Getting kicked gets you deserter?

I got kicked because I said there was a side boss that does nothing to complete the dungeon (Leveling an alt) And they kicked me. Now I get punished for this?

Can a GM tell me what I did wrong please?
if I can’t play because others screw me over, why sub?


Nothing you can do. Blizzard has no way of telling if the player being kicked was afk, being stubborn and refusing to play, or just a victim of toxic community so everyone who gets kicked or leaves early gets the deserter debuff.


Any kicks or leaves give a debuff. The system does not know why anyone was kicked or left. It doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t choose. The debuff exists to deter degenerate behavior from others and for the rest of us in rare cases, we get hit regardless.


You can play. You just can’t queue for a dungeon for a bit.


… okay, but what exactly did you say, and how did you say it?

Sometimes groups like to do all the bosses and sometimes not. I’ve seen groups split up, sometimes one person just stands in one place if they didn’t want to do something and yell at everybody else they are doing it wrong or even tanks skipping stuff by themselves while the rest of the group wants go do it all. Lol

It’s always a weird situation. It becomes even more annoying when it’s the tank tho, sometimes they already did the quests so they just run straight to the end type of thing for the completion xp.

Always has mate. Get blizzarded!

A group can kick for any reason, or no reason at all. The deserter debuff was added when random dungeons came out. Tanks in particular would refuse to play if they got a dungeon they did not want. They would hold the group hostage or troll them until kicked so they could get a dungeon they wanted instead.

So Blizzard added a kick debuff to stop that behavior. That is why we can’t have nice things. It works, but has drawbacks obviously.

If you wish to do quests, take your time, see the sights, learn the dungeon layout and boss fights - they now have Follower Dungeons! From the group finder drop down select that. It lets you do them solo and fills the group with AI group members. To toggle leader of that group (default is you lead) there is a big center button on your screen.

Great way to do the story and dungeons while learning them or practicing a class.


Basically a broken system. System should be able to different if they are going to treat 30 min of the players time ?

Does the system not value a players time ?

Vote kicks are toxic and medieval behaviour. Removing them completely would do this game a lot of benefit. Or atleast re work it.

Here is my suggestion that helps everyone :

Vote kick a player - the kicked player should not earn a debuff.

If a toxic player reques - and earn another kick, let’s say 3 kicks. He earn the timer.

If tanks/ any Role are leaving the dungeon - he right away eats the timer. Nothing should change.

Groups kicking should have a cooldown. Every player kicking anyone should have a cooldown. This way kicks are being issued on the most needed ones.

Players getting kicked and warning debuff should have their debuff reset the next day.

I thought of one more point to protect new players : new players need to do a dungeon atleast let’s say 5 times before they fall into the kick threshold.

This way we have given them enough time to understand the dungeon.

Tell me what is wrong with this.

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OP, I’m sorry that some players are toxic, and behave poorly. Not everyone is like that. These things happen in-game, but hopefully, it doesn’t happen often.

I hope you stay. Every time Blizzard loses subs, it hurts all of us.

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This is a good example of the issues that can happen when playing with other people.
But more so, why Follower Dungeons and Delves are a good alternative. There needs to be a balance though to make Follower Dungeons worth the time investment because currently the drop rate/rewards are extremely poor.

In the meantime, anytime I’m a group and something unreasonable occurs like this, I just block all the people who were in the group. This way, it decreases the chances LFG puts me in a group with toxic players who’d do silly things.

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Mira is quoting Blizzard themselves. In the support article on the subject it says:

" Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes."

Blizzard Support - Kicked from Group for No Reason (

The article even provides an option on how to send any suggestions you have to Blizzard regarding the system.


Blizzard has also said mutiple times they are wrong many times.

Also that article was 9 months old.

We did not have access to levelling multiple alts now with how easy it is.

Their article is also not in line with their social contract.

Player should lot be signing a social contract and then wonder why he is getting kicked from a group when he is following the contract.

Well the player found out that blizzard have groups the power to remove a player which was designed 15 years ago.

Nothing is broken. It’s code. There is no way for GMs to sit around 24/7 and police kicks.

Giving you factual information on what we’ve been told by Blizzard has zero to do with running the content.

Stop dismissing people and being condescending.


I suppose so, it’s just 30 minutes though.

Doubtful, but it sounds like it was because you didn’t want to run that boss.

It’s a 30-minute lockout on a single piece of content, character specific. Calm thy breath


Irrelevant. Until or unless they change it, it remains their ruling on the subject. You can agree or disagree with it, but it is what it is. The Social Contract talks about how players interact with each other, it does not have anything to do with their rules of how any part of the game works.

The topic of getting kicked and how unfair it is has been hashed over on this forum for a very long time without any change happening because, presumably, Blizzard have not found any way to rework it that does not make things worse. Feel free to submit your suggestions to them but ranting here achieves nothing, ultimately.


I am more the welcome to engage and call anyone out on the forum.

No one has argued on this. The question is, is it fair and is this working as intended. If it did, we won’t have so many posts at the issue.

Interacting with the team has been the main issue in this forum on folks who are defending the vote kick. Low does isn’t a reason to kick when the social contract clearly mention be patient with your team as it goes a long way.

Blizzard also did not have a social contract in game during WOTLK.

I would push this envelope further and say. Blizzard introduced mythic plus so now the dynamic of rage kicking is not involved. They have to ride it out with the player or just leave.

They have you the power and they took it off.

Prove me wrong.

Not true. The social contract has always existed in the terms of service. Now they just put it directly in your face more.


Sure. Let’s go with this. When I started MOP I never signed anything of detrimental effect.

“Signing” it is unimportant. You agree to the ToS just by playing the game. If you broke the rules you would have been banned all the same.

Still struggling with what the social contract is huh. The CS forum blues can help you out.

The stance on kicks hasn’t changed since the system was implemented, which is over a decade long stance. Not 9 months and no, they’re not wrong with this.

System is working as intended. The “Lubba” system would be broken on implementation. It didn’t work and won’t work. It’s just a bad idea and you’d know that if you were around before the current system.

I love that your still misrepresenting Mira’s previous experiences like they don’t matter too. It’s sad really.