Not a botter. Sorry your stereotype doesn’t fit, child.
This isn’t a flight-based game. Never was. Still isn’t.
And if you had self-control, you wouldn’t have ended up auto-running indefinitely with old flying. The problem might have been you all along.
It’s certainly where we’re drawing the line between tedious power-tripping nerds and people who just want to kill time in a fantasy world.
You want to dictate to other people how to properly a video game. A game you didn’t make, that you don’t run, that has no more to do with you than anyone else who plays it. That’s a control freak.
I don’t think Blizzard should add regular flying because they’ll have accomplished the goal they wanted oh so long ago, plus how many raid tiers are we giving up for old flying being present?
If anything, make sure that you don’t need dragonriding for anything.
The only advantage of old flying is precision, like you can chose where exactly where you want to land, which is rather a bit challenging with Dragon riding.
What else is challenging and almost impossible with dragon riding?
Having 16 accounts and 16 other wow instances with multiboxxing flying along with your character to gather herb/mining.
The only reason people are campaigning SO BAD for the old flying is so they can multiboxx with burner accounts they don’t care if it gets banned for multiboxxing or not because it is not the same main wow account.
Always has been this way. Once flying was released for Shadowlands the druid army that was “walking around” started flying around.
I didn’t call you a botter. Nice of you defending yourself of something I didn’t accuse you and not defending yourself of exactly what I called you.
You’re the one hurting here, not me. I’m flying higher further and faster while you’re here crying louder and wetter.
I am just shocked at the number of people who make the claim they have not put in the minimum effort of at least farming the renown for the current groups in the game to at least 15 or higher something that only take a couple months at the minimum effort. Just because they either hate rep/renown farming or they hate Dragonriding that much.
That is not the games fault but that individual players fault for for not doing basic game content almost a year into the game itself.
Blizzard didn’t have to create requirements to get normal flight that they knew would hit disabled and otherwise impaired people hard, especially those who had been waiting for flight to start playing the game. The fact that you are here objecting to the existence of accommodations and accessibility seems very, very wierd, attempting to put the responsibility on every such person who has struggled without normal flight to do whatever it takes, because they owe it to you and those you consider to be your bosses at blizz central. Are you going to suggest a special cash shop item for disabled people to pay real money for flight?
It sure looks like Blizzard has never gotten over the embarrassment in wod when they were forced by fun-loving casuals to bring back flight after they admitted they had been lying about it all along. Right now they’re expecting people to get over the disabilities they’ve been hiding behind and become as blindly obedient as you.
Do you play the game because the forums give you a platform on which to anonymously dis disabled people?
Guess what? There’s one heck of a lot of people who didn’t buy dragonflight. There are people who stopped playing because of the limitation of not being able to use dragonriding. They’re not paying for your content development anymore.
How much time should I have put into this? I didn’t buy the expansion, and now that Blizzard has shown they don’t want disabled or impaired people playing their game anymore, I won’t be buying it.
Blizzard didn’t have to create requirements to get normal flight that they knew would hit disabled and otherwise impaired people hard, especially those who had been waiting for flight to start playing the game.
Don’t think that’s their goal. More like: Here’s a list of pointless chores, so you can “fly” and we can say it’s there.
It was the result of their decision to make Pathfinder hit the people who needed normal flying and couldn’t do dragonriding hard. Are you saying this was an accident? Did it design itself?
Not a multiboxxer either. Your argument still sucks.
I’m not hurting, control freak. I’ve had everything for the Pathfinder except the new renown done for months.
I want this game to do better. I want more butts in seats, not drop new barriers to entry that will turn people off. I believe everybody can get what they want and it won’t hurt the game at all. You can get your mode that has you fighting against the challenge of your gas tank, and someone else can get the mode of flight they prefer. Volunteering to cut our throats to stop cheaters doesn’t change a thing. The cheaters run the 90% of the game that isn’t considered “new.”
I want this game to do better. I want more butts in seats, not drop new barriers to entry that will turn people off.
It’s not a barrier as opposed to stuff having permanence. If you want a clean slate, just join when a new expac starts. A soft reset occurs every content patch.
I’m sorry to hear that Xyxi. In addition to Pathfinder, other accessibility options to change the control scheme of dragonriding are coming in 10.2. These are specifically targeted to alleviate some of the pain points related to hand-motor function some players have been experiencing. Ideally, we’d like to reach a point where dragonriding is usable and feels intuitive even without the use of a mouse. These changes are in development and have not yet been released on PTR. I’m hoping to have these changes tested and available on PTR in the coming weeks.
With all due respect, there’s already a solution: Enable old flight with no pathfinder in 10.2.
These players were able to function with old flight. The game changed on the players, not vice versa. It can be changed back, to how the rest of the game areas still function.
Those who love their dragonriding mounts will not give them all up if old flight comes back. Those who do renown grinds (like me) will be grinding the new renown regardless of whether it was tied up in pathfinder or not.
I feel your mate, am a one handed player and osteoarthritis so holding the mouse so long can be realy sore on the hand, but i kept at it and can fly just landings still suck i often cannot land where i intend to so its more a crash then a landing, i think its easier when you have all the riding skills cause then can kinda let go a bit and glide, i cant wait to see the old flying back because i have heaps of flying mounts and like the idea of just pushing numlock then doing the start and landing myself
I am glad to hear you’re finding a middle ground for people who suffer physical issues. For I feel the Dragonriding mechanic brought a new level to the game in flight that should be kept and continued to be used and developed in the future.
But if they can make the new version more accessible, that means we get more content that more people can do right off the bat in more expansions.
I’m not saying Pathfinder needs to exist. But working on this is super important for long term health of the game and the gamers like me with disabilities who want to do this and want to participate in dragonriding content.
I think accessibility options are great. Until those options are ready - and they can take all the time they need, they’ve already released some for motion sickness, etc. - an alternative that we know works and keeps players who are struggling both happy and subbed without jumping through hoops until those fixes arrive would be an encouraging thing. The message to the players who are struggling since Dragonflight launched has been a tacit, “Maybe the game you love isn’t for you anymore” when nothing about the players themselves changed.
Is preserving their vision for that piece of the expansion that involves a huge mechanical change to the game more important to them than preserving the audience for the game? I’d rather they picked the audience over their vision in this case.