Getting kicked gets you deserter?

The moment you suggested that getting vote kicked should not earn you a debuff is the moment your suggestion failed. Yes, even with the caveat that after 3 kicks you get the debuff. At this point, someone getting kicked 3 times in a row in a short time shouldn’t just be getting the debuff, a GM should take a look at their actions because the odds of that happening by chance are so close to zero as to be zero.

Yes, I’ve been kicked pointlessly by groups before. It happens to me maybe once a year. Less even. So it’s not that big of a deal. But if you allow people to get kicked twice in a row without repercussions, you’re essentially giving them a license to troll. Not worth it by any measure.

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Explain more how this is a fail, when a player signed the social contract and he has to play within those rules.

Explain to me how this cannot be automate by blizzard ?

Exactly. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s the option Blizz went with. No one has come up with anything perfect.

Mirasol, do you recall when this was originally implemented if Blizz had said they would look into people who made a lot of vote kicks? I have a hazy memory of something like that.

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Follow the tank and don’t be a slacker. Also don’t speak in chat and you won’t be kicked

it does

in the year 2024 you’d think people would understand this by now.

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its a 2 hours cooldown now.

Increase it to 6 hour.

They don’t “look into” them but they do realize that some people can go a bit overboard. Therefore the system has a built in timer. If someone keeps kicking they find themselves on a cooldown and can’t kick until it expires. So while the reason for a kick does not matter, they don’t encourage folks to do it TOO frequently.

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Because the group decided they didn’t want the player there. Blizzard isn’t going to force people to play with people they don’t want to play with.

we have been through this story before.

This is not really an argument we are having.

I already said, group can go ahead and kick. If the intention was to remove the player, group has succeeded.

What is the use of Deserter debuff.

I am not really concerned about a toxic player, who Blizzard can easily automate as per their behaviour and place them on a cooldown before they can que.

I want to know what is the real purpose of deserter. Kicking a low dps, fine you did not want him, move on and let him reque.

how many times do you need this explained to you?

would it help if we tried a different language? pig latin maybe?

ystemay on’tday onay hyway oneonesay asway ickeday

YOu havent explained anything other than a dead beat explanation of how tanks used to hold you hostage like 15 years ago before we even had any kind of automation in blizzard system.

Go on… explain please.

Why a repeat offender cannot be given a deserter.

Explain why a group should not have a 6 hour cooldown, this way they use the kicks wisely.

getting kicked gives you a shoe shaped imprint.

That is very root of the argument. The group decided that they would rather kick a player and wait for a replacement than continue on.

If it was truly that easy, then why hasn’t it been done yet?

Because if someone has been kicked, then there’s a pretty good chance they deserved to be kicked. So why should they be able to immediately queue into another dungeon or raid and continue harassing people?

LOL that seems broken af, i don’t think i’ve ever been in a group where someone was kicked for an actual legit reason. looking back and now knowing that they all got deserter is hilarious

The only way to avoid this is to play with people you trust.

If you play with Rando pugs this is always a possibility and reserved rights for every player including you, to remove those you wish to.

That’s all huh? Mhmm

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They should be able to tell if you were AFK. There has to be a control block somewhere for your 'toon and that block should have a time stamp for your last key stroke.

As for the other items, they should be able to tell how often you were kicked and how often the kicker kick. That should give them an idea of who is being reasonable and who is not.

I’m level 53… Tell me why I should I be punished because I get booted for no good reason? Why should I get punished?

I mean… they literally can. The game kicks you after being afk long enough. Though the time on this seems to be much more generous than it once was. Budget cuts I suppose…

Fact of the matter is, blizzard, as have most companies, gave up on adequate social features/moderation some time ago. If this saddens you as it does me, well too bad.