Getting kicked gets you deserter?

I can show multiple videos on YouTube that I can link now that will get you instantly banned with the keyword they used in communication.

So signing does not mean anything until it is enforced.

The social contract is being enforced now.

The group asked you politely to do that boss. You were rude and just kept pulling and telling them off because you think yourself more important than everyone else. You got your tank privilege handed to you and got told to leave. That’s on you.

As for why you got a deserter debuff… The point of the deserter debuff is to discourage people from just leaving because they got a dungeon they don’t like. When they implemented that, people just started trolling to get people to kick them to avoid the debuff. Therefore, getting kicked gets you a debuff now. You can thank self-centered, arrogant people for that. You know, the kind of people who spec into tank and refuse to listen to their group and go “I’m the tank so you have to do whatever I say OR ELSE.” Ring a bell?

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False. The EULA and CoC have been in existence since Vanilla with very few changes. The Social Contract is a reiteration of the rules, with a suggestions section added to it. Suggestions are not enforceable rules.


True, you could argue that the rules are being more aggressively enforced…but regardless, that does not change that the rules have always existed and very few have changed.


The EULA has always been enforced. The social contract is a summary of ways to make our game environment a positive one along with a reminder of the long existing rules which, for the most part, haven’t changed.


Clearly they weren’t properly written down.

Now each and every player knows what he is to play within.

No room to give the authority over to groups and have them make decisions.

Clearly like you said the rules were not really being enforced. So the power was given to groups.

Now with automation we can make better rules and take some power of the groups. Clearly they are abusing it.

You are staying in my ignore btw.

its a flawed system but blizzard refuses to try and fix it. so players are punished for blizzards incompetence. it is what it is.

As long as you don’t do it in an obnoxious way. Just as there are rules for the game, there are rules of behaviour for this forum.

Again I say, a member of a dungeon group has the right to initiate a vote kick for any reason and, as long as the majority agrees, the vote can carry. That is a rule. The Social Contract suggests that you play nice. It says things like “Do your best to…” and provides suggestions on how to behave. That’s what they are - suggestions.

It also lists a set of things that aren’t allowed - which are included in its separate documents like the End User Agreement.

Again, you keep talking about the Social Contract. And again, it suggests behaviour. It basically says “try to play nice with people”. Other than quoting bad behaviours that are covered in its legal docs, that’s all it is.

As far as I am aware, the leader of a Mythic dungeon group has the ability to kick someone from the group.

This take is /vg/ tier garbage. This is a game. If you can’t figure out how to not abuse other players, go play single player games. Yes, I can understand getting angry at idiots. I had a group yesterday which wiped something like 12 times on the third boss of NW because other players wouldn’t do the damn mechanics. I even explained it to them, told them where to stand and they deliberately did not do what they had to do. I explained to them that I had work that evening and did not have time to wipe over and over and left. I did not call them names. I did not try to demean them. I did not send harassing whispers. I did not pull everything in an attempt to wipe them again to “teach them a lesson.” I told them why I was leaving and I left. If you can’t handle that, again, stick to single player games.

The social contract is not oppression. It’s you being told to act like a goddam adult.


Likely because it was implemented for a reason…and that reason is worse than the rare random group kick

The kick deserter penalty didnt always exist. It was added because people intentionally tried to get kick to avoid the debuff they got for dropping group.

Blizz does not want to return to that degenerative type of gameplay

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I’m good with that. I’m surprised you’ve chosen to add and remove me. It’s probably because you don’t like that you’re called out on misunderstanding what the social contract is and refuse to reach out to customer support for help with it.


You tell 'em, short stoney mate! :sunglasses:

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See, there’s the lie. They used to and no longer due thanks to additions to the game. But that hurts your bad idea, so you misrepresent it. It’s a bad take and people should hopefully be putting you on ignore and reporting posts that are clearly trolling.


It stinks if some want to do optional bosses and others don’t, then the majority gets their way.

The reason you get a debuff for getting kicked is because people used to sit down and force people to kick them so they didn’t have to quit and get the debuff.

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It’s actually as long as I follow the code of conduct.

I don’t need to agree to your points.

Sure if the group has decided them remove the timer. If your intent was vote kick then you have achieved this.

Before you give me wotlk tank example. Read my suggestion.

Means nothing. The group is done. He can kill the boss 4 man or push lower key. He is not being given a free fifth player.

While it may be frustrating, it would also ‘stink’ if one person had the right to enforce their will on 4 other people.


How do you fix it? let’s say we queue random and get Dawnbreaker but the tank doesn’t want to do it, if he quits he gets the debuff. If he sits and afks refusing to pull we kick and he gets the debuff.

What exactly would your “fix,” be? Keep in mind blizz is Not going to devote time for customer service to review logs or anything like that.

where you living under a rock?

They said no such thing. They said follower dungeons exist. That does not mean they do not do group content. You added that part in your head. That’s called your imagination. And your imagination isn’t real.

Oh yeah, sorry my sentence was a run on but I agree that the majority should have final day and be able to kick someone.

I’m just saying it stinks that there are optional bosses at all really. I remember wayyyy back in Gundrak the optional lizard man boss had loot that some people wanted but as tank I went with majority. Usually skipped him to get it done and get people their badges or whatever.