For Vrakthris

Please stick to a single thread, before we have to start merging them into one.

I wish we could continue discussion, but topic is locked? So how to stick to one topic if previous were locked. Is there an option to unlock it and stick to the latest one?

If a topic is locked then you cannot unlock it, as only a moderator can do that. If they locked all of the topics, then all you can do is drop the subject and not create any new threads about it. Not sure what the context here is, but mods are not going to unlock a thread just to continue a back and forth.


I believe I’ve found it: It’s on General and it’s talking about not remaking a given thread topic, this one seemingly be the 3rd topic the OP had made overall.


Stop remaking moderated and locked topics. You want 4chan style forums head there. Also, another reminder that MVPs are allowed to have opinions that disagree with you. Ps, making threads targeted at blues or individuals is also against the forum rules.


Yes. You post it here anyone can reply. Even making this thread violates the forum rules.


is there a reason you are so oppressive and offensive?

He made moderator note, and i have questions directly to him. No need other people posting. thank you.

Yes. This is a player-to-player forum, with guidance from Blizzard employees. Their responses are never guaranteed, and as mirasol said above, trying to direct threads at them to get more attention is frowned upon.

This is not a personal, one-on-one communication with Blizzard.


You dont get to dictate who replies. You also seem to think anyone stating facts, or who disagrees with you is offensive or oppressive. Disagreement is not oppression.


Mods are not obligated to reply here. This is a forum for players to help other players. Mods show up when they can, and Vrakthris himself appears to be typing now, and will likely lock this thread and give his closing remarks.

You’re not the lord of this forum and don’t dictate who answers and who doesn’t, and your attitude is only going to make you less likely to get any answers you’re looking for.


I would be more willing to have left that topic open if there wasn’t so much bickering, amongst multiple people, including yourself. As it is, the only way to salvage the thread is to do some serious pruning, but even that will be complicated because there are genuine replies/discussions mixed with other commentary that isn’t as productive.

The fact of the matter is, there is already a thread with 15k replies discussing forum functionality, but ultimately the feedback has been received, but any changes made to the forums and how they work will take time.

If you wish to discuss anonymity in posting, at this point it would be best to stick to that thread.

This is what I am referring to. Instead of simply not replying, you had to engage. I’m not blaming you for this exclusively, a lot of people do it, but it is rarely productive. It often causes further discord in a thread and the result is often that the thread is locked or just deleted.

I understand you are looking for clarification, but posting on the forums means you are inviting others to participate in the discussion. Even one addressed specifically to me.

If, when posting, you encounter someone you feel is violating policy please just report it, don’t engage with the commentary you feel is trolling. As I noted, that makes simply removing the comment more difficult, it limits what we may be able to do. We’re trying to clean up comments that pop into threads, such as “now let’s talk about pizza”, or “it’s just trolling, report it and move on”, and even just accusations that X person is a troll, but it’s difficult to focus on that when there is so much other noise involved.


You left note to stick to one topic, well i thought to those i created, but they were locked. So how to stick into one if they were locked?

That topic is nothing but what you said in your first sentence. Yet, we see results.

I do understand what you just said, but it does not look and feel fair at all, to be honest.

That’s all.

Thank You.

i have tried to discuss the topic of anonymity in that thread and any time that someone brings up an opinion that differs or disagrees with that of the OP, then we are called rude names and all of our posts are flagged.

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I would rather stick to my topic and continue a discussion.

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That thread. Stick to that thread for discussion of forum changes. Making more is redundant. Other threads about forum account functionality were also removed besides yours over the past year or two.


yes i would like to discuss this topic and the moderator note did say that we are entitled to our opinion.

Well it is up to Vrakthris to decide if he will unlock topic or not. :four_leaf_clover:

I think he already told you that isn’t going to happen.


You are, but others are entitled to disagree with you. If they are calling you names and violating the forum rules, please be sure to flag their posts. If you simply disagree with them and don’t want to see any posts by that character, put that character on Ignore.

Of course, we don’t have account wide ignore yet…or you could just ignore the person and not the character.

People don’t get to keep making more threads just because they don’t get the agreement they want. ALL the other threads about forum accounts have been locked and channeled to one location. Regardless of opinion about the topic.


yes, i am fine with other people disgreeing with me, but i dont enjoy being called rude names when i am politely disagreeing with them.

the reality is that i don’t enjoy posting in the account wide ignore thread because whenever i post an opinion that disagrees with OP, other people call me rude names, quote the CoC at me, tell me that i am breaking the CoC and then flag all of my posts.