Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

So, i entered the dungeon for my quest - i greeted everyone with a hello.

I marked myself & took a left the whole team from Tichondrius went right.

I was assuming they are going to follow, i kept tagging adds, as many as i could handle. I did not die.

I noticed the players did not follow me. So i went to them, i knew i am getting kicked 100% from this dungeon.

I told them be wise do not report me. I am documenting this.

I followed their path and let them lead.

They kicked me.

I asked them why they kick me - Their answer was i did not initiate the kick.

Now which action of mine was against the TOC ?

This is what vote kick abuse is.

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If the vote kick went through and you were not harassed otherwise in chat there are no reportable grounds.

This comes up fairly often on the CS forums, if you have any feedback about this your thread on GD is and remains the right way to be.


There are also no gms here nor would they be able to look at the reason.


you can do follower dungeons to complete quests


did i deserve that vote kick?

Vote to kick tends to be a social issue that BlizzardCS can not help with. Anyone can kick for any, or basically, no reason. Kicking too many times can cause cool downs on using it. But it is on a as group basis if members of a group chose to allow you to continue, or to be removed from their groups.

Inconvenient, but not against the rules.


As a loyal World of warcraft customer i hope they have a better solution to this than rather we players face this abuse.

I wasted 30 min of my time when I wanted to submit the quest.

The players who initiated the kick do not have a valid reason. Why is this being encouraged ?

I can easily carry my weight around a dungeon, yet a kick was abused.

and you say it is not against the rules ? Would you like it if i cancel my sub and ask for a refund on the PRE expansion pack as i am being treated like this ?

I am only asking a fair question for the team to look into it. 100% anything i typed in the chat did not deserve a kick, they did it because they are in a group.

They will do it again.

It’s not. Anyone can get kicked for any reason. That’s just the way it is.

Feel free, but nothing is going to come of it. This isn’t something Blizzard can do anything about.


Mainly being a player to player discussion, myself of course being just a player (Only Blue text is Blizzard), it is up to you to request a refund or not. Sorry this happened, but unfortunately there really is nothing to be done.

You didn’t break any rules, but the group chose not to continue with you as a group.


again, it sucks but it isn’t against the rules… majority vote can kick for any reason or no reason at all, doesn’t matter. A GM will not look into it as no rules were broken unless bad language was used and reported


They had to add a vk with penalty because of the players that would hold the group hostage if they didnt get there. We kicked a tank at the beginning of a dungeons because he wasnt prepared. The only annoying thing u did was say dont bother reporting me that smacks of arrogance.


but i am now with a 30 min debuff.

While the group can continue with no repercussions. Because the system is broken and they are abusing it. ?

I am not holding you accountable. BUt how is this behaviour fair is my question ?

I wasted 30 min when I need to spend time completing the quest and leveling up my renown in Azj-kehaj

Does Blizzard not respect our time and value that they cannot even look into it. This is abuse of power if you que with a 4 man.

I would never do that to anyone.

I like this game. i want change, Ion has said this game is to cater everyone. I am sure he can make adjustments.

We all need fairness.

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Why would I think your holding me accountable, I don’t work for Blizzard.

Just reiterating.

Unfortunately CS can not make the change your are hoping for.


But this is fair.

The Deserter debuff has been through multiple iterations with differing consequences until it got to the current version we have today. Everyone is affected equally.

They are constantly changing it to find ways to effect nuance but nothing is absolutely perfect.

VTK does not care why you are being removed from the group. Only that the majority of the party agreed and ended your participation.


Hmmm think we’ve identified the problem here

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We need more awareness and documentation of this toxic behaviour.

That is all we need. We need to show the mistake in the system and how it is being abused.

X is great for this. If this is how they are going to treat a customer because a random group of 4 can initiate a kick.

That is pretty bad.

Nothing being abused the group felt u were better gone so 3/5 voted you out no abuse system working as intended.


As a reminder, no feedback is taken on the support forums - no developer who could change this passes by on this forum and it won’t get forwarded to them.


But you your self said that they went one direction and you went in another after telling them you wanted to do a quest, just telling people that you want to do a quest is not enough. You can’t hold 4 other players to ransom because you want to do a quest that is in a different direction to what players normally go.


Yes, i needed the post to link it on Twitter. I understand how the forums work. I just needed more documentation.

It is pretty obvious with the replies in here, that the system is open to abuse and manipulation.

If all you want to do is a quest, you can do dungeons in Follower mode by yourself with NPC followers. That lets you learn the dungeon, see the story, and do any quests you need to do. You can take your time and go any direction you want.