Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

Accessibility would be making sure you don’t need dragonriding for important areas. Then it would just be like all the other expansions without a flying mount.

Not even close to your character defense.
Or your argument for regular flying, for that matter

The sole reason you’re calling me a freak shows that you’re hurting a lot.
Show me on this doll where dragon riding touched you.

ugh you mean I have to finish that boring embers campaign.

From the sounds of it, they want them ready for 10.2, so if they’re ready for 10.2, it should help more.

The audience that uses normal flying or no flying is most likely a lot smaller than the audience who can do dragonriding and enjoys dragonriding. It’s a system similar to other games that’s been popular.

But again… I personally don’t feel they need to add Pathfinder, but since dragonriding is an expansion feature, they’re most likely doing this to get people involved in the entire expansion as best they can. The experience of the expansion is important to those who created it. And there are people out there who got their dragons, didn’t get glyphs and then rage about dragonriding solely because they can’t afk. But for some of those people, once they have their glyphs and use it more, they may love it. Pathfinder gives them a chance to do just that if they want their static flying.

So there’s a lot of different perspectives going on here.

yes, there is no need to make people do pathfinder now - it is just silly nonsense at this point in time.


Rollo, games always evolves and changes, either the player base evolves with them or they don’t. It is as simple as that. A game can not stagnate without dying out a quicker death than it would have simply by old age. I rather see WoW progress with new idea’s and even if it means to push or force some players into actually participating into the newer mechanic or game play. If it brings into the game more options or a newer breath of fresh air of game play beyond something that has been unchanged for 17 years. If Blizzard listens in this case and say hey, we need to keep in mind peoples with disabilities and add some needed help for them. Then it is all good in my book.

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In a recent interview, Ion has shared the team’s plans to leave flying out of Draenor, as well as future expansion zones.

This is from Reddit so make of that what you will

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Sorry, a lot of posts.

But I couldnt figure out what part of getting pathfinder was physically impossible. Could anyone give me a TLDR. No one seems to be actually saying which part was impossible.

You’re still going on about this?

You just don’t know when to quit, just like those 16 years you silently gnashed your teeth because flight didn’t work the way your nerdy self thought it should.

Not a multi-boxxer, not a botter, got just as much of the next Pathfinder done as a winner like you does.

I’m calling you a control freak cuz ya are.

You’re welcome to stop at any time.

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Meh. I wasnt inspired to level up all the reknown. I tried for one for crafting recipies but then Crafting Orders reared its not so pretty head and i kinda stopped really trying after getting to rank 10 so my alts get a buff. ive done this with 3 factions. Only this one character has anything above rank 15 in any DF reknown group.

Getting Dragonriding took 10 minutes, so sure. If it takes 10 minutes to unlock old world flying in dragon isles, I suppose this is an okay trade.

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That’s great that you are working on more accessibility options. Keep it up. It’s very important to make things as accessible as possible.

That being said, you can’t realistically fix all accessibility issues. Don’t design around requiring dragonriding in future xpacs just in case. Requiring content that requires dragonriding just to earn regular flight is a mistake, which is the situation with the datamined pathfinder requirements from the 10.2 PTR.

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I still will say this…this Dragon riding pushed onto all players was wrong…blizzard knew before this they had tons of disabled players in the game…old style flying should of been open and usable on Day 1 of Dragon Flight…because of DF I have had to put my hands and wrists back into hard bracers for hours on end now…to use dragon flying causes me a lot of pain…its hard enough just trying to type but to dragon fly…damn…


You do realize the next xpac wont have anything to do really with the concept mainly of dragons so dragonriding will if its carried on be just another form of riding that unknown at this point to what extant it will be carried on or if it will be carried onto the next xpac or onto our other mounts.

Even blue boys cant tell when it’s a bait thread or troll post xD

I really appreciate the communication and I’m sure you get lots of messages but I’m curious if there’s any thought regarding why fishing is required to complete some of the loremaster-based quests in Azure Span.

Specifically this quest:

It is part of the Sojourner of Azure Span.

Fishing is an easily obtained skill, but having done all the other pathfinders since their inception on this character without either of the “primary” secondary professions (fishing & cooking), I find it odd it is now required.

(RP reasons for not taking fishing, hence the realms I’ve been on with Fairlight)

Have a great weekend!

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Change is not inherently good.

Blizzard learned that in WoD when their desired change - no flight forever more except in very limited circumstances (to be determined) - had to be reversed.

Players bailing on Blizzard’s stated vision rather than subjecting themselves to it is why we have dragonriding at all, not because of the players who sucked it up.

And old flight is coming. It was always stated as coming at some point. It will coexist with dragonriding, to the misery of all of the control freak clowns who think they’re saving the game. The process of unlocking old flight should be simplified into nothing because the rationale for Pathfinder - all the concerns about gameplay, pacing, danger, quest design, environmental design, yadda yadda, that Blizzard gave over the years to justify its existence - was made a complete joke by day one dragonriding, which exploits those same flaws in Blizzard’s content design. And by doing that, Blizzard could make more people happy and save themselves some work. Players who want to deprive themselves of old flight use until they grind out 15 renown with the new faction are welcome to do whatever floats their boat.


Sounds like he has more important things to worry about than a video game, in that case.

…and nothing of value was lost.


Hi Fairlight, I’m the dragonriding feature owner so I can’t speak to that directly, but I can pass along the feedback. I’d suggest making that feedback its own thread which will increase the probability it gets visibility.