, because that’s all that system would do. At which point, folks would figure it out and learn “Oh, I can behave like this within these parameters.”

We see that in other games all the time. So no, Blizzard’s approach of no nuanced differences may seem unfair … but that’s because you have decided you think so. The reality is that these are the rules for everyone with no exceptions. This is by definition the most fair system that is applicable for a game with as many players as WoW has.

yet it seems to encourage literally the most degenerate behaviour…
Can’t solve the stomach ache by giving them arsenic…well, I mean I guess it’s solved…
But it’s just creating another problem that is way worse. Getting kicked and having to already wait 15 minutes is enough.
No need to make a forced half hour just because some other people have a problem with a nothingburger and decided to be petty and punish another player.

Absolutely encourages people to be toxic and just stop you from even participating in the game at all if you don’t do what they want, aka being held hostage. Your takes are usually pretty unhinged though, so yeah. checks out that you would try and justify a bad system.

Got people out here literally getting kicked “because ugly mog” as their listed reason because they know that abusing the kicking system will result in zero punishment for them, yet 100% punishment for their victim.
It actually encourages bullying.

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See that’s the debatable part. Random vote kicks are very rare. And I much prefer rules that encourage everyone to get along vs. those that reward players for doing stuff to intentionally get kicked.

People have no idea why they’re being kicked.

In order to do this…

You have to actually be doing that. Which kicked randomly from a group is not.

You are not being “rage reported.” You are making things up in your head and believing them and people interpret that as trolling, as they should.

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Most in this thread bring nothing new to the table. No point in debating with them as I clearly have broken all their points.

THey basically want to give a player the debuff so they can feel better.

Blizzard does not define that as abuse of the kicking system. ANY reason is enough to remove someone from the group if the majority vote for it.

You can’t abuse something that has no rules to abuse. That is why you can’t report it, and why they won’t get penalized.

Blizzard does not force players to play with someone. That someone has the option to form their own group that they control, run with friends/guild, or now they can do Follower Dungeons. Those are great for getting quests done, learning the dungeon layout, learning the pulls, learning the boss fights, and learning a class while leveling.

We can all agree is not not nice, but it is not against the rules.

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I sure as hell do know what they said when they voted because I had to vote. Thus why I said what I said with those particular words in that particular order.
It implies that I saw the vote come up and you see the reason why somebody else wants to vote.

yeah, because literally nobody has ever been kicked for no reason…
Go live your delusion somewhere else. The rest of us have trolls to deal with unlike you…

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I meant if someone kicks me, I have no idea what it says.

I never once implied this. Although, there is a reason… it just may completely stupid or just a bunch of random letters, which is also stupid.

But in order to bully someone, you have to actually be bullying them. Someone being kicked for a reason they do not know randomly on a rare occasion does not constitute bullying.

And… there’s the usual hostility for no reason. :expressionless:

Why are you pulling optional bosses out of the way?

The issue has been explained to you exhaustively. The debuff exists to prevent people with quick queues, such as tanks and healers, from just leaving random dungeons as soon as they get put into a group because they didn’t get a dungeon they like. The debuff was made to also apply to people who get kicked because said tanks and healers would troll their group until they got kicked to avoid the debuff back before it was like that.

It’s an imperfect solution but I’ve never seen anyone come up with a better one. The alternative, no deserter debuff when kicked, is worse. All of this to manage a fraction of the population with bad parents.


try to pay attention next time.